Memes and Graphics
This is an organized, ethnological study of memes by, and about MAPs from various political and apolitical perspectives. While this archive is considered largely complete, we will consider exceptional and notable examples for inclusion. In addition to the informational memes on this page, research graphics can be found at this index, or on their respective research pages. Traditional memes have search tags; press control+F on your keyboard and type in a search term. Memes, graphics and artwork are presented here for discussion, deliberation and modification. We do not endorse any meme, and have tried to reflect the breadth of material on our subject - some of which may confront conservative stereotypes of the MAP Movement as a project solely of the political left. The organizational logo may be present on material designed or not designed by its members, or members of spin-off groups, as per our ethos. Some memes mobilize and redeploy narratives usually deemed hostile to MAPs, since they are designed for use in explicitly hostile venues. Material reproduced here is therefore not to be confused with Newgon's editorial. If you are the verified author of any content featured here, and wish to be credited, please email us. |
The MAP Flag
The concept underlying the MAP Flag was seen as early as 2009 and it resurfaced (or was spontaneously recoined) in 2018, gathering widespread social media attention after a campaign by NOMAPs on Tumblr. It has been re-imagined twice by Jim Burton - most recently as a horizontal gradient.
2023 YAP Flag
2021 MAP Flag presented without anti-alias (i.e. for making an actual flag)
2018 post-publicity "MAP Flag" - i.e. original Stenna "NOMAP Flag"
2009 Newgon "Gradient" Flag by Philist: First known use of this, or a related concept
MAP Flag variations and memes
The MAP Flag has already been used in numerous good-faith social media profiles of MAPs, but also by activists in campaigns that deliberately troll opponents, both in favor of, and in antagonism against MAPs.
MAP Maned Lion (Bolt)
Revolution, inc MAP Flag - Katie Cruz. Find this and more graphics at The Mirror Project.
Similar fist with blended flag colors - Matthewyoung (alternative version by Katie Cruz inside)
Resistance - Cailín Leannán (based on imagery from Irish troubles)
Raising the MAP Flag
Similar, modified by beefriend
Union MAP Flag, effect by Poik, PCMA
Pizza Flag, Silvestery,
Banksy-style MAP Flag in balloon[1]
AAM artwork by bee, PCMA
Further AAM work by bee
Fedi, unknown
The Masonic Anarcho-communist Pedo Flag (or DDR MAP Flag by Yutlibnow)
MAP Gadsden Flag - Beefriend
Anarchist Gadsden MAP Flag (Ancap)
Star with MAP-Coding (Ancap)
Pedophile Lives Matter by Strategist (Conservative/Tory version inside)
#MAPsAreBased - Strategist
Semi-discreet header background in NOMAP orientation[1]
Header bg based on flag (Rin)
Flower Arch Header - beefriend
AngloNOMAP Flag by Rin (alternative AngloMAP version inside)
Very subtle bg by beefriend
background - bee, PCMA
Graphic with jumping young people (Mythebe, FST, originally attached to an FST essay)
Transparent MAP Ring for PFPs (alternative versions inside)[1]
"MAP Pride Sticker" from @SvbbyPvbby (alternative b&w version inside)
Derivative "MAP and AAM Pride Stickers" from Bee (alternative 2021 Flag and AAM versions inside)
GIF: Among Us Twerk/Among Us Dumpy-type meme[1]
Touching hand MAP Flag art[1]
Faded 2021 MAP Flag - Jim Burton
2022 "Yesmap Flag" - exclusive pro-c symbol first published here - Jim Burton
2023 Union MAP Flag concept combining the 2018 and 2021 variants - Jim Burton
Gay MAP Flag (contrary to popular claims, these have barely been adopted by MAPs)
Lesbian MAP Flag (contrary to popular claims, these have barely been adopted by MAPs. Supposedly, GL and BL versions exist, too)
AAM heart inside a pro-choice MAP Flag (beefriend)
Teacher displays 2018 MAP Flag (PS by beefriend, both versions available)
Lecturer displays 2021 MAP Flag (PS by beefriend, both versions available)
A small boy carries the MAP Flag (beefriend)
Small girl with MAP Flag (beefriend)
Simple/Traditional memes
Traditional memes convey a short and salient message in a graphic. MAPs have been memed with (some would say) surprising success, and broadly throughout the internet. This is only a very narrow selection of the material that has been seen from various quarters. Our own research graphics can be found at this index, or on their respective research pages.
The MAP Identity
In addition to graphics and symbols in the lead section of this archive, a number of memes reference the MAP Identity, its development, public perceptions and internal issues. A MAP Support Booru also lists memes and social media graphics based on MAP identities.
Reaction to MAP Identity - (visibility, gay, progress, lgbtq, pride, map flag, glb, inclusion, valid)
MAP Visibility - (social progress, lgbt, queer, pansexual, aam - AAM and German variation inside)
MAP/LGBT unity meme by Lucas, PCMA (gay, progress, map flag, glb, inclusion, cooperation)
Give MAP kids a chance to be kids - reversion Consuela (child, minor map, map flag, aam, inclusion, valid)
The Revolution Won't Be Televised - (progress, rallying troops, gloating, woke, pride)
Pink hair enby - MAP adaptation (enby, map, valid, identity)
Be a MAP Ally - (Minor Attracted Person, pedo, hebephile, alliance, asexual, lgbt, gay - presented in asexual and rainbow flag variations)
MAP Rights artwork, feat. older female / younger male - (map, valid, identity, youthlove, drawings, art)
Youth pornography etc vs statist terminology (nomap, erotica, mocking, language, youthlove, response, reply, csam, csai, troll)
Pipeline punch lolicon edit (proship, fiction, lolicon, japanese, drawings, art, cunny, hebephilia, pipeline, pedophilia, propaganda, newgon, pediverse)
Google LGBT vs MAP Pride Month Trolling Response (google maps, parody, logo)
Insufferable MAP Ally (destigmatizer, nomap, coping, map, virped, talking therapy, non-maladaptive)
Pedo Yes Chad - "Yes". (based, chads, pedophilia, lolis, cunny, lolipiller, drawings, art, lolicon, cope, seethe, hebephilia)
Say what you want about pedophiles (trolling, minor attraction, map, comedy, humor, perv)
Pedo Yes Chad vs Fediverse Glowie (based, chads, pedophilia, fbi, cia, glow, pedi, fedi)
MAP Rights AI Anime Protest - (Minor Attracted Person, pedo, hebephile, youth rights, maps, anime, art - many versions available)
Youth Autonomy/Rights/Liberation
The autonomy, capacities and liberation of youth are all likely to be crucial battlegrounds for MAPs,, AAMs and their Allies over the next few decades. Another way of describing this, is fighting ageism. Anti-ageist memes are dotted around our categories, and the following are explicitly anti-ageist.
Parents: I know you more than anyone else > No, you don't (youth, child, parent, autonomy, rights)
How to prevent rape - Sayaka Fermi (hypocrisy, body autonomy, minor-adult sex, agency, irrational, coercion, awareness, education, youth, choice, prevention)
Scroll of truth: Youth autonomy prevents abuse (hypocrisy, body autonomy, agency, irrational, choice, protection, education, youth, prevention)
Domino effect - Investigating MAPs to supporting YouthLib (liberation, youth rights, logic, sequential, cause and effect)
CSA Absurdism and Professional Hypocrisy
A large number of MAP and MAP-Adjacent memes expose and magnify the absurdism of narratives around safeguarding, abuse, trauma and child protection. In some cases, the hypocritical beliefs of professionals and "experts" are given special treatment.
Childhood innocence has existed for around 2% of time (history, safeguarding, ethnology, protection)
Believe the Children (consent, abuse, trauma, testimony, trust, children, courtroom, legal, doctor, hypocrisy, medicine - alternative inside re. conversion therapy)
Child psychologists cat reaction to minors (minor-minor sex, science, rso, registry reform, pseudoscience, victomology)
No sex unless accompanied by adults - Peter Caldwell, PCMA (consent, child sex, park sign, rules, safeguarding, age-appropriate)
Babies vs Teens Sucking Boobs (consent, hypocrisy, babies, age, teens, perversion, professor, inappropriate)
I, too have lost a kingdom (sex offender, rso, kiddy fiddler, atlantis, athenian, surreal, hysteria, bizarre, molester)
Child protectors believe children are in denial (minor-adult sex, testimony, rationalization, distortion, minors, ignorant, fallacy, mental blocking)
A 15 year old is a child, period (mic drop, jamal, teen, menstruation, child, triggered, antis, sjw, feminist, npc, based, comeback, reply, response)
Confused if he should be scarred for life (age, arbitrary, teen, minor-adult sex, trauma, damage, scarred, absurd, crazy)
85 year old man learns he was abused (implausible reaction) (age, arbitrary, teen, minor-adult sex, elderly, trauma, damage, scarred, absurd, crazy)
Juvenile offending records vs sex offender records (facepalm, normies, register, registry, rso, law, legal, insane, madness, arbitrary, minors, youth, kids)
Good Touches (teacher, education, instruction, learning, quote, swimsuit, protection, sexual harassment, abuse, trauma)
When is pedophilia acceptable political compass (reply, response, politics, map, pedo, libertarian, authoritarian, left, right)
Misopedic ageists (antis, chad, swim, children, ageism, moronic, surrealist, girl, cute)
Random photo reaction (hysteria, funny, sex fascists, western, crazy, nonwestern, fellatio, suck, abuse, overreaction)
Glass of Water with optimist, pessimist and Sex Fascists (hysteria, sex fascists, western, indian, nonwestern, abuse, cultural, overreaction - version with various countries inside)
United Nations vs Teen Boy (agency, consent, autonomy, international community, bureaucracy, ngo, unicef, ILGA, hypocrisy, feminism, leftism, lizard people, feminazis)
Arbitrary nature of age limit (hypocrisy, child, adult, teen, consent, autonomy, americans, agency, age, 18, absurd)
'Child' is not a Gender (identitarian, sexuality, orientation, identity, validity, sjw, woke, adult, adultism, gender, pedophilia)
Public Schools (map, prevalence, pedophilia, hebephilia, response, reply, naive, parents, grooming, access, protection, education - combine with prevalence info)
Covering genitals to prevent trauma to baby horses (nudity, bullshit, hysterical, children, graphic, protection, morality, americans, scarred, mental)
Responding to in-thread misdefinition of child (definition, accuracy, reply, response, children, dumb, hysterical, ageism, dictionary, teens)
Brain Development is Ableist (cognitive capacity and development, mental, minor-adult sex, ability, disabled, ageist, ageism, chauvinism)
Brain scan - trauma absurdity (consent, minor-adult sex, age, harm, law, arbitrary, absurd, science, pseudoscience, americans, cognitive, westerners)
Fake Express article (blame, minor-adult sex, age, harm, economy, absurd)
Responding to Antis (and their hypocrisy)
Some responses to anti-MAP sympathies are also included under "redeploying hostile discourses" and the sections on conservatives, liberals and CSA Absurdism.
MAP Propaganda vs the Informed Citizen (pedo, map flag, social media, consumption, anti, dissonance, hypocrisy)
Sex Fascist Bingo: (hypocrisy, religion, consent, cognitive development/capacity, mental, pedophiles, orientation, distortion, fallacy, fallacies, antis, response)
Minor attraction is wrong/Fuck you (antis, parents, reply, response, comeback)
Burning the anti-MAP Flag (antis, haters, reply, response, comeback)
Antis and parents vs MAPs, Minors collateral (antis, parents, reply, response, comeback, law, secondary harm, crossfire)
Anti wojak, annotated (antis, trolling, insult, woodchipper, face wall, moronic, dumb, reply, response)
Minor card, with privileges (underage, puriteen, reply, response, juvenile, twitter, debate, argument, opinion discarded)
Love children but don't love CLs (pedophile, response, reply, comeback, parents)
Yes Chad baseball bat anti-meme response (gore/blood, violence, consent, attack, validity, reply, response, based, pedo)
Islam Yes Chad baseball bat anti-meme consent response (gore/blood, violence, consent, attack, allahu akbar, reply, response, based, pedo)
"You should hate yourself" NPC (MAP Flag, cope, seethe, pedo, hebephilia, self concept, ego - Chinese translation inside)
Reaction formation in antis (antis, haters, quote, response, reply, zoophile, self loathing, reaction, projection, denial, psychological)
FBI anti-meme response (fed, feelings, offended, hurt, feelz, feds, police report, reply, response, haters, law enforcement, alphabet agencies)
(GIF) Sex fascist clairvoyant "nonce" comeback (paranormal, spirit, reader, fortune, mystic, antis, reply, response, haters, nonce, pedophile, paedo)
(GIF) VAR decision "nonce" comeback (football, soccer, orc, decision, antis, reply, response, haters, nonce, pedophile, paedo)
Stigma on pedophiles ok, no stigma on child wage slavery ok (antis, haters, taboo, stigmas, pedophile, map, spongebob, rights, child labor, consumer, hypocrisy)
Call him a pedo (sheeple, normies, conservatives, ad hominem, defamation, debate, response, reply, facts, social media, twitter logic)
Hypocrisy on child protection vs exploitation (sheeple, normies, reply, response, hypocrisy, conformity)
The real intentions of "seek therapy" (antis, haters, pedophile, map, mental health, services, rights, get help, mhp, ableism, illness, validity, nomap, virped, pedmed, hypocrisy)
Telling a MAP to seek therapy (antis, haters, pedophile, map, mental health, services, rights, get help, mhp, b4uact, degenerate, nomap, virped, pedmed)
Polarizing topic (born this way, native, immutable, pedophilia, map, hypocrisy, sjws, normies, social justice, woke, lgbt, gay)
Pedo hater: Orc (response, reply, antis, red flag, woodchipper, nazi, fascist, groomer, caveman, hansen, monster, zombie, neanderthal, moron)
Antis creating their own monsters (antis, haters, nomap, pedophile, map, virped, pedmed, hypocrisy)
CSA doesn't make you CSA expert (doctor, survivor, expert, arbitrary, science, minor-adult sex, abuse, trauma, fallacy, debate, reply, response)
Soylita/wholesome soyjak couple (antis, haters, consent, her body, her choice, lolita, seethe, wojak)
Source: Pedophilia is evil (online debate, fallacy, response, reply, chad, facts, social media, twitter logic)
Responding to Western Hypocrisy
Criticism of overbearing and sometimes absurd anglo-american moral and legal norms has been a mainstay of MAP memes.
Stigma against currently lawful age-gap relationships. (hypocrisy, cultural, western, jealousy, female regret, age apartheid)
Tech Giants' Media Manipulation re. Child protection (hypocrisy, csa, ngos, trafficking, cultural, western, nonwestern, india, minor-adult sex, journalism, distortion, bias, standpoint)
Western Arrogance with AoC (western, nonwestern, consent, elites, government, age, laws, sex)
Elites laugh at Sex Offender Registry (elites, politicians, register, registry, rso, law, legal, insane, madness)
Playing doctor shouldn't get you put on the registry (register, american, western, registry, rso, law, legal, insane, minors, kids, boy, madness)
Volleyball girls - most men would find attractive (hypocrisy, child, adult, teen, consent, americans, age, 18, absurd)
Most people's idea of pedophilia (hypocrisy, cuck, child, teen, adult, consent, autonomy, americans, agency, age, 18, pedophile, simping, white knight)
Most Men are Hebephilic/Ephebophilic, they just can't admit it (hypocrisy, circlejerk, cuck, child, teen, adult, consent, americans, age, 18, pedophile, simping, white knight)
How Westerners think biology works (western, nonwestern, hypocrisy, child, adult, teen, arousal, attraction, americans, age, 18, absurd)
American/Western standards on children and nudity (innocence, media, tv, movies, children, america, indecent, nipple)
In America, everybody calls each other a pedo (ok pedo, antis, reply, response, defamation, america moment)
SOR a waste of money - response to "change my mind" (ok pedo, registry reform, reply, response, offending, offender)
Sexualization with Hijab and Bikini (nudity, children, protection, americans, western, hysteria, psychotic, neurosis, clothing, make-up, hypocrisy, grooming)
Anime Ban proposal showing arrogance of the West (anime, lolicon, proship, drawings, art, americans, western, nonwestern, hysteria, hypocrisy, imperialism)
Dignitaries sit back and enjoy a display by lolis (hypocrisy, pedo, minor attraction, politician, duda, polish, ballet, artistic, dance, trolling)
Responding to Conservatives (and their hypocrisy)
Conservative hostility to MAPs has been a feature of many historical cultures, but formed as a visible movement in the 1970s, with campaigns from Anita Bryant, Mary Whitehouse, Lloyd Martin and Judianne Densen-Gerber among others. The "Chud" wojak (Chudjak) is a mainstay of conservative depictions in present-day meming, and has sometimes been used to ridicule conservative anti-MAPs.
Rome at its peak (trolling, chud, chad, antis, trad, history, humor, ridicule)
Chud behavior (trolling, pedo hunters, antis, kill all pedos, humor, ridicule, woodchipper)
Norf FC nonce series (refers to British working class culture) (chud, hunter, paedo, football, soccer, fan - series inside)
Chudjak therapy (trolling, chud, freudian, antis, kill all pedos, humor, catboy, tiktok, ridicule, woodchipper)
"Yes" to chud with infertile wife. (based, chads, pedophilia, lolis, cunny, lolipiller, cope, seethe, copium, hebephilia)
Grooming...according to who? (hypocrisy, groomer, conservatives, trans, bodily autonomy, choice, lgbt)
Sex Fascists through the ages (hypocrisy, gay, lgbt, history, historical, slut shaming, female, modesty, prudery)
Pedo chad vs Pedophobe conspiracy theorist (cunny, trolling, map, pedo, hebephile, lolis, jew, dads against predators, guns)
/pol/ hypocrisy on drawn child erotica (normies, conservatives, woodchipper, reply, response, hypocrisy, lolicon, fiction, proship, lolbertarian, redpill, bluepill, censorship, canceled)
Conservatives are for free speech, but not for MAPs (sheeple, normies, conservatives, woodchipper, reply, response, hypocrisy, liberals, libertarian, lolbertarian, red blue pill, censorship, canceled)
St Nicholas/Matthew Christian trigger meme (reply, response, gay, boys, maps, trigger, bait, troll, santa claus, christmas, christian, religion)
Pedophobic Christians didn't read the Bible (christianity, religion, conservatives, table, reply, response, hypocrisy, red pill, lies, red blue pill)
Progress and Normalization
A common claim of conservative anti-MAPs is that we are seeing a covert agenda of "pedophile normalization". While this optimistic outlook does not match the lived experience of most MAPs, we have seen memes and graphics that play with the idea by situating MAPs within the broader liberal paradigm of "social progress", or unapologetically attempt to normalize attraction to minors.
Magic Island (clinton, maxwell, epstein, lolita, podesta, pizzagate)
Slippery slope extended (gay, lgbtq, sjw, woke, based, progressive, homo, incrementalism, maga, groomer, boomer, response, reply)
We'll never let you... (gay, lgbtq, sjw, woke, based, progressive, homo, incrementalism, women, civil, maga, groomer, boomer, response, reply)
Alok Vaid-Menon Quote: "little girls are also kinky" (girls, innocence, kink, trigger, bait, conservatives, americans, queer, children, trans, straight, purity, modesty, innocent, pure)
That's how progress works (trolling, surreal, humor, ridicule, progressive)
Our Crazy World (cartoon, map, progress, gay, civil rights, humor, mapocalypse, normalization)
James Cantor - Add P to alphabet (sexuality, pedophilia, include the p, minor attraction, lgbt, gay, queer, maps, identitarian, researcher, quote, trigger/bait)
Offensively realistic take on an age-gap relationship (girl, teen, maps, minor-adult sex, age gap, love, taboo, bait, troll)
Ipce power point presentation, girl at podium (hebephilia, pedo, minor attraction, science, trolling)
Hebe lolis w/ table showing response levels (graph, table, study, sexual arousal, troll, bait, attraction, age, pedophilia, hebephilia, girls, plethysmograph - this is adapted from the notorious fake Russian infomeme)
Grooming a girl with better-known MAP infomemes (groomer, troll, bait, children, ok groomer, abuser, kinsey, study, indoctrination - this meme refers to a Kinsey data meme, and there is also an alt version referring to the adjacent russian meme)
Response to attractive girl, in denial (hypocrisy, pedo, minor attraction, trolling)
I love Lolis Chad (cunny, trolling, map, pedo, hebephile)
Share if you love kids (trolling, minor attraction, map, aam)
Enjoy CP (cola, american, cunny, lolis, trolling, map, pedo, hebephile)
Responding to Liberals/Leftists (and their hypocrisy)
Liberal and Leftist points of view are varied on the topic of MAPs, but tend to range from mild disapproval, thru denial, to silenced embarrassment in the face of hearty conservative uproar. Often, MAPs (who have benefitted from collaboration with gay leftist movements in the past) are left by would-be allies to a fate determined solely by political optics. Thus, liberal and leftist discourses on MAPs sometimes refer to the questionable concept of social (in)validity, something the LGBT section also addresses.
LGBT vs MAP conversion therapy - liberal pro-recovery response (pedophile, response, reply, comeback, map, lib, medical, hypocrisy, coping, mentally ill, therapy, get help, gay, lgbt)
Abortion vs Rape - Liberal Hypocrisy (abortion, religion, conservative, liberal, consent, ageism, youth, rights, adult)
Anarchist Chads on Pedophilia in Queer Theory (normie, npc, conservatives, anarchism, queer, pedophilia, theory, dumb, homophobia, bigot)
Fembot vs Teen Girl (agency, consent, autonomy, services, protection, child, teen, shock, disgust, hypocrisy, feminism, leftism, radfem, feminazi)
Inconvenient USSR Age of Consent (trolling, russia, anarchist, anarcho communist, communism, commie, marxist)
From (liberal, leftist, lgbt, coom, soy, gay, progress, pride, MAPs, mapphobia)
Responding to the LGBT Lobby (and its hypocrisy)
Validity Policing and hypocrisy from the LGBT Lobby is a common experience of online MAPs. This follows expedient political maneuvres in the 1980s and 90s, in which the LGBT Lobby responded to conservative anti-MAP scare campaigns by distancing MAPs. See also, some of the responses to Liberals.
LGBT Community can't move beyond trans issues on youth autonomy (lgbt, gay, trans, nonbinary, groomer, lgbtq, gender, youth, autonomy)
Gay hypocrisy re whataboutism over argument from nature/history (hypocrisy, gay, lgbt, irrational, slavery, barbaric, anger, nature, animals, historical, anthropological, homophobes, greece, pederasty)
The Validity Police (lgbt, gay, pride, hypocrisy, policing, lgbtq, age appropriate, development - alternative versions inc. Transage inside)
Anti Bad Guy Squad (hypocrisy, gay, lgbtq, sjw, woke, invalid, validity, homo - (no-color version inside))
MAP vs LGBT Mental Gymnastics (reply, response, rationalization, logic, fallacy, npc, gay, queer, sjw, argument, pedophile, minor-attracted)
People whose definition of "Queer" is "anything acceptable" (reply, response, bait, queer, sjw, npc, woke, identitarian, identity, midwits, pedophilia, maps, gay rights, lgbt, normies - (series inside))
Responding to Lolicons (and their hypocrisy)
While some find it tiring, a Lolicon-MAP Equivalence Debate is ongoing throughout civilian political circles on social media. The following memes typify the MAP response to Western Lolicons who mobilize shipping discourse to deny they are attracted to youth.
Pointing to the hypocrisy of Lolicons (proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, drawings, art, hypocrisy, pedophilia, cope, hebephilia - alternative inside re. plethysmograph test)
Bell curve on lolicon (proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, npc, normie, midwit, drawings, art, cope, cognitive development, ability, capacity, brain, IQ, age, pedophilia, hebephilia - alternative versions, inc re. mental capacity and elite pedophilia inside)
Caricature of ironic lolicons (proship, fandom, fictosexual, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, drawings, art, hypocrisy, pedophilia, trannies, trans, troon)
Cunny cave (lolicons, ironic, proship, fiction, porn, drawings, art, pedophilia, hebephilia, denial)
Chizu Lolicon "bird cracker edit" (lolicons, ironic, proship, fiction, porn, drawings, art, japanese, antis, pedophilia, hebephilia, denial)
Pedos vs Lolicons (proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, doctor, drawings, art, chad, cope, hypocrisy, pedophilia, hebephilia)
Algorithmic programmed response in lolicon and normie npc (proship, fiction, child porn, lolicon, japanese, drawings, art, cope, hypocrisy, ironics, pedophilia, hebephilia)
Redeploying hostile discourses
A considerable part of online MAP discourse centers on the redeployment of predominant elitist, authoritarian and extremist narratives sometimes used to attack MAPs. While this has led to the embarrassment and triggering of antis on social media, it is worth noting that some members of the community are ethically opposed to the idea of adopting problematic ideas inconsistent with personal, theoretical conceptions of social justice. These concerns have also been voiced in situations where MAPs enter "enemy territory" and unironically imitate disruptive/contrarian members of another group, such as 4Chan Groypers.
Purposeful and smart Pedophiles vs Antis (pedos, pedophiles, maps, history, based, antis, haters, sex fascists, troll, bait)
Pedophile/NOMAP of noble grace (reply, response, pedmed, virped, acnomap, virtuous, minor-attracted, map, virtue, antis, moron, idiot, cuck, asshole)
Historical "pedophiles" (using broader popular definition) (pedos, pedophiles, maps, history, famous, wilde, response, troll, bait)
Pepe Wikipedia meme intended for use on 4Chan - Feminism and Age of Consent reformism (groyper, redpill, 4chan, puritan, reformism, frog)
Response meme re. PatriotWave's famous Kill Your Local Pedophile memes and bumper stickers etc - (guns, police, agecuck, conservative, reply, violent, vigilante, trolling, militia - a few more variations inside)
Cure for sex fascism (ok pedo, antis, fascist, reply, response, bullet, gun)
Cure for sex pedophobia (ok pedo, antis, reply, response, bullet, gun)
Modern American vs Original German (groomer, MAGA, Nazi, reply, response, cartoon, comparison)
Know your anti-pedophile types (pedophobes, chart, reply, response)
When MAPs met StoneToss
Much has been written (and unwritten) about the controversial online political cartoonist, StoneToss. While our series file keeps track of various originals and knock-offs (originality can be verified at the comic's site), a few examples follow. It should be noted that some members of the community found the very idea of copying StoneToss as a style problematic and offensive, due to the views of its creator.
Fake Stonetoss - Legalize cunny (libertarian, marijuana, hemp, hashish, cannabis, 420, child porn, cunny, loli, erotica, internet)
- - Series file, LGBT responses, etc (lgbt, gay, pride, hypocrisy, sjw, cognitive capacity, brain development, di caprio, child porn, consent, lgbtq activism, age appropriate - more such comics inside)
Stonetoss: Chizu Lolicons are Pedophiles edit (lolicons, ironic, proship, fiction, porn, drawings, art, japanese, antis, pedophilia, hebephilia, denial)
Quotes and Miscellany
The below memes can be applied to the debates covered on this page, and many more besides.
How would you like your state surveillance wrapped? (sheeple, normies, conservatives, liberals, online, reply, response, hypocrisy, lolbertarian, censorship, canceled)
CSA trojan to breach encryption laws (data protection law, technology, surveillance, ignorance, governments, cynical, hidden, conspiracy, horse, internet, protect)
Cancel culture: Then vs now (sheeple, normies, conservatives, history, 1950s, liberals, red blue pill, censorship, canceled)
George R. R. Martin: What Censorship tells us (quote, canceled, red blue pill, censor, liberal, conservative, politics, media, free speech, freedom)
Mark Twain: It's easier to fool people... (sheeple, normies, quote, denial, psychological, mechanism, mental, conformity, debate, social media, facts and feelings)
George Carlin - on Prostitution (selling sex, quote, morality, rational, sex work, prude, conservative, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)
What does refute science? (research, facts, science, social media, debate, bias, sheeple, religion, feelings, normies)
Trust scientists rather than randoms (warning, research, facts, science, social media, twittards, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)
Real science vs Social Media "science" (warning, research, facts, distorted, media, education, debate, bias, sheeple, normies)
Conformity hazard (warning, research, facts, debate, feelings, sheeple, normies)
Effects of ad hom argument strategy (debate, personal, logic, unintended, minority, sheeple, normies)
Sampling bias, effect on outcomes (statistics, rational, facts, science, logic, npc, sheeple, normies)
Reasonable people in the minority (warning, rational, facts, debate, bias, social media, feelings, sheeple, normies)
Drew Keys Quote: Smear Campaigns (mental instability, sjw attack, social media, debate, reply, twittard, response)
Based department calling! (based, kek, pepe, compliment, reply, response)
Informational memes
MAP Flag Explainer without anti-c disinfo (minor attracted, flag, explainer, guide, info)
Minors Beware (red flags): (antis, warning, minors, consent, advice, youth, guide)
Drugar literacy campaign for antis (minor-adult sex, academia, reading, knowledge, trolling, research, literature, study, facts)
Pedophilia and Feminism (first wave, second wave, third wave, womens, youth rights, judith butler)
What you need to know about Child Pornography (kp, cp, kiddy, porn, porno, erotica, photographs, crime, csam, kinderporno, csai, lolita - Chinese translation inside)
Karen confronts CP (kp, cp, kiddy, porn, porno, erotica, photographs, crime, csam, kinderporno, csai, lolita, pornography, research, quotes - Italian translation inside)
NCMEC Iatrogenesis (kp, cp, kiddy, porn, porno, erotica, photographs, crime, csam, kinderporno, csai, lolita, pornography, research, secondary harm, quotes)
MAP Scapegoat - compared with Jews, Witches (gays, lgbt, blacks, jew, pedophilia, minor attraction, stereotyping, maps, status, persecution, bogeyman, pariah, witchhunt - series inside)
Truth about MAPs (addresses myths) (sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, facts, stigma, destigmatization Chinese translation in file)
MDEdge definition of minor-attraction (sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, definition, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)
Seto definition of minor-attractions and chronophilias (sexuality, pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, nepiophilia, maps, definition, accuracy, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)
Simple response to misdefinition of p(a)edophilia (sexuality, hebephilia, pedophilia, minor attraction, definition, dictionary, psychology, accuracy)
CSA Industrial Complex: Criminalization (Social-Economic Model) (sociology, politics, institutions, establishment, elites, money, profit, complex, relationship, chart, medicine, influence, organization)
CSA Industrial Cycle (Social-Economic Model) (sociology, politics, institutions, elites, money, profit, establishment, complex, relationship, chart, diagram, influence, organization)
CSA similarities to treatment of Homosexuals (gay history, treatments, conversion, survivors, therapy, apa, psychology, therapist)
Sociopolitical Model: Marginialization of Sexual Minorities (maps, sociology, politics, pariah, newgon, othering, bipartisan, ostracism, social, class)
Pseudoexclusive Teleiophilia (a new concept) (sexuality, hebephilia, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, freund, newgon, science, psychology, trigger/bait)
"Pedophilia OCD" Debunk (sexuality, pocd, hebephilia, pedophilia, minor attraction, fake illness, shrinks, obsessive compulsive, mental, health, newgon, arousal, science, psychology, cope)
Most Child Rape is perpetrated by non-pedophiles (sexuality, pedophilia, assault, minor attraction, maps, crime, nomap, pedmed, virped, acnomap, stigma, destigmatization)
Weaknesses of an exclusive ACNOMAP/Medicalist agenda (pedmed, virpeds, pedophilia, minor attraction, maps, strategy, destigmatization)
Pedophilia prevalence card, no link (sexuality, pedophilia, common, research, maps, minor-attraction, facts, stats, statistics, numbers)
Toxic Age Chauvinism (ageism, ableism, youth lib, youth rights, cognitive ability, research, quote, mental, teen brain)
Secondary Harm explainer (study, academia, secondary, trauma, harm, quote, paper, report, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex - see full series)
Similar patterns between homosexuality and pedophilia (parrelel, similar, comparison, analogy, minor attraction, gay, queer, lgbt, western, nonwestern, animals, tribal, anthropological, cultural)
Lecter: Pedophilic Disorder distinction ("inborn" is disputable, and the author has since evolved a less medicalist stance but the distinction is important) (sexuality, pedmed, virped, acnomap, pedophilia, minor attraction, native, science, psychology, innate, immutable, disorder, dsm)
Prevent MAPs from accessing minors? Why not prevent physical abuse survivors while we are at it? (sexuality, neglect, hebephilia, risk, access, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, freund, science, psychology)
Suicide Stats (MAPs) (sexuality, pedophilia, minor attraction, death, pedmed, virped, nomap, acnomap, depression, despair, psychology, research, B4U-Act, standpoint - Chinese translation)
Thought Suppression take (MAP Resources) (psychology, pedophilia, minor attraction, maps, pedmed, virped, nomap, acnomap, depression, despair, psychology, research)
Logic of antis vs crime statistics: Put a curfew on Black Men (sexuality, african american, hebephilia, risk, access, pedophilia, minor attraction, seto, science, psychology)
"Mental disorders" according to psychiatry (sexuality, hebephilia, disorder, psychiatry, trans, illness, history, pedophilia, minor attraction, mental, science, psychology, analogy, similar)
What people's insistence on getting offended by academics proves (academia, hysteria, kershnar, controversy, offence, triggered, csa, science, lies, defense mechanism, projection, denial, walker, psychology, abuse, philosophy)
Dan Lievre (Newgon Founder): Social Justice Orthodoxy makes no sense on MAPs (useful when dealing with charges that the MAP Movement is "woke". Tags: sexuality, hebephilia, validity, woke, quote, sjw, history, social theory, pedophilia, minor attraction, identitarianism, politics)
Intergenerational sex among Primates with citation (animals, study, practise, rind/yuill, minor-adult sex, academic, observation, science, monkeys, species, learning)
Bonobo Juveniles/infants enjoying sex play (animals, study, academic, practise, minor-adult sex, observation, science, monkeys, species, learning)
Human-Bonobo-Chimp finer comparison (animals, cognitive capacity, capability, minor-adult sex, science, animals, monkeys, species, learning)
A Karen confronts childhood innocence (quote, study, academia, innocent, teens, children, crazy, hysteria, boomers, facebook)
20+ year-old Rind Paradox (see more in Research and the excerpt graphics) (study, academia, controversy, unanswered, paper, report, trauma, harm, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex)
Statutory rape is a legal fiction (law, minor-adult sex, hysteria, madness, arbitrary, victim, victimless, consensual, crime)
Statutory Death parody (law, minor-adult sex, courtroom, funny, hysteria, madness, judge judy, arbitrary, victim, victimless, consensual, crime)
CunnyChad vs Reddit Soyjak Mod (child-adult sex, based, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, consenting, voluntary)
Kinsey Data (series inside) (research, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)
Modern Feminists disowning Lesbian History (Kinsey) (research, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)
Rind 2023 data. (research, minor-adult sex, academia, bruce rind, comparison, csa, data, analysis, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)
LGBT Outcomes: "Listen to LGBT Youth" For the papers by Sonya Arreola, Alex Carballo-Diéguez and Jessica Stanley, see DOI: 10.1080/00224490802204431, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-011-9748-y and DOI: 10.1080/00224490409552245 respectively. (research, minor-adult sex, academia, lgbt, comparison, gay, youth, analysis, data, quant, child, consenting, voluntary)
Adult-juvenile sex among Dolphins (animals, minor-adult sex, juvenile, similar, analogy, species, science, observation)
Cyclical paternalism explainer (consent, minor-adult sex, knowledge, ignorance, innocence, self fulfilling prophecy, paternalism, adultism, ageism, adverse consequence - Italian translation inside)
Self-fulfilling prophecy of harm (minor-adult sex, minor-minor sex, csa, damage, kids, children, education, teach, indoctrination, americans, secondary harm - alternative inside)
Grooming riddle (hypocrisy, illogical, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex)
Grooming is circular logic (fallacy, ok groomer, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, harm, trauma, damage)
Grooming vs Courtship (fallacy, ok groomer, abuse, hypocrisy, csa, language, minor-adult sex, harm, manipulation, trauma, media, damage) - alternative inside with media headlines)
Analysis of NCMEC/Lanning Report pathologizing banality (grooming, feds, fbi, ncmec, minor-adult sex, law, americans)
Legal consent does not equal reality (rape, statutory, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, laws, consent, rso)
Wordplay: what they really mean (rape, statutory, abuse, csa, language, minor-adult sex, consent, voluntary, harm, trauma, damage)
Nonfiction for MAPs (seen on pediverse) (reading, research, academia, minor attracted person, minor-adult sex, levine, brongersma, positive memories, trauma)
Abrahamic faiths on intergenerational intimacy (religion, research, texts, christianity, judaism, islam, abrahamic, summary, youth-adult marriage)
Larger flyers
Narrative explaining the nonsense/unnatural concept of a consenting age (consent, minor-adult sex, law, legal, arbitrary, madness)
Consent explained with examples (consent, statutory, legal construct, minor-adult sex, law, arbitrary, madness, nonwestern - Italian translation inside)
Age of Consent Flyer - Western examples (consent, purity, girls, minor-adult sex, law, legal, arbitrary, madness, nonwestern, western - Indian version inside)
Iatrogenic harm - comparison with other taboos (study, academia, secondary, trauma, harm, quote, paper, report, outcomes, csa, minor-adult sex - series inside)
Anti-MAP Crap (maps, fallacies, arguments refuted, antis, sex fascists, reply, response, minor attracted people)
Newgon-branded Pamphlet (from down the index) in Leftist Meme Style (maps, facts, accuracy, leaflet, propaganda, information, minor attracted people)
Childhood innocence explained (children, childhood innocence, innocence, purity, censorship, history, society, morality)
Logical Fallacies series
See our Debate Guide article on the subject.
Ad Populum - Appeal to popularity (ad pop)
Ad Hominem - Personal attack (ad hom, ok pedo, ok groomer)
Appeal to authority
Equivocation - misleading with terminology (e.g. rape)
Genetic Fallacy
Guilt by association
Hasty Generalization
Appeal to novelty
Special pleading
Style over substance (tone)
Strawman argument (raping babies argument)
Ad Nauseum
Positive memories
Stories about positive memories from verified sources.
Kate Winslet - Positive Memories (15 female with 28 male, straight sex (f-m))
Clarissa Dickson Wright - Consenting Juveniles (6/7 female with seaman, straight sex (f-m), masturbation, discovery, but absence of secondary harm)
Heather Corinna - Consenting Juveniles (15 female with 25 male, straight sex (f-m), partner's suicide caused by secondary harm)
Karin Spaink - Consenting Juveniles (13 female with 21 male, straight sex (f-m), minor took initiative)
Beatrice Faust - Positive memories (minor female with adult male, straight sex (f-m))
Nikki Prescott - Consenting Juveniles (15 female with 18 male, straight sex (f-m), ended in marriage despite adversity of investigation)
Beth Kelly - Positive Memories (8 female with female (great aunt, widowed), lesbian sex, close, long-term relationship)
Ranveer Singh - Deccan Chronicles (12-16 male with older females, straight sex (m-f), saw it as status among his peers)
Roger Baldwin - Consenting Juveniles (12/13 male with female house maid, straight sex (m-f))
Kirk Douglas - Consenting Juveniles (15 male with female teacher, straight sex (m-f), he cited a transformative effect upon his life)
Ike Turner - Positive Memories (6-12 male with multiple older females, straight sex (m-f), including an initiation)
George Hamilton - Positive Memories (12 male with 28 female (stepmom), straight sex (m-f), never felt "dirty")
Joel Grey - Jumima (10 and 12 male with much older adolescent males, gay sex)
George Takei - Jumima (13/14 male with 19 male, gay sex)
Jorge Gonzalez - Positive memories (13 male with 21 male, gay sex)
Dan Savage - Consenting Juveniles (15 male with multiple males, gay sex, initiated by minor)
Tom Driberg - Consenting Juveniles (13 and up male with multiple males, gay sex, initiated by lustful minor who became a politician)
Harry Hay - Positive memories (14 male with older male, gay sex)
William A Percy - Consenting Juveniles (14-17 male with multiple males, gay sex, initiated by minor)
Ivo Von Hove - Positive Memories (early teen male with older male, gay sex)
James Dubro - Positive Memories (14 male with 22 male, gay sex) with a long-time pederast who he never knew to act abusively
Kirk Read - Positive Memories (13 male with adult male, gay sex - a relationship that helped him accept himself and convinced him that an age gap does not automatically mean abuse)
Samuel Delaney - JUMIMA (6 male with adult male, gay sex - an experience of non-penetrative sex)
Mark Medlock - JUMIMA (8 male with 32 male, gay sex - initiated by the minor himself who became a popular singer)
Anti-MAPs who were caught with their pants down
There exist numerous examples of stridently anti-pedophile men, who themselves ended up being exposed for their "pedophilic" and "hebephilic" inclinations. These are sometimes used in online banter, and by activists.
Carl Beech - NSPCC/"Safeguarding" expert and celebrity accuser
David Abbott (pedo-cop)
Peter Newell (child advocate)
Peter Bright (anti-gamergater)
Christopher Goldberg (anti-gamergater)[2]
Cameron Battisson (British vigilante)
Carl Windsor (another British vigilante)
Carl Robinson (another British vigilante)
Michael Terry (another British paedo hunter)[3]
Tim Heron (yet another British vigilante)[4]
Paul Tong (British vigilante - surprise)[5]
Jozef Verbeek (UNICEF)
Brian Carrigan (American Vigilante)[8]
Dave Todeschini (Q-Anon)[9]
Phil Godlewski (Q-Anon)
Ben Gibson (More Q-Anon)[10]
"Pedogate" Reddit Mod (Q-Anon/Pizzagate)[11]
Joshua Jennings - (Q-Anon)[12]
Sean McHugh - Anti-pedophile protestor, for sex with a 14 year old[13]
Alden Bunag (Twitter SJW)[14]
Stephen King - British "Child Sex Abuse Expert"
Kevin Strom - US Neo Nazi[15]
Michael Dolce - "Protect Children" child sex abuse attorney, award-winning "sexual violence" media figurehead.[17]
Police officers are hugely over-represented among child porn users. See also, Ken Lanning's testimony[18]
Kevin A. Kovacs - D.A.R.E. Child Safety Instructor
Frank J. Collins (accusation against law-enforcement backed sex abuse clown). In 1986.[19]
Neil Cohen: US Dem Lawmaker[20]
Christopher Jarvis, Safeguarding police expert[21]
Cody Dallas Reed - "Kill Pedophiles" Corrections Officer[22]
Anthaney O’Connor - Reported someone for AI pic.[23]
Brandon San-Miguel - Predator Hunter.[24]
Collaged examples For a larger collage see here.
Some examples have not been documented above.[25]
Anti memes
These memes have been produced by antis (usually on Twitter or Facebook). You can use these memes to take advantage of hate and anger - spreading awareness of MAPs. Setting up an account as a hostile anti might actually be a way of avoiding censorship on certain platforms. It also gives us control over how the debate is "framed".
Pedophile Island
Normalizing Pedophiles
Attacks the shift in language, mentions Newgon
Mentions Minor Attracted Person euphemism and researchers
Mentions Minor Attracted Person euphemism and cultural background
Very smart meme using trans bodily autonomy vs freedom of youth to have sexual experiences
The plan to legalize
More normalization
The Paedophile agenda - accuses LGBT
Hebephile/Pedophile distinction irrelevant to antis
OK Groomer
Antigroom Aktion
(GIF) They don't deserve punishment, they deserve GUNISHMENT!
Have you never seen a LADY pee?!
And then one day, people voted for Hitler
Fact checking the fact checkers
LGBT groomers, therapist, freudian
Conservatives think kids are being made to suck she-dick (or something like that)
LGBT agenda is the devil
Pronouns are basically pedophilia code
Shared by Dr David Cartland on Twitter
Conspiracy, normalization, mentions Newgon
Left trying to normalize
Progress from Gay via Trans to Pedo rights
Only children can read "porn"
Basic material
By Iliveagain (fediverse)
By HandsomeJack
Basic Pedobear art (transparent surround)
Brown Pedobear (transparent surround)
Alternative Virped Logo (alternative versions inside)
Our pamphlet, "Minor-Attracted People (MAPs), Just the facts", is intended to look like plain and dowdy propaganda (until you look inside). Previews and PDF available. You may have to experiment with "fitting to page width" or "scaling" to get the folds to go bang down the center, but we have done most of the work for you.
We have a short guide on pamphleting, and some of our older material is still archived there. Hopefully, this will be an inspiration for future efforts, or reworking of old material.
Media flyers
These are small publications that can be emailed to target groups, such as media organizations, or sent to their social media accounts.
- Info Pack (2022) for media organizations - selling the controversy re minor-adult sex
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 If you are the creator of this file, it has not been credited because we were unable to determine your identity, or establish contact (due, for example, to defederation) and determine your consent or otherwise to receiving credit. Only in extreme cases does NewgonWiki consider removal of material from this index - for example, violation of license, or extraordinary personal circumstances such as identifying information.
- ↑ Christopher Goldberg charges
- ↑ Lincs Reporter on Michael Terry
- ↑ IRONY: Self-styled paedophile hunter convicted of having child abuse image 'risk to public' court hears
- ↑ Paul Tong: Metro
- ↑ FR Wikipedia: Marcel Vervloesem
- ↑ Dutroux's Lawyer charged (and subsequently convicted) of CP
- ↑ Teen Vigilante from Montco Who Targeted Pedophiles Online is Arrested on Child Porn Charges
- ↑ Bryan Dawson Twitter thread, video of Dave Todeschini of Q Anon
- ↑ Ben Gibson - Rawstory
- ↑ DailyDot: Pedogate
- ↑ Insider: Joshua Jennings
- ↑ Sean McHugh
- ↑ DoJ: Bunag sentence
- ↑ Strom's anti-pedophile Jewish conspiracy essay
- ↑ Daily Sabah - Joel Davis
- ↑ Daily Mail: Arrest of Michael Dolce
- ↑ From 12.30 mins
- ↑ Frank Collins UPI
- ↑ CBS News: Example of Cohen's publicity
- ↑ Roman Catholic church's paedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousands of child porn images
- ↑ Corrections Officer Who Called for Killing Pedophiles Arrested on Child Porn Charges
- ↑ Anthaney O'Connor
- ↑ Brandon San-Miguel
- ↑ Riley Carter