I live near Amsterdam in Holland with my mother and my little brother.
After school I go to my friend. He workes at home.
He gave me this computer.
We do many things together. You can read that here
I love to go swimming with my friends.
They do not have a homepage but you can see them on this page...
This is Dom. I took this picture of him with my friends digital camera. Dom is almost my best friend. We do many things together. We like to go swimming, we like to fight and wrestle and we like to go to the sauna. Sometimes we can do all those things at the same time :) Dom is 13 and a little bit bigger then me. This summer he is going on vacation with me and my best friend and he says it is going to be his best vacation ever.
This is lenny, my third best friend. Sometimes I sleep over at his place. That is fun, because he has a big bed where we can sleep both in. He gives me many pokemon cards becaus he says I am his best friend. I love him a lot.
If you want to know more about me, you can send me an Email