Chronological Archive
The Chronological Archive is a long-term project under construction (see below for ways to help), that aims to chart the progress of the MAP Movement and adjacent cultural trends. This means that the material we archive here will relate predominantly to political activism, covering the time period from the postwar era to the end of the early internet era (2010), in which Newgon was born, and new texts started to become routinely available on pirating websites. We will make further additions from before and after this period if the older material relates to activism or the newer material is of particular importance/rarity, or makes historical references. Image Files will be presented in a separate gallery above PDF and Wikitext files. External links and books are placed at the bottom of each year's entry, and any texts that are in need of re-hosting by Newgon will be highlighted in orange. We are not a historical academic archive, although our allies Ipce were known to serve this purpose, in the period leading up to around 2010 when organizations such as B4U-Act and our Research project took over. We are also not a video archive, although our allies FST are. We may point to other secure/safe archive resources such as these, and further news archives at the end of an entry for a year. Academics and Private Researchers: For an article length treatment of the MAP Movement's association with the LGBT Movement, please see Historical examples of LGBT-MAP unity, and the enclosed article by David Paternotte as a source. For an entire dissertation on the wider war on "Sexual Offending" in America, please see Punishing Queer Sexuality in the Age of LGBT Rights by Scott De Orio (backup here). Both of these sources can be cross-referenced against the archive and other archives mentioned here, to form a fuller picture. Still unsure of where to find information or need direction for your studies? Contact us or join PCMA. We also need your help in constructing this database. We are in receipt of hundreds of documents and archive research leads which have not been utilised here, and need your help to index them. For a category-based classification of some material on this page (and some extras), see Category:Archival. |
David Thorstad has written on some events prior to these dates - particularly with reference to pederast activists in the early German gay movement. His contributions will be highly visible in this archive.
Gallery and Excerpts
IQ pioneer John Raven's findings on adolescent intelligence in 1948 (see Research: Cognitive ability).
Rene Guyon (1951) - Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom.
PDFs and Texts
- Bachelors Anonymous - Early Gay Activist Organization associated with Harry Hay.
- Text of Human Rights and the denial of sexual freedom - Rene Guyon.
Of relevance to this period are Frits Bernard and the Enclave Kring, detailed in his 1987 essay and 1997 book, down the page. For a timeline of events leading up to and beyond this period, see moral panic.
External Archives and Web Pages
- Boys for Sale: A Study of the Prostitution of Young Boys for Sexual Purposes. Dennis Drew and Jonathan Drake (Parker Rossman). Brown Book Company. New York 1969. At Greek Love, at Libgen
- Book of interest: The Asbestos Diary (1966) by Casimir Dukahz. Download at Greek-love, at Libgen.
- Book of interest: Russel Trainer. The Lolita Complex. Find at Anna's Archive, Web Archive or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Blurb: Through the use of case histories, professional opinions, court transcripts, interviews and police records, the author investigates the activities of real-life Lolitas and Humberts and offers insight into an important social problem. The book provides an abundance of case studies of such relationships in different parts of the country. These real life dramas demonstrate the prevalence of sexual experiences between young girls and older men, and the reasons for such relationships are carefully analyzed.
- The Boys of Boise: Furor, Vice and Folly in an American City, by John G. Gerassi, University of Washington Press, 2001 [1966]. His book documents and investigates the 1955 Boise homosexuality scandal, which led to allegations that more than 100 males and teenage boys, had been involved in sexual acts with a “ring” of legally adult homosexual men. By the time the investigation wound down in January 1957, some 1,500 people had been questioned, sixteen men faced charges, and fifteen of them were sentenced to terms ranging from probation to life in prison. The scandal was a precursor to NAMBLA, as the group which formed NAMBLA included activists from the Boston/Boise Committee (B/BC) and the Fag Rag collective, who alluded to the Boise scandal in forming the Boston/Boise Committee (B/BC) to protest a similar teenage hustler scandal in the 70's. This 1970's scandal led to NAMBLA's founding, enshrined in history by Mitzel (1980) as 'The Boston Sex Scandal', whilst Newgon has called it The Boston/Boise Affair.
- Boy-lovers: Four sociological case-histories of men who loved boys, by Dennis Harmon (New York: Jumeaux Press, 1969). Extremely rare book which gives four case histories of sexual relationships between older and younger males ("men and boys"), written in an unusual mix of sociological discussion blended with frank description of past erotic activity. Amateur scan available via Libgen.
Gallery and Excerpts
External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest (published in 2008, but relating to 1966-75): Stephan Cohen (2008). The Gay Liberation Youth Movement in New York: "An Army of Lovers Cannot Fail". Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Walter Breen (J.Z. Eglinton) (1971). Greek Love. Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. See review.
PDFs and Texts
- Strange Landscape - French open MAP Tony Duvert wins prestigious award Prix Médicis for his fiction novel "Strange Landscape". Publishes MAP/AAM supportive philosophical tract Good Sex Illustrated the following year.
External Archives and Web Pages
- The Pederasts. by Parker Rossman - Investigation (he was one himself) into the subculture, 1973, find at Ipce, and Sci Hub.
Gallery and Excerpts
Berger, B. M. & Hackett, B. H. (1974) On the decline of age grading in rural hippie communes, J Social Issues 30,2:163-83.
External Archives and Web Pages
- The Early Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1935) - By David Thorstad and John Lauritsen. Concerns pederasty.
Gallery and Excerpts
26th August 1975: Child-lovers (PIE) win fight for role in Gay Lib (The Guardian)
Media excerpts (unknown origin) on a 1975 Australian Media controversy in which the ABC defend a programme on Pederasty
Gallery and Excerpts
Book cover
External Archives and Web Pages
- Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys - By Parker Rossman. At Libgen, at PdfDrive, True .PDF scan of the book
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Hal Wells, PhD (1976). Your child's right to sex. Find at Anna's Archive, reviewed in the NY Times; or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
Gallery and Excerpts
1977 protest outside of PIE's first open meeting
Berger, B. M. (1977) Child-rearing research in communes: the extension of adult sexual behavior to young children, in Oremland, E. K. & Oremland, J. D. (Eds.) The Sexual Gender and Young Children: The Role of the Educator.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of Incest: The Last Taboo - Classic piece by Philip Nobile.
- NIKS Magazine 01 (In Dutch) - Activism - These are just a sample of a foreign language magazine that is archived in greater detail elsewhere.
- NIKS Magazine 02 (In Dutch) - Activism
- NIKS Magazine 03 (In Dutch) - Activism
- NIKS Magazine 04 (In Dutch) - Activism
- NIKS Magazine 05 (In Dutch) - Activism
- NIKS Magazine 06 (In Dutch) - Activism
- Disturbing Visions of Childhood: René Schérer's Writing in the 1970s - 2020 Paper that refers back to the works of the French Academic in the 1970s.
- A Child's Sexual Bill of Rights - By the Childhood Sensuality Circle.
Gallery and Excerpts
High Times article on Brooke Shields - "A sultry mix of all-american virgin and whore".
Prescott Courier article about the meetings that led to the formation of NAMBLA.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of Men loving boys loving men - Historic article by Gerald Hannon.
- Paedophilia, Some Questions and Answers - Political pamphlet/mini-pub by Paedophile Information Exchange.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- PvdA (Partij van de Arbeid) senator, Edward Brongersma speaks with TV host Koos Postema about pedophilia on October 30, 1978 on the show Een Groot Uur U (in Dutch, with English subs).
Gallery and Excerpts
1979 Military Chaplains Review mentions "Girllove" ironically. A decade later, a magazine actually existed for Girllovers.
Lesbian Feminist Jane Rule writes in The Body Politic.
Ramey SIECUS Report on Incest, see Research: Double-Taboo CSA.
The British National Council for One Parent Families supported Age of Consent abolition in 1979.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of Pedophilia (PSVG) - Pamphlet.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- VIDEO: Professor Tom Reeves in Army of Lovers or Revolt of the Perverts - A scene of NAMBLA founder and spokesman Tom Reeves from the 1979 Rosa von Praunheim film Army of Lovers or Revolt of the Perverts (Armee der Liebenden oder Aufstand der Perverse).
PDFs and Texts
- NAMBLA's Constitution and Position Papers, revised August 21, 1992. The document shows the the various issues that NAMBLA as an organization took positions on, up until 1992, including opposition to corporeal punishment and female genital mutilation. The first page shows the organization's Constitution, which was adopted by the membership in December, 1980.
- Man-Boy love and Feminism - by David Thorstad.
- Roger Moody: 'Child Protection, English Style', in PAN: A Magazine about Boy-love, pp. 15-19.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Thomas O'Carroll (1980). Paedophilia: The Radical Case. Find at libgen, Ipce (revised) - version backed up on Libgen; or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Book of interest: John Mitzel (1980). The Boston Sex Scandal. Find at, libgen, greek-love or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Anthology of interest (of relevance to this period in time, published 2019): Out of the Mouth of Babes - Youth Speak Out on Youthlove. Find at (backup), BronWiki, Libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Anthology of interest (2nd volume of the above, published 2019): She said - Women, Lesbians, and Feminist Speak Out about Youthlove. Find at Libgen.
- News article (from 2014, concerning this period in time): How did the pro-paedophile group PIE exist openly for 10 years?
PDFs and Texts
- Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives, ed. by Larry Constantine and Floyd Martinson. Contains links to further 2 files covering the whole book. No OCR. See also, Anna's Archive.
- Man/boy love and the Left - in The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, Ed. Daniel Tsang (Alyson Publications: Boston, and Gay Men's Press: London), pp. 147-156 - By Roger Moody.
- Paul Wilson, The Man they called a Monster: Sexual Experiences between Men and Boys (Cassell Australia Limited: Maryborough, Victoria, 1981). (IPCE Link). PDF also available (Annas Archive external link). (webarchive copy) - Examines the life of Clarence Osborne.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- VIDEO: Boys for Sale: Child trafficking ring in the U.S. In 1981, Dr. Tom Philpott would be interviewed for the documentary film in which he discusses the existence of an interstate child trafficking ring in the U.S. perpetrated by political elite. Also on YouTube.
PDFs and Texts
- Feminist academic Stevi Jackson publishes Childhood and Sexuality, a thoughtful and non-sensationalist text on the topic.
Gallery and Excerpts
In 1982, David Thorstad, a founding member of NAMBLA shows a machine copy of what he says is a 1968 calendar with a photo that police suspected might be missing Etan Patz.
NAMBLA meeting draws protests, offends some LGBT and Feminist groups. Bill Andriette, then 16, is elected a spokesman of NAMBLA.
Another take on the previous story
Anti-Nuclear Demo with NAMBLA.
Gallery and Excerpts
Survey of Paedophile Information Exchange members (left) appears to reveal that most are what we would now term hebephiles - a term not in wide use at the time. Similar work (right) from the Internet era.
PDFs and Texts
- Sexuality, Violence, and Psychological Sequelae (book), by Michael C. Baurmann. "This is one of the largest studies ever conducted -- anywhere -- of sexual interactions between adults and minors. It encompasses over 8,000 alleged victims, representing all reported sex offenses involving females under age 20 and males under age 14, in the German state of Lower Saxony, in the years 1969-1972." We have saved the preface and the full document can be found on Web Archive, and the author's site, in sections.
- The Child-Lovers: A Study of Paedophiles in Society (book) - by Glenn Wilson and David Cox. Landmark study of Paedophile Information Exchange enclosed. The Web Archive have a backup. Ipce have a text copy.
- Crowstone (in full, The Chronicles of Qamar: Crowstone - A sword and sorcery boy-love tale), by Hakim Bey. A rare fiction novel by the influential American Anarchist author and poet Peter Lamborn Wilson (October 20, 1945 – May 22, 2022), primarily known for his concept of Temporary Autonomous Zones, short-lived spaces which elude formal structures of control. This book saw the first use of his now infamous pen-name Hakim / Hakim Bey.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Video: PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) video interview with the activist organization.
Gallery and Excerpts
London Evening Standard: Child Sex ring's Home Office Link
Inciardi, J. (1984). "Little girls and sex: A glimpse at the world of the “baby pro”" Deviant Behaviour, Volume 5, 1984 - Issue 1-4.
84' NAMBLA Meeting, with a 16 year old speaker "Jesse" and Harry Hay among others such as Thorstad.
Pedophobic campaign in the Philippines - cited by Spartacus International Gay Guide
PDFs and Texts
- Adult Child Sex, by Robert Ehman - Philosophical Analysis.
Audio, Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Legal and social aspects of pedophilia - Audio recording of a speech before gay Stanford Students by Edward Brongersma.
- Man-Boy Love Then and Now: A Personal-Political Appraisal - By David Thorstad. Published in 1986. He compares the 1984 movement to the early German gay/pederast movement. Internet Archive has a scan, as do we.
Gallery and Excerpts
PAN Magazine and a selection of related reading material: From Spartacus International Gay Guide 1985.
PDFs and Texts
- Plummer. (1985). Review of Child Pornography and Sex Rings - Ed. by Ann Wolbert Burgess and Marieanne L. Clark (Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath. 1984).
External Archives and Web Pages
- News article (from 2013, concerning this time period): Pedophile Links Haunt Green Party - About German "pedophilia" political controversies.
- Book of interest: A Witchhunt Foiled: The FBI vs. NAMBLA - Full Book scan download on Libgen.
Gallery and Excerpts
Spartacus magazine controversy.
Spartacus magazine controversy (further coverage).
Murder of a NAMBLA Member by a drifter. NAMBLA Bulletin Sept.
Harry Hay marching at the 1986 Los Angeles gay pride parade wearing a cloth sign reading "NAMBLA Walks With Me", before the pride organizers and cops forced him to remove his message before joining the parade.
Harry Hay (and Scott O'Hara) respond admirably to their exclusion/invalidation by mainstream gays. NAMBLA Bulletin Sept.
External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Edward Brongersma. Loving Boys (in two volumes). Find at (1, 2) and Libgen (1, 2).
- The Betrayal of Youth: Radical Perspectives on Childhood Sexuality, Intergenerational Sex, and the Social Oppression of Children and Young People - ed. by Warren Middleton (CL Publications: London). - We have a dedicated page for the book and many of its authors, such as Peter Tatchell.
- News article (from 2013, concerning this time period): Pedophile Links Haunt Green Party - About German "pedophilia" political controversies.
- Book of interest: Dr. Preben Hertoft. (1986, 1993 Translation). Crime without victims. Find at Ipce, BronWiki and or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
Gallery and Excerpts
Tax Men pounce on Spartacus (Capital Gay).
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- The Dutch Paedophile Emancipation Movement - By Frits Bernard. From Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, volume 1 number 2 (Autumn 1987), p. 35-45.
- Child Molestation vs. Child Love, and essay by Wolfi Landstreicher (Anarchist figure aka Feral Faun). Also available with "critical annotations" at Web Archive and Heresy.
- Video: The Cook Report, 1987. Cook confronts "child-pornographers".
Gallery and Excerpts
PDFs and Texts
- A pueblo homosexuality, by David Thorstad. The gay activist immerses himself in a rural Mexican culture where homosexuality is part of everyday life for boys.
Gallery and Excerpts
Pedophilia: Views from the other side, by Chris Bearchell in Anarchy.
Harry Hay circa 1989.
Kanalratten Manifesto on "female pedophilia".
ILGA's Pedophile Workshop minutes from 1989
PDFs and Texts
- Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed (special edition) - Anarchist Activism
Gallery and Excerpts
From Tate: Child Pornography: An Investigation, featured below.
PDFs and Texts
- Siwa today - Cultural report from Egypt, by David Thorstad.
- Interview with Kenneth Plummer, in Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, volume 2: Number 2 (Issue 6), pp. 2-10.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions (Jay R. Feierman, ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag Publishers.
- Book of interest: Sandfort, T., et al. (1990). Male Intergenerational Intimacy. Find at libgen, Ipce or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Book of interest: Donald J. West, C.K. Li, and T.P. Woodhouse, Children’s sexual encounters with adults: a scientific study (London: Duckworth, 1990; Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1993).
- Book of interest: Tate, T. (1990). Child Pornography: An Investigation. Of particular interest due to the chapter on Paedophile Information Exchange, called up here.
- VIDEO: Phil Donahue episode - featuring Clarence Tripp and Judith Reisman, re. Alfred Kinsey's baby orgasm data.
Gallery and Excerpts
Roger Moody: Bunking Off Is Not a Crime.
PDFs and Texts
- Man/Boy Love and the American Gay Movement - Gay and MAP Activism, by David Thorstad.
- Review of Brongersma, Loving Boys: A Multidiciplinary Study of Sexual Relations Between Adults and Minor Males (Volume 1, 1986). in Journal of Homosexuality, Volume 20, Issue 1-2, pp. 320-323. Vern Bullough reviews Paidika and Theo Sandfort's research.
- Plummer, Ken. (1991). Understanding Childhood Sexualities. - In Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, ed. by Theo Sandfort, Edward Brongersma, Alex van Naerssen (New York: Routledge), pp. 231-249.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Gay Byrne introduces Rap against Rape (Irish Late Show, 1991)
- Schuijer, J. (1991). Tolerance at Arm’s Length. Journal of Homosexuality, 20(1-2), 199–229. Web Archive also have a copy.
Gallery and Excerpts
The Lanning Report - examples of absurd language used by the CSA Industry.
PDFs and Texts
- Intergenerational Intimacy - About the adaptive potential of intergenerational relationships, by Andrew Nilsen.
- The Argument for Adult-Child Sexual Contact: A Critical Appraisal and New Data. By Theo Sandfort.
- Bill Andriette, 'Intergenerational Sex: Consent Isn't the Problem', in Empathy, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1992).
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Long-Range Effects of Child and Adolescent Sexual Experiences: Myths, Mores, and Menaces. By Allie C. Kilpatrick. Full PDF on Ipce.
- Off Our Backs - 1992 - Early example of Radical (conservative) Feminist anti-NAMBLA Activism.
PDFs and Texts
- Fuck the Age of Consent! - In Lesbian & Gay Freedom Movement, Winter 1993.
- Homoaffectionalism: Male Bonding from Gilgamesh to the Present, by Paul D. Hardman (San Francisco: GLB / Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Publishers) - Notable for its discussion of pederasty.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Video: Larry King Live - NAMBLA's history in ILGA
- Book of interest: Felicity Goodyear-Smith. First do no harm: the sexual abuse industry. Find at Anna's Archive or or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Reviewed by Bruce Rind.
- Book of Interest: Joel Best. Threatened children: rhetoric and concern about child-victims. Reviews ([1], [2]) available at Sci-Hub.
Gallery and Excerpts
Answering machine message of the Canada-based
Boys and Men’s Sex Rights Group
draws ire and prompts investigation by police who suspect the organization is affiliated with NAMBLA. -
Pagecanada censors the
Boys and Men’s Sex Rights Group
hotline after public outrage and negative press. Its founder, Gary Rhindress, makes plans to move the hotline from Toronto to Winnipeg. -
The Advocate Gay Mag - when NAMBLA were facing pressure from within the gay movement.
PDFs and Texts
- PRD on ILGA Controversy - Collection of documents on the expulsion of minor-attracted groups from the gay umbrella.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Video: NAMBLA Presentation
- Video: Chicken Hawk - Men Who Love Boys (1994) - Part 1 of 4 of a Documentary on NAMBLA.
- Book of interest: Rüdiger Lautmann (1994) Die Lust am Kind. Portrait des Pädophilen. Hamburg: Ingrid Klein Verlag GmbH. 1994. ISBN 3-89521-015-3 English translation ("Attraction to children") at WebArchive, English translation at Libgen, Newgon Original at Libgen
- Book of interest: Pat Califia (1994) Public sex: The Culture of Radical Sex (there is also a 2000 2nd edition with discrepant content)
- Book of interest: Robyn Dawes (1994). House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth. This book contains material on false psychologist expertise in different aspects of the CSA construction: witnessing in the court room, assessment of the occurrence and severity, recovered memory industry an others. Find copy at Libgen, at
PDFs and Texts
- Faust, B. (1995) "Child sexuality and age of consent laws: The Netherlands model." Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 5, pp. 78-85.
- Homosexuality and the American Left - Gay and MAP Activism, by David Thorstad.
- Faust, B. (1995) "Child sexuality and age of consent laws: The Netherlands model." Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, 5, pp. 78-85. Feminist author Beatrice Faust usefully summarizes the Netherlands model for a sex-positive, early sex education approach combined with age of consent reform which created an effective legal age of 12 for sex at the time. Important text for the history of Feminism and MAP-AAM / youth rights.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Nathan, D.; Snedeker, M. (1995). Satan's Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-87975-809-7. Find at libgen, Web Archive (account required) through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
Gallery and Excerpts
Letter from Peter Tatchell.
Chris Brand during his 1996/97 controversies.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of the Boylove Manifesto - by jay_h.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Arlekin/David Website (of a 14 year old boy): "Stop protecting me".
- Book of interest: Frits Bernard (1997). Pedophilia Unbound: Theory, Research, Practice. Find at Newgon, (2), pdfdrive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Of relevance to history, as the scholar was elderly at this point and had experience of the early movement.
- Book of interest: Wolf Vogel (1997). Secret Love: Eros Between Boys and Men. Find at, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Reports, letters, and interviews about boy/man relationships.
- Kids Club Anthology #1 - This anthology [Published March 2021] collects material on sexual attraction to youth, youth sexuality, adult/youth relationships, and the age of consent written by young gay people from the late 70s to the mid-90s.
- Kids Club Anthology #2 - She said - Women, Lesbians, and Feminist Speak Out about Youthlove - The same as above, but from the female and pro-sex feminist perspective.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of Heather Peterson: Origins of "Minor Attracted Adult" - Retrospective account of great importance to MAPs.
- Pederasty and Homosexuality - Political analysis by David Thorstad.
Gallery and Excerpts
Erotic Innocence - James Kincaid's 1998 book.
Rind et al is published - a study that had far-reaching effects on academia and activism (the graphic is a present-day treatment)
Pink Triangle Press rejoins ILGA - with details of ILGA demands in 1995 (Jan 1998 ILGA Bulletin)
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- - The Rind Files - Documenting the controversy as it unfolded over the proceeding years.
- Book of interest: David Sonenschein (1998). Pedophiles on Parade Find at Libgen, or on Yesmap (Vol 1, Vol 2).
- Book of interest: James Russell Kincaid. Erotic innocence: the culture of child molesting. Find at Libgen and PDFDrive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Book of interest: Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America (on Ipce) (on Ebin)(on Libgen) - 1998 treatment by historian, Philip Jenkins.
Texts and PDFs
- Text of Rind resolution (Alaska) - Condemnation of Rind et al study.
- Text of Rind resolution - Condemnation of Rind et al study.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Mirkin, H. (1999). The Pattern of Sexual Politics. Journal of Homosexuality, 37(2), 1–24. Ipce also have a copy.
- Rev. Hans Visser and Rev. Donald Mader, Misunderstood intimacy: A pastoral approach to pedophilia (Rotterdam: Stichting voor Kerkelijk Sociale Arbeid, 1999).
Gallery and Excerpts
Robert Ehman on the failed circular "consent" argument
Robert Ehman on the real reasons for consent vs no consent binarism
PDFs and Texts
- What Really Is Wrong With Pedophilia, by Robert Ehman - Philosophy paper.
- Tea Abuse - Men's Rights Movement essay on CSA/Sexual Abuse Original and archives.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Christina Hoff Sommers, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. Find at libgen (inc. 2013 update) and the original at Web Archive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- Stefan's Website (of a 12 year old boy).
- Spike's Website - Loved boy.
- Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers (Archive) by David Riegel
- We were NOT abused! David Riegel, 2000 - a book on "abuse" myth and harm produced by reaction of society.
Gallery and Excerpts
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- THE PERVERSE LAW OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY (copy)- Long article by Amy Adler... "In our present culture of child abuse, is child pornography law the solution or the problem? My answer is that it is both. This reading pictures law and culture as unwitting partners. Both keep the sexualized child before us. Children and sex become inextricably linked, all while we proclaim the child’s innocence. The sexuality prohibited becomes the sexuality produced."
- Video: Brass Eye Special - One-off topical news satire by Christopher Morris, in which the media response to pedophilia is ridiculed (UK).
- Book of interest: Philip Jenkins. Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography on the Internet. Find at Libgen and further options via Anna's Archive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
Gallery and Excerpts
Liz Highleyman's review of Judith Levine's Harmful to Minors.
PDFs and Texts
- Text of A Consolidation of Brainstorming Ideas - Proposed ideas for activism from an online community.
- Importance of being Peyrefitte - By Roger Moody, who was formerly involved in PAN.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Judith Levine, Joycelyn M. Elders. Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex. Find at Ipce and libgen, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
PDFs and Texts
- True Innocence Magazine 1 - Pedophile-interest online magazine with news and features. No OCR. Date may be approximated from content.
- True Innocence Magazine 2 - Pedophile-interest online magazine with news and features. No OCR. Date may be approximated from content.
- True Innocence Magazine 3 - Pedophile-interest online magazine with news and features. No OCR. Date may be approximated from content.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Children and adolescents as sexual beings: cross-cultural perspectives, a journal paper by Jose ́ A. Nieto, PhD.
- Beyond Hysteria: Boy Erotica on the Internet David Riegel, 2004 - a book on effects of boy erotica in pedosexual men and men involved in the production of erotica as boys
This was the year Pedologues (a podcast) began. It ran for 30 episodes, up until 2006.
Gallery and Excerpts
Hoax advert for Breyers Creamsicle.
PDFs and Texts
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Aarons's Website (of boy). Associated with this blog.
- Book of interest: Matthew Waites. The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship (2005). Find at Internet Archive and annas-archive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- News article: Onell R. Soto. FBI targets pedophilia advocates. Concerning NAMBLA sex-tourism stings, etc.
- The Emergence of the Paedophile in the Late Twentieth Century (Steven Angelides, 2005)
- Could they ALL have been WRONG? David Riegel, 2005 - a scientific excerpt collection on pederasty. Web Archive.
2006 was the year's predecessor was set up - an accuracy-focused blogging website that set the tone for the MAP Movement and its evolution over the coming years.
Gallery and Excerpts
OK Magazine (Vereniging MARTIJN) stops publishing, with its last edition (Jun 2006). The Association had published magazines since the 80s.
PDFs and Texts
- Rookiee's Talk Page (Wikipedia) - The beginnings of Wikipedia activism (contributions still visible on Wikipedia).
- Pedophilia in Public Discourse - by Peter Schult. We link the file page, as the volume is broken down into individual files (linked from said page).
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- News article: Benoit Denizet-Lewis. Boy Crazy. About NAMBLA's situation. BronWiki have excerpts, and web archive will have copies.
- News article: Kurt Eichenwald. On the Web, Pedophiles Extend Their Reach.
PDFs and Texts
- Jim Burton userpage (Wikipedia) - Another foundational Wikipedia activist (contributions still visible on Wikipedia).
- Child Pornography (Wikipedia) - Saved Wikipedia article.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- - the former Puellula archive in zip form - text only. Believed to have been shut down around 2007 (or at least that is when site-building activity ceased).
PDFs and Texts
- Guide to Computer Security (Archive) - Was compiled by us for people who are concerned with on-and off-line data protection, and encryption.
- Newgon Promotional Material (Archive) - Contains galleries of old promotional material.
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Critical Estoppel and The later OSC - The late Nigel Leigh Oldfield's old sites, many copies on WA. Home of the relentless and obsessive king of internet sealioning, who should be subject of a personal article some day.
- Declassified FBI Documents - A large file of documents concerning NAMBLA.
PDFs and Texts
- Administrators' Statement, 24 January, 2009
- Uncommon Sense Edition 1 - Webmagazine of Newgon, featuring news analysis and activism. Contains a PDF version.
- Uncommon Sense Edition 2
- Uncommon Sense Edition 3
- Uncommon Sense Edition 4
- Pedophilia: Myths and Facts - Pamphlet. Example of Newgon's early promotional material. A shortened version was also produced.
- Proposed Girl Chat Security Post - Details some of the online security concerns of the day.
External Archives and Web Pages
- Malón, A. (2009). Onanism and Child Sexual Abuse: A Comparative Study of Two Hypotheses. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(3), 637–652. Also available at Ipce.
Gallery and Excerpts
Michael Melsheimer of B4U-ACT in a filming some time towards the end of his life.
PDFs and Texts
- Bruce Benderson. (2010). "Innocence on Trial: The Politics of Tony Duvert." Diary of an Innocent. By Tony Duvert. Trans. Bruce Benderson. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), pp. 5-13 - Tony Duvert is covered in NewgonWiki.
- Donald Mader, "The Individual Can . . ." Objectifying Consent', in Boyhood Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010), 103-112
- Uncommon Sense Edition 5 - Webmagazine of Newgon, featuring news analysis and activism.
External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Sarah Goode (2010). Understanding and Addressing Adult Sexual Attraction to Children. Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Goode is an early preventionist and anti-stigma writer.
- Book of interest: Susan A.Clancy (2010). The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children--and Its Aftermath. Find at Libgen, or
- [A talk by] Rind, B. (2010). Social Response to Age-Gap Sex Involving Minors: Empirical, Historical, Cross-Cultural, and Cross-Species Considerations. Boyhood Studies, 4(2). Also at Ipce and Ipce PDF.
- Book of interest: Sally V Hunter (2010). Childhood Sexual Experiences: Narratives of Resilience. Find at Ana's Archive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
2011 and later
While the years 2011 and later fall outside the scope of this project, we may link out to examples of material published beyond this date, particularly if it is historically relevant for researchers, or related to activism. We may also preserve examples of material we have reason to believe is rare (such that it might be at risk of completely eluding future archivists) and of considerable importance. Some items published after 2011 have been situated at an earlier point in this archive - generally a year, or period to which they are highly relevant.
PDFs and Texts
- Alice Lovers Magazine No. 1 - GL/Pedophile interest Magazine with features. (2011)
- Alice Lovers Magazine No. 2 - GL/Pedophile interest Magazine with features. (2013)
- Alice Lovers Magazine No. 3 - GL/Pedophile interest Magazine with features. (2015)
- Alice Lovers Magazine No. 4 - GL/Pedophile interest Magazine with features. (Probable date - 2016)
- Alice Lovers Magazine No. 5 - GL/Pedophile interest Magazine with features. (2021)
- Pedopunk - Zine posted on and censored from, also banned from Twitter. (2022)
Videos, External Archives and Web Pages
- Book of interest: Andersson, Karl (2011), Gay Man's Worst Friend - the Story of Destroyer Magazine. At Libgen, and at PDFdrive
- Looking Back on My Collaboration with Tom Reeves - By David Thorstad, 2012.
- Harry Hay’s Support for Man/Boy Love - By David Thorstad, 2012.
- News article: Jon Henley (2013). Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light (archive)
- Book of interest: Thomas Hubbard and Beert Verstraete (2013). Censoring Sex Research: The Debate Over Male Intergenerational Relationships. Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Collection of essays about the censorship of research on intergenerational relationships, spurred on by censorship of planned publication in the Journal of Homosexuality after its longstanding, free-speech loving editor John De Cecco had retired his position. Contributions from Richard Yuill, and Gert Hekma and Donald Mader. Rind's chapter is considered one of his greatest accomplishments (Web Archive backup).
- Article: Lawrence A. Stanley (2013) The Child Pornography Myth, (Web Archive)
- Book of interest: Emma Renold (2015). Children, Sexuality and Sexualization. Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible.
- A similar social constructivist volume was authored by Liza Tsaliki.
- News article: Mike Pearl (2016). Whatever Happened to NAMBLA?
- Essay: David Thorstad (2016). LGBT: A Dissection. Find at CounterPunch and William Percy and Web Archive.
- Book of interest: Terry Goldie (2016). "The Man Who Invented Gender: Engaging the Ideas of John Money."
- Book of interest: David Halperin (2017). The War on Sex. Find at, libgen or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Of relevance to history.
- Book of interest: Steven Angelides (2019). The Fear of Child Sexuality. Find at Libgen, Anna's Archive, or through Research Resources - Information Freedom Companions if inaccessible. Percy Foundation review.
- Book of interest: T. Rivas (2020; First printed edition: April 2013, now withdrawn due to legal issues). Positive Memories: Cases of positive memories of erotic and platonic relationships and contacts of children with adults as seen from the perspective of the former minor. Find at uryourstory, Libgen and Web Archive.
- Journal issue of interest: Restoring Intergenerational Dynamics to Queer History, with an open-access introduction co-authored by Nicholas Syrett, Rachel Hope Cleves, and Averill Earls (in Historical Reflections, 2020). - Also contains the seminal article on Intergenerational Lesbianism by historian Amanda H. Littauer.
- Lisi Cori (2021): The Little Girl and the Naughty Man - Amateur English translation available via Libgen, and backed up on Newgon. A rare, privately printed response to Vanessa Springora's Consent: A Memoir, relating to scandal and debate around Gabriel Matzneff.
- Book chapter of interest: Bruce Rind (2023): Sacred Values, Politics, and Moral Panic: A Potent Mix Biasing the Science behind Child Sexual Abuse and Related Phenomena, in Frisby et al. (Editors): Ideological and Political Bias in Psychology: Nature, Scope, and Solutions. Also of note is Michael Bailey's chapter.
- Book of interest: Andersson, Karl (2023). Impossibly Cute Boys: The Healing Power of Shota Comics in Japan - Available on Amazon.
Date Undetermined
Image files
Danish firm COQ International Video Mail order form in one of their soft erotic boy magazines. Probably early 80s, little information still exists.