23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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Memes and graphics allow for visual impact and short-attention span messaging online. You may modify any of the following images with your own provocative messaging. The material reproduced here is experimental, not necessarily endorsed, and not subject to any editorial guidance. [[Research]] graphics can be found at [[Index of Excerpt Gallery Libraries|this index]], or on their respective research pages.</center>
==The MAP Flag==
The concept underlying the [[MAP Flag]] was seen as early as 2009 and it resurfaced (or was spontaneously recoined) in 2018, gathering widespread social media attention after a campaign by [[NOMAP]]s on Tumblr. We have made some minor modifications such as color harmonization, smaller white band and flipping the graphic for a more subliminal, naturalistic appeal. Simply flip the graphic back, and it becomes a [[NOMAP]] flag. As can be seen, some of these flags have anti-alias for on-screen aesthetic reasons.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:MAPFLAGPNGLARGE.png|2021 MAP Flag presented without anti-alias (i.e. for making an actual flag)
File:Mapflag2018.png|2018 post-publicity "MAP Flag" - i.e. original Stenna "[[NOMAP]] Flag"
File:Gradient.jpeg|2009 Newgon "Gradient" Flag: First known use of this, or a related concept
===MAP Flag key phrase memes, variations and proposals===
The MAP Flag has already been used in campaigns that use a defensible message to deliberately troll opponents. Other variations exist, although these are rarely adopted and often the subject of scare stories.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Image:FCncb9dWUAMBHOW.png|Pedophile Lives Matter (NOMAP) ([[:Image:FCncb9dWUAMBHOW.png|alternative inside, with two raised fists]])
1500x500.jpg|Semi-discreet header background in NOMAP orientation
Mapflag.jpg|Faded 2021 MAP Flag
File:Yesmap.png|2022 "Yesmap Flag" - exclusive [[pro-c]] symbol first published here
File:Lgbmap.png|Gay MAP Flag <small>(contrary to popular claims, these have barely been adopted by MAPs)</small>
File:Lesmap.png|[[Intergenerational Lesbianism|Lesbian MAP]] Flag <small>(contrary to popular claims, these have barely been adopted by MAPs. Supposedly, [[GL|Girllove]] and [[BL|Boylove]] versions exist, too)</small>
'''Pedophile Lives Matter''' was a highly successful and provocative Twitter campaign intended to inflame the left, as it invoked the Black Lives Matter campaign. '''#MAPsAreBased''' (deleted by Twitter as of 2021) was another successful meme, which attempted to enrage conservatives by presenting MAPs as compatible with traditionalism. Its creator made the following statements:
*MAPs are obviously based. They support a return to pre-victorian Age of Consent laws, resisting the influence of the British, i.e. MAPs are pro-independence!
*MAPs are promoting value-neutral, objectivist terms and just want to be left alone. They don't invent unicorn identities like the LGBT movement!
*MAPs also support religious freedom and family privacy. #MAPsAreBased.
===Simple/Traditional memes===
Traditional memes convey a short and salient message in a graphic. [[Research]] graphics can be found at [[Index of Excerpt Gallery Libraries|this index]], or on their respective research pages.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Sexbingo.png|Sex Fascist Bingo: <small>(hypocrisy, religion, consent, cognitive development/capacity, mental, pedophiles, orientation, distortion, fallacy, fallacies, antis, response)</small>
File:9iFrFC2.png|Rabbi: Tradition, Priest: Abuse <small>(hypocrisy, religion, jew, jews, circumcision, gore, perversion, oral, fellatio, clergy, tradition, priest, christian, catholic)</small>
File:Stonetoss.jpg|Stonetoss.com - Illiberal faggotry vs info liberation <small>(hypocrisy, technology, decentralization, dark web, libertarian, child porn, sjw, woke, npc, lgbt, gay, proship, erotica, internet)</small>
File:Gays-phobes.png|Gay hypocrisy re whataboutism over argument from nature/history <small>(hypocrisy, gay, lgbt, irrational, slavery, barbaric, anger, nature, animals, historical, anthropological, homophobes, greece, pederasty)</small>
File:Slut2.png|Sex Fascists through the ages <small>(hypocrisy, gay, lgbt, history, historical, slut shaming, female, modesty, prudery)</small>
File:believe.jpg|Believe the Children <small>(consent, abuse, trauma, testimony, trust, children, courtroom, legal, doctor, hypocrisy, medicine - [[:File:believe.jpg|alternative inside re. conversion therapy]])</small>
File:BBoobs.jpg|Babies vs Teens Sucking Boobs <small>(consent, hypocrisy, babies, age, teens, perversion, professor, inappropriate)</small>
File:Reality.png|Reality vs Media <small>(hypocrisy, teens, minor-adult sex, journalism, distortion, bias, standpoint)</small>
File:TechGiants.png|Tech Giants' Media Manipulation re. Child protection <small>(hypocrisy, csa, ngos, trafficking, cultural, western, nonwestern, india, minor-adult sex, journalism, distortion, bias, standpoint)</small>
File:slavementality.png|Indians with Slave mentality <small>(hypocrisy, imperialism, cultural, western, white, nonwestern, india, minor-adult sex - [[:File:slavementality.png|western version inside]])</small>
File:reception.png|Wardrobe malfunction traumatizes teen <small>(damage, absurd, scarred, children, victim, hysteria, american, crazy, retarded)</small>
File:rapememe.png|How to prevent rape <small>(hypocrisy, body autonomy, minor-adult sex, agency, irrational, coercion, awareness, education, youth, choice, prevention)</small>
File:joying.jpg|When minors enjoy sex <small>(secondary harm, minor-adult sex, psychologists, parents, cops/feds, youth, choice, csa, trauma)</small>
File:Random.jpg|Western Arrogance with AoC <small>(western, nonwestern, consent, elites, government, age, laws, sex)</small>
File:Psychs.png|Child psychologists cat reaction to minors <small>(minor-minor sex, science, rso, registry reform, pseudoscience, victomology)</small>
File:FHeCpC5XIAkE9Xx.jpg|Offensively realistic take on an age-gap relationship <small>(girl, teen, maps, minor-adult sex, age gap, love, taboo, bait, troll)</small>
File:Anti.png|Purposeful and smart Pedophiles vs Antis <small>(pedos, pedophiles, maps, history, based, antis, haters, sex fascists, troll, bait)</small>
File:matthew.png|St Nicholas/Matthew Christian trigger meme <small>(reply, response, gay, boys, maps, trigger, bait, troll, santa claus, christmas, christian, religion)</small>
File:WaitingForProof.jpg|Waiting for proof <small>(reply, response, argument, debate, trigger, bait, troll)</small>
File:Bodily.jpg|Bodily Autonomy of Children <small>(trigger, bait, troll, agency, sex fascists, rights, control)</small>
File:Minorcard.png|Minor card, with privileges <small>(underage, reply, response, juvenile, twitter, debate, argument, opinion discarded)</small>
File:Sheep copy.png|People whose definition of "Queer" is "anything acceptable" <small>(reply, response, bait, queer, sjw, npc, woke, identitarian, identity, midwits, pedophilia, maps, gay rights, lgbt, normies - ([[:File:Sheep copy.png|series inside]]))</small>
File:Lolihebe.jpg|Hebe lolis w/ table showing response levels <small>(graph, table, study, sexual arousal, troll, bait, attraction, age, pedophilia, hebephilia, girls, plethysmograph - this is adapted from the notorious fake Russian infomeme)</small>
File:Groomer.png|Grooming a girl with better-known MAP infomemes <small>(groomer, troll, bait, children, ok groomer, abuser, kinsey, study, indoctrination - this meme refers to a [[:File:Adultadult2.png|Kinsey data meme]], and there is also an [[:File:Groomer.png|alt version referring to the adjacent russian meme]])</small>
File:denial.jpg|Child protectors believe children are in denial <small>(minor-adult sex, testimony, rationalization, distortion, minors, ignorant, fallacy, mental blocking)</small>
Fhritp.png|A 15 year old is a child, period <small>(mic drop, jamal, teen, menstruation, child, triggered, antis, sjw, feminist, npc, based, comeback, reply, response)</small>
File:lifechoice.png|Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice <small>(abortion, religion, conservative, liberal, consent, ageism, youth, rights, adult)</small>
File:18to21.jpg|Raped even if it was legal <small>(hypocrisy, rape, coercion, statutory, virginity, arbitrary, consent, government, adult, law, state)</small>
File:Nirbhaya.png|A minor can rape - double standard <small>(hypocrisy, rape, coercion, statutory, arbitrary, consent, government, adult, law, state)</small>
File:Maritalrape23.png|Marital (legal+harmful) Rape vs CSA (illegal+voluntary) <small>(hypocrisy, rape, coercion, statutory, arbitrary, consent, government, adult, law, state)</small>
Monkeymeme.png|Chimpanzee tells a Boy what he is [[Research: Intergenerational Sexual Behaviors in Animals|allowed to do]] <small>(capacity, ability, consent, minor-adult sex, animals, monkey)</small>
File:dipper2.png|2 y/o does not suffer trauma from touching, his brother does <small>(hypocrisy, teen, child, baby, damage, scarred, minor-adult sex)</small>
File:Confused2.png|Confused if he should be scarred for life <small>(age, arbitrary, teen, minor-adult sex, trauma, damage, scarred, absurd, crazy)</small>
File:At85scarred.png|85 year old man learns he was abused <small>(age, arbitrary, teen, minor-adult sex, elderly, trauma, damage, scarred, absurd, crazy)</small>
File:Divorce.jpg|Playing the Survivor Card <small>(age, survivor, arbitrary, teen, minor-adult sex, cuck, simp, trauma, damage, scarred, white knight, absurd, crazy)</small>
File:CSAexpert.png|CSA doesn't make you CSA expert <small>(doctor, survivor, expert, arbitrary, science, minor-adult sex, abuse, trauma, fallacy, debate, reply, response)</small>
File:KidsRSO.jpgR1: Ignoring Child Sex Offenders <small>(registry, rso, hypocrisy, arbitrary, consent, trauma, fallacy, debate, sex fascists, parents, crime, dumb, retarded)</small>
File:sroteen.png|Teen can become an RSO <small>(registry, rso, hypocrisy, arbitrary, double standard, consent, fallacy, crime, dumb, retarded)</small>
File:cryingboy.jpg|Juvenile Sex Offender vs Society <small>(boy, rso, moral scheme, registry, arbitrary, law, legal, child offender, insane, madness)</small>
File:FJzBuknXEAMnGhh.png|Elites laugh at Sex Offender Registry <small>(elites, politicians, register, registry, rso, law, legal, insane, madness)</small>
File:FJy-YI XIAEWo2U.png|Juvenile offending records vs sex offender records  <small>(facepalm, normies, register, registry, rso, law, legal, insane, madness, arbitrary, minors, youth, kids)</small>
File:TouchingGood.png|Good Touches <small>(teacher, education, instruction, learning, quote, swimsuit, protection, sexual harassment, abuse, trauma - [[:File:touches.jpg|series inside]])</small>
File:gbtouch2.png|Good Touch, Bad Touch <small>(parent, education, instruction, learning, protection, sexual harassment, abuse, trauma, damaged, taboos - [[:File:gbtouch2.png|alternative version inside]])</small>
File:Simpsons.png|Good Touch, Bad Touch: Simpsons <small>(teacher, education, instruction, learning, protection, sexual harassment, abuse, trauma)</small>
File:Mapgymnastics.png|MAP vs LGBT Mental Gymnastics <small>(reply, response, rationalization, logic, fallacy, npc, gay, queer, sjw, argument, pedophile, minor-attracted)</small>
Wrong.png|Triggered Red Karen <small>(triggered, outraged, illegal is wrong, normie, npc, thick, stupid, moron, idiot, dumb, cliches)</small>
File:Alok.jpg|Alok Vaid-Menon Quote: "little girls are also kinky" <small>(girls, innocence, kink, trigger, bait, conservatives, americans, queer, children, trans, straight, purity, modesty, innocent, pure)</small>
File:Image.png|The Man shits on Conservatives, who shit on Queers, who shit on MAPs <small>(prejudice, cycle, conservatives, americans, media, elites, identitarianism, othering, hierarchy)</small>
File:LoliMeme.jpg|Pointing to the hypocrisy of Lolicons <small>(proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, drawings, art, hypocrisy, pedophilia, cope, hebephilia - [[:File:LoliMeme.jpg|alternative inside re. plethysmograph test]])</small>
File:FHQcxJbUUAADrQH.jpg|Bell curve on lolicon <small>(proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, npc, normie, midwit, drawings, art, cope, cognitive development, ability, capacity, brain, IQ, age, pedophilia, hebephilia - [[:File:FHQcxJbUUAADrQH.jpg|alternative version]] re. mental capacity inside)</small>
File:FJffEqJXMAA2mnj.jpg|Pedos vs Lolicons <small>(proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, doctor, drawings, art, chad, cope, hypocrisy, pedophilia, hebephilia)</small>
File:FQU5DnXWYAQkKTI.jpg|Yes Chad baseball bat anti-meme response <small>(gore/blood, violence, consent, attack, validity, reply, response, based, pedo)</small>
File:Yeschadconsenting.png|Islam Yes Chad baseball bat anti-meme consent response <small>(gore/blood, violence, consent, attack, allahu akbar, reply, response, based, pedo)</small>
File:FHOv8J3XoBIfSQt.jpg|Pedo Chad - "Yes". <small>(based, chads, pedophilia, lolis, cunny, lolipiller, drawings, art, lolicon, cope, seethe, hebephilia)</small>
File:FPXhdRSX0AEVeQ2.jpg|Anarchist Chads on Pedophilia in Queer Theory <small>(normie, npc, conservatives, anarchism, queer, pedophilia, theory, dumb, homophobia, bigot)</small>
File:Woodchippagobrrrrr.jpg|Anti wojak, annotated <small>(antis, trolling, insult, woodchipper, face wall, moronic, dumb, reply, response)</small>
File:watchingporn.png| Kids watching porn <small>(antis, haters, response, reply, lazy, ignorant, dumb, idiot, moron, research, irrational)</small>
File:Trojan_horse.jpg|CSA trojan to breach encryption laws <small>(data protection law, technology, surveillance, ignorance, governments, cynical, hidden, conspiracy, horse, internet, protect)</small>
File:Bluherinnerbattlefield.png|Reaction formation in antis <small>(antis, haters, quote, response, reply, zoophile, self loathing, reaction, projection, denial, psychological)</small>
File:Teenagers.png|Fuck off in the distance <small>(teenagers, sex fascists, vulgar, insult, ageism, autonomy, agency, teens, youth)</small>
File:randomphotonew.png|Random photo reaction <small>(hysteria, funny, sex fascists, western, crazy, nonwestern, fellatio, suck, abuse, overreaction)</small>
File:WaterGlassSF.png|Glass of Water with optimist, pessimist and Sex Fascists <small>(hysteria, sex fascists, western, indian, nonwestern, abuse, cultural, overreaction - [[:File:WaterGlassSF.png|version with various countries inside]])</small>
File:Neotree.png|Tree is raping the boy <small>(hysteria, age, arbitrary, rape, sex fascists, abuse, overreaction, indian, nonwestern, western)</small>
File:Tushu3.png|Men holding hands vs CSA ('''India - En''' Language) <small>(hysteria, age, arbitrary, abuse, indian, nonwestern, cultural, western)</small>
File:FHzQh3LagAAQ9H7.png|Most people's idea of pedophilia <small>(hypocrisy, cuck, child, teen, adult, consent, autonomy, americans, agency, age, 18, pedophile, simping, white knight)</small>
File:Hebetruth.jpg|Most Men are Hebephilic/Ephebophilic, they just can't admit it <small>(hypocrisy, circlejerk, cuck, child, teen, adult, consent, americans, age, 18, pedophile, simping, white knight)</small>
File:18th Birthday Clock hit 12.jpg|Arbitrary nature of age limit <small>(hypocrisy, child, adult, teen, consent, autonomy, americans, agency, age, 18, absurd)</small>
File:creatures.jpg|Jesus Christ - Kids are Sexual <small>(innocence, experience, children, teens, sin, prophet, autonomy, agency, prophecy, christian, hypocrisy, heretical)</small>
File:SexualOritent.jpg|'Child' is not a Gender <small>(identitarian, sexuality, orientation, identity, validity, sjw, woke, adult, adultism, gender, pedophilia)</small>
File:Society.png|Young boy - sex didn't harm me, society did (with adults shouting slogans) <small>(secondary harm, minor-adult sex, taboo, molest, trauma, csa, cultural, sequelae)</small>
File:genital.jpg|No genitals before 18 <small>(god, christian, bigots, innocence, experience, adultism, ageism, ageist, children, kids, consent, agency)</small>
File:Femgirl.png|Fembot vs Teen Girl <small>(agency, consent, autonomy, services, protection, child, teen, shock, disgust, hypocrisy, feminism, leftism, radfem, feminazi - [[:File:Femgirl.png|younger version inside]])</small>
File:Unboy.png|United Nations vs Teen Boy <small>(agency, consent, autonomy, international community, bureaucracy, ngo, unicef, ILGA, hypocrisy, feminism, leftism, lizard people, feminazis - [[:File:Unboy.png|younger version inside]])</small>
File:Fbi.jpg|FBI anti-meme response <small>(fed, feelings, offended, hurt, feelz, feds, police report, reply, response, haters, law enforcement, alphabet agencies)</small>
File:MAPSchool.png|Public Schools <small>(map, prevalence, pedophilia, hebephilia, response, reply, naive, parents, grooming, access, protection, education - combine with [[Research: Prevalence|prevalence]] info)</small>
File:Sfascist.gif|'''(GIF)''' Sex fascist clairvoyant "nonce" comeback <small>(paranormal, spirit, reader, fortune, mystic, antis, reply, response, haters, nonce, pedophile, paedo)</small>
File:Orcgif.gif|'''(GIF)''' VAR decision "nonce" comeback <small>(football, soccer, orc, decision, antis, reply, response, haters, nonce, pedophile, paedo)</small>
File:Sponge.png|Stigma on pedophiles ok, no stigma on child wage slavery ok <small>(antis, haters, taboo, stigmas, pedophile, map, spongebob, rights, child labor, consumer, hypocrisy)</small>
File:FHoD725WYAE3DSC.jpg|The real intentions of "seek therapy" <small>(antis, haters, pedophile, map, mental health, services, rights, seek help, mhp, ableism, illness, validity, nomap, virped, pedmed, hypocrisy)</small>
File:FGyKNkMXoAI7qbi.jpg|Polarizing topic <small>(born this way, native, immutable, pedophilia, map, hypocrisy, sjws, normies, social justice, woke, lgbt, gay)</small>
File:Orcbrain.jpeg|Pedo hater: Orc <small>(response, reply, antis, red flag, woodchipper, nazi, fascist, groomer, caveman, hansen, monster, zombie, neanderthal, moron)</small>
File:Pedonoblememe.jpg|Pedophile/NOMAP of noble grace <small>(reply, response, pedmed, virped, acnomap, virtuous, minor-attracted, map, virtue, antis, moron, idiot, cuck, asshole)</small>
File:nuditydog.png|Dogs are always naked <small>(nudity, bullshit, trauma, hysterical, morality, children, protection, graphic, americans, scarred, mental)</small>
File:horse.png|Covering genitals to prevent trauma to baby horses <small>(nudity, bullshit, hysterical, children, graphic, protection, morality, americans, scarred, mental)</small>
File:DolphinKiss.png|Adult dolphin kissing a boy <small>(western, hysterical, nonwestern, indians, children, animals, insane, americans, grooming, panic)</small>
File:ualization.png|Sexualization with Hijab and Bikini <small>(nudity, children, protection, americans, western, hysteria, psychotic, neurosis, clothing, make-up, hypocrisy, grooming)</small>
File:AnimeBan.png|Anime Ban proposal showing arrogance of the West <small>(anime, lolicon, proship, drawings, art, americans, western, nonwestern, hysteria, hypocrisy, imperialism)</small>
File:Childmeme.png|Responding to in-thread misdefinition of child <small>(definition, accuracy, reply, response, children, dumb, hysterical, ageism, dictionary, teens)</small>
File:Cantor.jpg|James Cantor - Add P to alphabet <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, include the p, minor attraction, lgbt, gay, queer, maps, identitarian, researcher, quote, trigger/bait)</small>
File:Brain Development Is Ableist (2).png|Brain Development is Ableist <small>(cognitive capacity and development, mental, minor-adult sex, ability, disabled, ageist, ageism, chauvinism)</small>
File:FJARn kWQAElHfn.jpg|Brain scan - trauma absurdity <small>(consent, minor-adult sex, age, harm, law, arbitrary, absurd, science, pseudoscience, americans, cognitive, westerners)</small>
File:horsehalf.png|Teen Brain <small>(consent, minor-adult sex, age, harm, law, arbitrary, absurd, science, pseudoscience, americans, cognitive, westerners)</small>
File:FPGlITUWYAkbGCV.jpg|Call him a pedo <small>(sheeple, normies, conservatives, ad hominem, defamation, debate, response, reply, facts, social media, twitter logic)</small>
File:FQUw6PLXoA48YBF.jpg|Conservatives are for free speech, but not for MAPs <small>(sheeple, normies, conservatives, woodchipper, reply, response, hypocrisy, liberals, libertarian, lolbertarian, red blue pill, censorship, canceled)</small>
File:Cancel Culture.png|Cancel culture: Then vs now <small>(sheeple, normies, conservatives, history, 1950s, liberals, red blue pill, censorship, canceled)</small>
File:Censorshipmartin.png|George R. R. Martin: What Censorship tells us <small>canceled, red blue pill, censor, liberal, conservative, politics, media, free speech, freedom</small>
File:It is easier to fool people.jpg|Mark Twain: It's easier to fool people... <small>(sheeple, normies, quote, denial, psychological, mechanism, mental, conformity, debate, social media, facts and feelings)</small>
File:Prostitution- giving orgasms shouldn't be a crime.jpg|George Carlin - on Prostitution <small>(selling sex, quote, morality, rational, sex work, prude, conservative, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)</small>
File:Better Science.jpg|What does refute science? <small>(research, facts, science, social media, debate, bias, sheeple, religion, feelings, normies)</small>
File:Trust the Scientists.jpg|Trust scientists rather than randoms <small>(warning, research, facts, science, social media, twittards, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)</small>
File:Science vs Social Media.jpg|Real science vs Social Media "science" <small>(warning, research, facts, distorted, media, education, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)</small>
File:Conformity.png|Conformity hazard <small>(warning, research, facts, debate, feelings, sheeple, normies)</small>
File:Baseddep.jpg|Based department calling! <small>(based, kek, pepe, compliment, reply, response)</small>
===Informational memes===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Scapegoat.png|MAP Scapegoat - compared with Jews, Witches <small>(gays, lgbt, blacks, jew, pedophilia, minor attraction, stereotyping, maps, status, persecution, bogeyman, pariah, witchhunt - [[:File:Scapegoat.png|series inside]])</small>
File:Truthaboutm.jpg|Truth about MAPs (addresses myths) <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, facts, stigma, destigmatization)</small>
File:MDEdge.png|MDEdge definition of minor-attraction <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, definition, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)</small>
File:Chronorange.png|Seto definition of minor-attractions and chronophilias <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, definition, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)</small>
File:Peddef.png|Simple response to misdefinition of p(a)edophilia <small>(sexuality, hebephilia, pedophilia, minor attraction, definition, dictionary, psychology, accuracy)</small>
File:The CSA-Industrial Complex.png|CSA Industrial Cycle (Social-Economic Model) <small>(sociology, politics, elites, money, profit, complex, relationship, chart, diagram, influence, organization)</small>
File:Pseudo-e-t.png|Pseudoexclusive Teleiophilia (a new concept) <small>(sexuality, hebephilia, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, freund, newgon, science, psychology, trigger/bait)</small>
File:Primary.png|Most Child Rape is perpetrated by non-pedophiles <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, assault, minor attraction, maps, crime, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)</small>
File:Prevalence.jpg|Pedophilia [[Research: Prevalence|prevalence]] card, no link <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, common, research, maps, minor-attraction, facts, stats, statistics, numbers)</small>
File:Secoharm.png|Secondary Harm explainer <small>(study, academia, secondary, trauma, harm, quote, paper, report, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex - [[:File:SecNewColor.png|see full series]])</small>
File:patterns45.png|Similar patterns between homosexuality and pedophilia <small>(parrelel, similar, comparison, analogy, minor attraction, gay, queer, lgbt, western, nonwestern, animals, tribal, anthropological, cultural)</small>
File:Pedodisorder2.png|Lecter: Pedophilic Disorder distinction ("inborn" is disputable, but it was worth including) <small>(sexuality, pedmed, virped, acnomap, pedophilia, minor attraction, native, science, psychology, innate, immutable, disorder, dsm)</small>
File:Prevent.png|Prevent MAPs from accessing minors? Why not prevent physical abuse survivors while we are at it? <small>(sexuality, neglect, hebephilia, risk, access, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, freund, science, psychology)</small>
B4u-mapflag.jpg|Suicide Stats (MAPs) <small>(sexuality, pedophilia, minor attraction, death, pedmed, virped, nomap, acnomap, depression, despair, psychology, research, B4U-Act, standpoint)</small>
File:Thoughtsuppresion.png|Thought Suppression take (MAP Resources) <small>(psychology, pedophilia, minor attraction, maps, pedmed, virped, nomap, acnomap, depression, despair, psychology, research)</small>
File:DogMeat.png|Dog Meat vs Anime ban <small>(cultural, imperialism, western, nonwestern, art, loli, cunny, lolis, drawings, erotica)</small>
File:Blackmales.png|Logic of antis vs crime statistics: Put a curfew on Black Men <small>(sexuality, african american, hebephilia, risk, access, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, science, psychology)</small>
File:Mentaldisorder.png|"Mental disorders" according to psychiatry <small>(sexuality, hebephilia, disorder, psychiatry, trans, illness, history, pedophilia, minor attraction, mental, science, psychology, analogy, similar)</small>
File:Academia-controversy.jpg|What people's insistence on getting offended by academics proves <small>(academia, hysteria, kershnar, controversy, offence, triggered, csa, science, lies, defense mechanism, projection, denial, walker, psychology, abuse, philosophy)</small>
File:Lievreorthodoxy.png|Dan Lievre (Newgon Founder): Social Justice Orthodoxy makes no sense on MAPs <small>(useful when dealing with charges that the MAP Movement is "woke". Tags: sexuality, hebephilia, validity, woke, quote, sjw, history, social theory, pedophilia, minor attraction, identitarianism, politics)</small>
File:animalHebe1.png|Intergenerational sex among Primates with citation <small>(animals, study, practise, rind/yuill, minor-adult sex, academic, observation, science, monkeys, species, learning)</small>
File:Bonobos.png|[[Research: Intergenerational Sexual Behaviors in Animals|Bonobo Juveniles/infants]] enjoying sex play <small>(animals, study, academic, practise, minor-adult sex, observation, science, monkeys, species, learning)</small>
File:Karen-innocence.png|A Karen confronts [[Debate Guide: Childhood innocence|childhood innocence]] <small>(quote, study, academia, innocent, teens, children, crazy, hysteria, boomers, facebook)</small>
File:Rind.jpg|20+ year-old [[Rind et al|Rind]] Paradox (see more in [[Research]] and the [[Index of Excerpt Gallery Libraries|excerpt graphics]] <small>(study, academia, controversy, unanswered, paper, report, trauma, harm, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex)</small>
SRcombined.png|Statutory rape is a legal fiction <small>(law, minor-adult sex, hysteria, madness, arbitrary, victim, victimless, consensual, crime)</small>
File:StatDeath.png|Statutory Death parody <small>(law, minor-adult sex, courtroom, funny, hysteria, madness, judge judy, arbitrary, victim, victimless, consensual, crime)</small>
File:MomSonRape.png|Statutory Rape-alternative version <small>(law, minor-adult sex, hysteria, madness, arbitrary, victim, victimless, consensual, crime)</small>
File:Adultadult2.png|Kinsey Data ([[:File:Adultadult2.png|series inside]]) <small>(research, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)</small>
File:Lesbians.png|Modern Feminists disowning Lesbian History (Kinsey) <small>(research, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)</small>
File:FlotusFinal.png|Anti-West, Cross-Cultural Flyer <small>(cultural, imperialism, western, nonwestern, minor-adult sex, taboo, americans, ethnocentric, international)</small>
File:yearshistory.png|Nonwestern history - living examples abound <small>(cultural, imperialism, western, nonwestern, minor-adult sex, taboo, americans, ethnocentric, international, age-gap, intergenerational)</small>
File:Dolphin2.png|Adult-juvenile sex among Dolphins <small>(animals, minor-adult sex, juvenile, similar, analogy, species, science, observation)</small>
File:legality33.png|AoC is raised to 21 <small>(consent, minor-adult sex, law, arbitrary, absurd, americans, westerners)</small>
File:Endthecycle.png|[[Debate Guide: Cyclical paternalism|Cyclical paternalism]] explainer <small>(consent, minor-adult sex, knowledge, ignorance, innocence, self fulfilling prophecy, paternalism, adultism, ageism, adverse consequence)</small>
File:Self-fulfilling.png|Self-fulfilling prophecy of harm <small>(minor-adult sex, minor-minor sex, csa, damage, kids, children, education, teach, indoctrination, americans, secondary harm - [[:File:Self-fulfilling.png|alternative inside]])</small>
File:Time2bomb.png|CSA Time bomb <small>(minor-adult sex, minor-minor sex, csa, damage, kids, children, education, teach, indoctrination, americans, secondary harm)</small>
File:Grooming2.png|[[Grooming]] is circular logic <small>(fallacy, ok groomer, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, harm, trauma, damage)</small>
File:GroomingReworked.png|Grooming vs Courtship <small>(fallacy, ok groomer, abuse, hypocrisy, csa, language, minor-adult sex, harm, manipulation, trauma, media, damage)</small>
File:Groomingncmec.png|Analysis of NCMEC/Lanning Report pathologizing banality <small>(grooming, feds, fbi, ncmec, minor-adult sex, law, americans)</small>
File:Legalityreality.jpg|Legal consent does not equal reality <small>(rape, statutory, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, laws, consent, rso)</small>
File:deceptive3.png|Definitions can be deceptive <small>(rape, statutory, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, consent, voluntary, harm, trauma, damage)</small>
File:trickery.png|Wordplay: what they really mean <small>(rape, statutory, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, consent, voluntary, harm, trauma, damage)</small>
===Larger flyers===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Lilystory.png|Narrative explaining the nonsense/unnatural concept of a consenting age <small>(consent, minor-adult sex, law, legal, arbitrary, madness)</small>
File:ConsentExamples.png|Consent explained with examples <small>(consent, statutory, legal construct, minor-adult sex, law, arbitrary, madness, nonwestern)</small>
File:AoCWestern.png|Age of Consent Flyer - Western examples <small>(consent, purity, girls, minor-adult sex, law, legal, arbitrary, madness)</small>
File:AoCIndian.png|Age of Consent Flyer - Indian examples <small>(consent, purity, girls, minor-adult sex, law, legal, arbitrary, madness, nonwestern)</small>
File:SecNewColor.png|Iatrogenic harm - comparison with other taboos <small>(study, academia, secondary, trauma, harm, quote, paper, report, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex - [[:File:SecNewColor.png|series inside]])</small>
File:HomosexualityWrong.png|They were wrong about Homosexuality <small>(aids, mental illness, deviancy, persecution, medicine, psychology, gays, homosexuals, lgbt, maps, minor-attracted, sexuality, history, analogy, comparison, similar)</small>
File:Leftistpamphlet.png|Newgon-branded Pamphlet (from down the index) in Leftist Meme Style <small(maps, facts, accuracy, leaflet, propaganda, information, minor attracted people)</small>
===Logical Fallacies series===
See our [[Debate Guide: Logical fallacies and intergenerational sexuality|Debate Guide]] article on the subject.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Ad Populum.png|Ad Populum - Appeal to popularity <small>(ad pop)</small>
File:Ad Hominem.png|Ad Hominem - Personal attack <small>(ad hom, ok pedo, ok groomer)</small>
File:Authority Appeal.png|Appeal to authority
File:Equivocation.png|Equivocation - misleading with terminology <small>(e.g. rape)</small>
File:Genetic Fallacy.png|Genetic Fallacy
File:Guilt By Association.png|Guilt by association
File:Hasty Generalization.png|Hasty Generalization
File:Novelity Appeal.png|Appeal to novelty
File:Special Pleading.png|Special pleading
File:Style Over Substance.png|Style over substance <small>(tone)</small>
File:Strawman.png|Strawman argument <small>(raping babies argument)</small>
===Positive memories===
Stories about positive memories from verified sources.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:positive1.png|Jorge Gonzalez - Positive memories <small>(13 male with 21 male, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>)</small>
File:DanSavage3.png|Dan Savage - Consenting Juveniles <small>(15 male with multiple males, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>, initiated by minor)</small>
File:TomDriberg.png|Tom Driberg - Consenting Juveniles <small>(13 and up male with multiple males, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>, initiated by lustful minor who became a politician)</small>
File:HarryHayFinal.png|Harry Hay - Positive memories <small>(14 male with older male, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>)</small>
File:Percy.png|William A Percy - Consenting Juveniles <small>(14-17 male with multiple males, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>, initiated by minor)</small>
File:Ivo.png|Ivo Von Hove - Positive Memories <small>(early teen male with older male, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>)</small>
File:JamesDubro.png|James Dubro - Positive Memories <small>(14 male with 22 male, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span>) with a long-time [[Pederasty|pederast]] who he never knew to act abusively</small>
File:KirkRead.png|Kirk Read - Positive Memories <small>(13 male with adult male, <span style="background:#ffd9e5"><b>gay sex</b></span> - a relationship that helped him accept himself and convinced him that an age gap does not automatically mean abuse)</small>
File:BethShort.png|Beth Kelly - Positive Memories <small>(8 female with female (great aunt, widowed), <span style="background:#c075f9"><b>lesbian sex</b></span>, close, long-term relationship)</small>
File:Kate.png|Kate Winslet - Positive Memories <small>(15 female with 28 male, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>)</small>
File:ClarissaNew.png|Clarissa Dickson Wright - Consenting Juveniles <small>(6/7 female with male seaman, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, masturbation, discovery, but absence of secondary harm)</small>
File:Heather.png|Heather Corinna - Consenting Juveniles <small>(15 female with 25 male, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, suicide caused by secondary harm)</small>
File:Karin.png|Karin Spaink - Consenting Juveniles <small>(13 female with 21 male, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, minor took initiative)</small>
File:faust.png|Beatrice Faust - Positive memories <small>(minor female with adult male, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>)</small>
File:Nikki.png|Nikki Prescott - Consenting Juveniles <small>(15 female with 18 male, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, ended in marriage despite adversity of investigation)</small>
File:Ranveer.png|Ranveer Singh - Deccan Chronicles <small>(12-16 male with older females, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, saw it as status among his peers)</small>
File:Roger.png|Roger Baldwin - Consenting Juveniles <small>(12/13 male with female house maid, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>)</small>
File:KirkD.png|Kirk Douglas - Consenting Juveniles <small>(15 male with female teacher, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, he cited a transformative effect upon his life)</small>
File:IkeTurner.png|Ike Turner - Positive Memories <small>(6-12 male with multiple older females, <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, including an initiation)</small>
File:GeorgeHamilton.png|George Hamilton - Positive Memories <small>(12 male with 28 female (stepmom), <span style="background:#abcafc"><b>straight sex</b></span>, never felt "dirty")</small>
===Black propaganda===
These memes have been produced by antis, however, we believe that they might efficiently spread the discourse via hysteria in a way that frames debate favorably to us. Using this overclaim/black propaganda method may reduce the risk of censorship on some websites.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:BLACKPROP1.png|Attacks the shift in language, mentions Newgon
File:BLACKPROP2.png|Mentions [[Minor Attracted Person]] euphemism and researchers
File:AMERIPROP.png|Mentions [[Minor Attracted Person]] euphemism and cultural background
File:FPSIc0qWUAA-Y60.jpg|Very smart meme using trans bodily autonomy vs freedom of youth to have sexual experiences
File:Blackprop1.jpg|The plan to legalize
File:Paedoagends.jpg|The Paedophile agenda - accuses LGBT
File:Hebepedo.png|Hebephile/Pedophile distinction irrelevant to antis
Random content.
===Basic material===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Bearbase.png|Basic Pedobear art (transparent surround)
Pbear.png|Brown Pedobear (transparent surround)
File:Untitled-1.png|Alternative [[Virtuous Pedophiles|Virped]] Logo
===Media Flyers===
These are small publications that can be emailed to target groups, such as media organizations, or sent to their social media accounts.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
ContentDemo.pdf|Info Pack (2022) for media organizations - selling the controversy re minor-adult sex
Our pamphlet, '''"Minor-Attracted People (MAPs), Just the facts"''', is intended to look like plain and dowdy propaganda (until you look inside). Previews and PDF available. You may have to experiment with "fitting to page width" or "scaling" to get the folds to go bang down the center, but we have done most of the work for you.
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''[http://newgon.net/w/images/Pamphletmapscale.pdf Download full PDF]'''
We have a short [[Pamphleteering|guide on pamphleting]], and some of our older material is still archived there. Hopefully, this will be an inspiration for future efforts, or reworking of old material.
This is the workspace for new memes and overflow/duplicate concepts. It might contain some usable material and some material that needs to be worked on. As per the main project, none of this material is endorsed, and it is experimental/user-generated with no editorial guidance. Annotations might reflect editorial recommendations, however.
Editors wanting to discuss the development of a particular idea should open up a thread on the [[Memes and Graphics]] talkpage (repost the file there too, so we can see it while it is discussed).
===Surplus but usable material===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:raise.png|Raise the AoC to 25
File:sexnazi2.jpg|Sex Nazis tell the difference
File:Goat.png|Strange looking goat with text overlay (cliches)
File:bhumi78.png|Cleavage scarred me for life
===Ideas that might need work/spin off other ideas===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:Mapflagmeme.png|Explaining 98% of mainstream political discourse interacting with MAPs [should be properly developed into a titled explainer on the topic]
File:boring78.png|CSA story, audience sleep
File:DarkMeme.png|Dark meme about Statutory Rape [so dark, I have never seen it be used!]
File:shotdead.png|Do we have an example?? (We had examples, but that would make the flyer too much filled with content)
File:birdorplane.png|Is it bird or plane, no its CSA
File:LoveisLove.png|Meant to trigger/anger antis
File:MurderNoOneKilled.png|It is theft, even if nothing was stolen
File:LoveQuote.png|Love Quote with adult-teen [unfortunately all these graphics repositories have pics of adults being intimate with kids in what appears to be a parental role. As a result, they focus on a pretty big age gap and kids who look like they barely hit puberty]
File:mathsbywest.png|No mathematical operations on numbers below 18 < Many covering same theme...
File:spelling.jpg|Spelling of Sex [never seen this used, can't imagine what situation it would be used in?]
File:Post.png|Hysteria over small girls dress style - Triggered [I think we have plenty on this theme now?]
File:YA.png|This is a tweet? I don't see the point...
File:cutties.png|This is like an essay with some argument. We have a space for essays.
File:Bbobssuck2.png|This is the right idea... maybe open a discussion on the wording.
File:hire.jpg|This is potentially a good application of the cartoon. But it needs to start from the premise "So who is writing our explainer on the effects of CSA?", then progress through "I studied under David Finkelhor", "5 Years at Mayo Clinic", "My teacher sucked me o..."
File:chat.png|Taken to create space... think there's a better meme making the same point
File:boynature.png|Good meme, but unnecessarry use of "child"
File:Kidsnt.png|This needs to be completely reworked I think, with reference to age of majority rather than "children" or "kids". It requires discussion.
File:Sor12.png|Unnecessary reference to child
File:Sor33.png|Unnecessary reference to child
File:SRape.png|Now there is a combined version of these, I removed to save space
File:LieAboutAge1.png|Now there is a combined version of these, I removed to save space
File:Statutory.png|Now there is a combined version of these, I removed to save space [consider linking them from the statutory rape combined file, as alternative versions, or even deleting and reuploading as alterversions]
File:Police.jpg|H3: British police dog controllers - broken english (shouldn't have talked about power difference here we could talk about something else like misinformation, also sound lame, we should improve it)
File:Brocolli.png|B6: Making a child eat Broccoli vs Grooming  (Can be easily refuted by many, we have better versions of grooming argument now)
File:bikinigirls.png|P3: Guess which one is adult and child (All of them are adults, the photo is from a Nightclub event, need better pictures)
===New content awaiting review===
<Gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
File:SorReworked.png|<One more non-Western version is coming>
File:BrainSizedNew.png|Teen brains are inferior - new picture
File:Iconsent.png|What 2 people do in their bedroom
File:final.png|Historical - no trauma and harm
File:frnotharm.png| I found this a necessity when explaining harm to someone
File:ScienceDenial.png| Science is invalid
[[Category:Promotional Media]]

Latest revision as of 02:26, 1 November 2022