Entry strictly forbidden for Adults
Now that we are alone and there are no adults disturbing us, I want to tell you some things about them, but don't ever tell them, it would offend them. They believe that they alone can think and have opinions, when their opinions are often the useless of all.

Because of it's importance, this page is green because green is the color of hope.



I took a poll among my friends. Would you to hear some opinions?

"The adults think only about working and it does not concern them very much.Besides, they do dirty work that does them harm. Most of them think thatthey control us and that we have to put up with it. They make a big fuss when you smoke, while they suck down the cigarettes. They don't shove me around or beat me because I will cut the tires on the car."

"That they shouldn't hit us. That they do not back home late into the night.They hit me from time to time, but they don't hurt me. That they give us more money on Sunday. That the teachers don't give us so much homework, and that they are not so bad. That they don't punish us".

"That they don't drink so much. That they don't destroy the trees. That they don't hit the dogs. That they don't set bombs. That the police don't kill innocent people. That they don't build highways through the countryside. That the thieves don't rob people. That they don't make so much noise at night that you can't sleep. Some adults are kind, but others aren't at all".

"I live among adults, because I am an only girl. My mother is good, but at times she annoys me. She doesn't allow me to talk with boys. Also I want to say that parents make mistakes and they tell me that they don't, but I know better. They always have to win."

"They are boring. They don't allow you to do anything, they only know how to get mad. I am fed up with how the adults always give orders and never listen"

And you, what is your opinion of adults?

The Wall (Pink Floyd)

Daddy ‘s flown across the ocean

Leaving just a memory

A snap shot in the family album

Daddy what else did you leave for me

Daddy what d’ya leave behind for me

All in all it was just a brick in the wall

All in all it was just all bricks in the wall

When we grew up and went to school

There were certain teachers who would

Hurt the children any way they could

By pouring their derision

Upon anything we did

And exposing every weakness

However carefully hidden by the kids

But in the town I was well known

When they got home at night, their fat and

Psychopathic wives would thrash them

Within inches of their lives

We don’t need no education

We don’t need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teacher leave the kids alone

Hey teacher leave us kids alone

All in all it’s just another brick in the wall

All in all you’re just another brick in the wall

Mother do you think they’ll drop the bomb

Mother do you think they’ll like the song

Mother do you think they’ll try to break my balls

Mother should I build a wall

Mother should I run for president

Mother should I trust the government

Mother will they put me in the firing line

Mother am I really dying

Hush now baby don’t you cry

Mama’s gonna make all of your

Nightmares come true

Mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you

I don’t need no arms around me

I don’t need no drugs to calm me

I have seen the writing on the wall

Don’t think I need anything at all

No don’t think I’ll need anything at all

All in all it was all just bricks in the wall

All in all you were all just bricks in the wall



A man gets medals for killing fathers
A man would be arrested for loving a boy
(Carlos, Germany)


I want to scream

Dad, Mom, don’t tie me up

I want to be free

not like the others

I feel alive

not subdued

I want to voice my opinion

I know that someone is killing me

I want to fight against that "someone"

patriarchy, school, university,


I want to fight against everything

I want to stomp my feet

I want to scream

I want to feel

I want to love

because I still feel ALIVE

Karmela (15 years old, Madrid)


Dad, what are you doing?
Don't hit me just because
I've broken that vase.
Dad, I've done it
with no bad intention.
He doesn't listen and hits me again
pulls his hair, takes him from the floor
a punch on his face!
I'm only nine!
Shouts the boy squattingin a corner
he tries to protect himself
from the hits that come from everywhere.
You have to understand it.
Yes, I'm doing so now.
The pain you give me is on my behalf,
then, why do I wanna die?
I hate my parents, they hit me for anything,
I don't know what to do!
They say, you deserve it,
so you can learn.
I've only learnt how to hate them, hate them!
The pain you give me is on my behalf,
the fact that you hit me and kick me,
that you manipulate me,
I can't stand it no more!
I can't stand it!

from the CD "Ratas" Sociedad Alcoholica

Always dictating to us,

we’re the age of the future,

dictating to us

how to be born, how to live,

dictating rules to us

that without wanting have to be met.

Dictating everything to us

because one must know how to choose.

Dictating us flowers

and giving us nothing to grow with,

dictating us phrases

without teaching us to learn,

dictating us old Kings

for us to study with faith,

dictating us changes

with which to tangle ourselves in a net

they have told us

that brothers

are the ones who dictate

without giving a hand

and they have told us

that what we hear is like this

we throw the dice

and they come up short in knowledge.

We break out with pimples

at an age of not understanding

dictating rules to us

that without wanting have to be met.

Dictating everything to us

because one must know how to choose.

they take us fast

towards a tomorrow

that is being erased

that I’m in the mood for

and they have told us

that what we are lies there

dictating rules to us

that without wanting have to be met

Dictating everything to us

because one must know how to choose.

Javier Alvarez (the age of the Future)







From the teachings of Simon Rodriguez (Simon Bolivar’s teacher)

A couple of things did cross my mind while reading your pages. Though most people are unaware of it, the laws in the US also treat children as property. I have been told that the paperwork used to remove a child from a bad home, is the same as that used to transfer property. Another interesting thought is that there was a time when there were no laws protecting children here. They were truly treated as property. One child was being beaten by his father so often that the state felt it necessary to step in but there were no laws to prevent him from beating his son. Finally the state charged him with animal abuse. We had laws to prevent him form beating his horse before we had laws to protect his son. I know you don't like the word protect but it is necessary as long as we continue to treat our children as property. (Bob)

Somewhere along the way as children we were taught that we knew nothing. That adults, grown ups, had all the answers and knew the meaning of right. As spiritual beings we are all on equal footing. The difference being having to remember what we were taught to forget. The irony here is that adults who are blind are teaching the children to be blind. Ignorance is about ignoring truths that don't fit in with cultural rules. These rules are taught for reasons that usually involve power and control. It has nothing to do about love and awareness. Young children know more than we allow ourselves to see. As time goes on their awareness is set aside to focus on the patterns they are demanded to learn. Conditions of love, acceptance. It is the patterns that are more important than common sense which most adults overlook for something more intellectually stimulating.You see, it is adults who are detached from awareness. They lack the feelings and emotions that run deep in the marrow of our bones. Adults rarely swim below the surface because to do so is to break the pact with the pattern they were taught to obey. Fear of the Unknown, the uncontrollable, patterns.

"The Illusion of Age"S.R.Buck

Age is a lie, a distortion of reality to convince others that somehow older people have all the answers. The joke is that we all have the answers deep within us. The answers to our selves and how to live in peace and harmony. A reach of faith in human kind, in human beings. Can we have faith in others without all the judgments? I have had more stimulating, honest conversations with children because they see the world as it is. Full of ignorance, pain, sorrow, joy, laughter, tears, passion and fear. Most adults learn through enculturation and patterns to become numb to all of these truths. Instead we see only the patterns we are taught. (S.R. Buck)

Dear adult:

In spite of all the warnings against it, you have continued this far now. You see, friend, the more something is prohibited, the more it interests you. Do you think that kids are any different? The more they 'protect' us from things, the more interest we have in those things. Explain this to your politicians, your church leaders, and your favourite TV comperes. Certainly, that way you would not have any porno magazine? Thank you kindly.

Do you want to read some poems?

Do you want to learn more about adults?


Thanks to Carlos (Germany), José (El Salvador), Maria Luisa (Chile), Sherman (USA) and Bob (USA) for sendin me some of these texts, and to Karmela (Madrid) and Ruven (Colombia) for their poems based in my web site. My friend Juan (USA) has translated these poems into English.


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