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Brongersma E.

Loving Boys, Vol. II

Elmhurst, NY: Global Academic Publishers (1990)

Short Reviews

The second volume takes up the difficult subject of the negative aspects of man/boy relations, real and imaginary. It contrasts the effects of sexual repression and sexual liberation. The final chapter is devoted to an extensive description of just what transpires during sexual contacts between men and boys --- how they are brought about, what precisely happens, and how different kinds of contact within different kinds of relationships are viewed by both of the involved participants.



Chapter Four: Negative Aspects of Man/Boy Relations: Presumed and Real

A Coutionary Tale / 9
The Usual Objections / 12
The Child is Not Yet Mature Enough for Sex (12)
The Child Cannot Give Informed Consent (13)
A World Where the Child Doesn't Yet Belong (15)
The Child Will Be Traumatized (16)
The Boy Will Be Turned Into a Homophile (27)
The Partners Are So Unequal (30)
The Child Is Manipulated (41)
Circumstances Which Cause Concern / 46
Incest (46)
Sexual Activities and Remuneration (56)
The Depiction of Sexuality: Boys as Models and Observers (80)
Sexual Violence and Cruelty (93)
Penal Law (121)
Attempts to 'Cure' (158)
Collision With Social Norms: Secrecy and Discovery / 142
The Age Groups (153)
Depth and Superficiality of Love (155)
The Brevity of Bloom (158)

Chapter Five: Sexual Repression and Sexual Liberation

The Effects of Sexual Repression / 175
Nervous Troubles (177)
Aggression (182)
Guilt Feelings (189)
Obsession (196)
The History of Repression (200)
The Substrata of Sexual Repression (206)
Sexual Freedom / 211
Sexual Information (216)
How To Talk About Sex (229)
Freedom of Shame (233)
The Cult of the Phallus (239)
Shame (241)
Sexual Abstinence and Self-Control / 255
Sexual Distress of Youth (263)
Exercise and Practice (273)
Ethics for Boy-Lovers / 310
Benefits to the Boy (311)
Retrospective Judgements (342)
The Benefits for the Man (354)

Chapter Six: Sexuality and Eroticism

Importance of Sexuality and Eroticism / 359
The Various Practices /363
The Preferred Practices (369)
Adapting to the Child's Evolution (377)
Hand Techniques /388
Interfemoral Intercourse and Similar Techniques / 393
Sexual Activity With the Mouth / 397
Anal Intercourse / 412
Active & Passive (426)
The Primordal Force / 454

Supplemental Bibliography / 477

Index of Persons and Sources / 484

Index of Subjects / 502