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in: Virkkunen (1981) The Child as Participating Victim

Without doubt, the child victim's own behaviour often plays a [page 131] considerable part in initiating and maintaining a pedophiliac crime. However, when we speak about victimological aspects in pedophiliac acts of children who are "precipitating" or "participating", it is important to bear in mind that they do not necessarily always view the pedophiliac acts in the same sexual way as the adults (see Plummer - Chapter 8 of this volume). These acts can often seem to them something exciting, an expression of their stimulus-seeking behaviour, or a way to establish relationships with adults.

Further investigations will be required to clarify several important points, especially in the following respects:

  1. To gain a clear picture of the personality of the children who initiate the pedophiliac crimes. Are there many hyperactive (MBD) children, or to be more precise, children with attention deficit disorders (with or without hyperactivity)? (DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association, 1980)). This is important because hyperactive children, especially, are often thought to be "stimulus-seekers". In incest crimes, especially, it is important to obtain a picture of the girl's personality. Is the interest that these girls manifest in their fathers already especially strong in the oedipal phase? How many of the girls are the kind of children who will later develop into persons with a hysterical personality? (Rosenfeld, 1979).
  2. To obtain more exact information concerning the kind of personality disorders found among the pedophiliac offenders in those crimes that are precipitated by the child's own behaviour. It is important to discover exactly how rare it is for a person with an antisocial personality (with violent crimes) to be guilty of a crime of this kind. What is the role of the explosive or passive-aggressive personality? Especially in incest cases it is important to clarify the part of these last two personalities. (Men with antisocial personalities who are violent are usually not married but those who have explosive or passive-aggressive personalities are.)

In incest crimes, the roots of the situation in which a girl assumes the mother-role in a family frequently seems to lie in the behaviour of the mother herself. A primary aim of the investigation should therefore be to discover whether, and to what extent, the mother's behaviour is due to depression of some kind, and to the circumstances giving rise to it.

Investigations along the above lines would be an important contribution [page 132] towards preventing these crimes. For instance, if there are children who have an attention deficit disorder there are already good opportunities to do much with this, thereby controlling pedophiliac crimes more effectively.