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How distributed are pedophile desires?

In this file we collect statements about the distribution of pedophile desires. They show that
Pedophiliac feelings and desires are much more distributed as usually assumed.


Briere 1989

The heart of this paper is a survey presented to a sample of 193 college males about pedophilic attraction, fantasies, and urges. A surprisingly large number (at least 21%) reported that they had some sexual interest in children, suggesting that the problem of pedophilia is a lot more common than is believed. About one percent indicated that the fantasies occurred "very often," or that it was "very likely" that they would have sex with a child if they knew they wouldn't be punished or found out.

Gordon 1978,p.44

[1978,p.44] Paedophilia, the love and sensuous experience of child and youth, is a normal and universal phenomenon. (Brongersma,p.129)

Lambert 1976?,p.88,127

[1976?,p.88,127] The paedophile impulse is present in some form or other in all adults. (Brongersma,p.129)

Kraemer 1976,p.1

[1976,p.1] During deep analysis paedophiliac fantasies are often discovered - fantasies of which the patient had been largely or wholly unaware. (Brongersma,p.129)

Presland 1981,p.78

[1981,p.78] The majority of adults, women and men, experience some degree of erotic attraction in the widest sense towards children. (Brongersma,p.130)

Schorsch 1980,p.132

[1980,p.132] said that the question really was why most adults did not seek children as sexual partners. (Brongersma,p.129)

Stekel 1922,p.311

[1922,p.311] According to my experience, paedophilia constitutes a nearly normal component of the sexual impulse. Nearly everybody, at times, detects such thoughts in himself. But they will be rejected, disclaimed and condemned with all the emotionalism of moral indignation. Many people of high intellect standing have admitted to me that sinful thoughts had surprised them while they were looking at children (...)

We fail to appreciate the immense degree to which paedophilia is prevalent among women and men. (Brongersma,p.129)

Trimble 1968,p.37

[1968,p.37] There is "a latent desire that may be relatively dormant in most males universally" (Brongersma,p.129)

Yaffe 1981,p.79

[1981,p.79] "Arousal patterns previously defined as deviant" i.e. "response to immature persons" were found in laboratory tests in "normal" adult homosexuals. (Brongersma,p.129)