Where to get PGP

May '97 - Reproduced from the original

PGP contains algorithms (mathematical formulas) that are export-restricted by the arms-control regualtions of the USA. There is, however, an international version that is almost as good, and both versions work with each other. Use these links showing you where to download PGP. I used MIT. You TELNET to MIT, they will confirm that your domain-name (your ISP) is inside the US, and give you a directory name where you can go to for the next 30 minutes (got to hurry) to FTP download the PGP262.ZIP file. First you have to answer questions and certify that you have read the licensing agreements and will not export it. I assume the links to the international versions are not as complex. Here is some quoted text for further information:

Telnet to net-dist.mit.edu and log in as "getpgp". You will then be given a short statement about the regulations concerning the export of cryptographic software, and be given a series of yes/no questions to answer. If you answer correctly to the questions (they consist mostly of agreements to the RSADSI and MIT licenses and questions about whether you intend to export PGP), you will be given a special directory name in which to find the PGP code. At that point, you can FTP to net-dist.mit.edu, change to that directory, and access the software. You may be denied access to the directories even if you answer the questions correctly if the MIT site cannot verify that your site does in fact reside in the USA.

An easier method of getting to the PGP software is now available on the World Wide Web at the following location:

(Subject: GET PGP262I.ZIP)

Another perfectly good international version (2.6UI), plus a lot of good PGP information, is available from:


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