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In Article <114327Z02041995@anon.penet.fi> an225037@anon.penet.fi writes:

In article <100317Z31031995@anon.penet.fi>

Mike@alpha.c2.org "Mike.PRD-staff" writes:

A rejection may be very harmful for the child. Have you ever initialized a sexual activity and got a rejection? Remember your feelings. The sex may be not so important for the child, but feelings like jealousy, harmful feeling after rejection and so on are usual also for children. Thus, "no harm" means to agree to sex. (To avoid misunderstanding: The adult has the right to reject, even if this causes a lot of harm to the child). Mike

must support this argument, as I did experince a rejection of my sexual advances as a child. The rejection was by a teacher I believed then and now that I loved, and was phrased in such a casual and off hand manner as to cause maximum distress. It felt that my feelings were trivial and of no consequence, and my self esteem was badly dammaged.

Stupidly, as it could have put me in real danger, I promptly spent the next weekend at a local arcade, in an attempt to pick up a man who would find me attractive. (I had assumed this was possible from reading newspaper reports).

Thankfully I had a supportive family, who realised I was sad and unhappy (although never why). If it was not for them, I am not sure what I would have done, but I did seriously consider killing myself.

Much of what I have read in this news group relys on references to text books, which for many people are never going to be available, mostly due to publication restrictions in our own countries. That is why I think it important to support arguments with experience, both positive and negative. I do not know what would have happend if my attemps had not been rejected, but I can testify to the negative effects of that rejection.

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