Category:Official Encyclopedia
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Any article of an encyclopedic/informational nature is included in the Encyclopedia on NewgonWiki. And for all Encyclopedia categories in a non-hierarchical order, see Categories. Click on the blue arrows to expand the category tree. Why not consider getting involved in editing? |
This category has the following 31 subcategories, out of 31 total.
- Anti-Pedophile culture (65 P)
- Art (90 P)
- Book Reviews (4 P)
- Censorship (111 P)
- Child Advocacy (105 P)
- Child Pornography (59 P)
- Cyber Activism (120 P)
- Facts of life (34 P)
- Gay (167 P)
- Hysteria (154 P)
- Incest (12 P)
- Lists and Special Articles (21 P)
- Logic (14 P)
- Mental Health Industry (29 P)
- Prostitution (29 P)
- Queer Theory (29 P)
- Sociological Theory (82 P)
- TV & Media (78 P)
- Victims' Rights (25 P)
- Youth (120 P)
Pages in category "Official Encyclopedia"
The following 723 pages are in this category, out of 723 total.
- A Day With The Boys
- A Perfect World
- A Problem in Greek Ethics
- Abel screening
- Absolute Zero
- Acolyte Press
- Activist model
- Actuarial testing
- Ad van den Berg
- Adolescence
- Adult
- Adult Attracted Minor
- Adult friend
- Age of attraction
- Age of Consent
- Age of majority
- Ageism
- Agustin Malon
- Alain Robbe-Grillet
- Alan Turing
- Alex Hormozi
- Alfred Kinsey
- Alice Day
- Allen Ginsberg
- Allie C. Kilpatrick
- Allyn Walker
- Alternative Initialism
- Alvin Malesky
- Amanda Jordan
- American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
- Anal wink
- Anandi Gopal Joshi
- Andre Gide
- Andreas Embiricos
- Andrew Vachss
- Angus Stewart
- Anne M. Cox
- Anonymous
- Anti
- Anti Pedo Security
- Anti-contact
- Anti-MAP Flag
- AP
- Archives of Sexual Behavior
- Are All Men Pedophiles?
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Assimilationism
- Attachment theory
- Attraction ≠ Action
- Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine)
- Australian Paedophile Support Group
- B. R. Ambedkar
- Balthus
- Barbara Ochoa
- Baron Corvo
- Beatrice Faust
- Beispiel Peter Schult
- Benjamin Britten
- Better a Millstone
- Big 3 (Paraphilia)
- Bikers Against Child Abuse
- Bill Andriette
- Bill Nash
- Bill Thompson
- Billy Byars, Jr.
- Black MAP Community
- Blogger censorship
- BLogo
- Bluesky pedophilia controversy
- Boston-Boise affair
- Boy
- Boy Photography
- BoyChat
- Boyd McDonald
- BoyLinks
- Boylove
- Boylove Manifesto
- BoyWiki
- Brett Franklin
- Bruce Rind
- Bruce S. Hopping
- Bubba
- Caetano Veloso
- Camarón de la Isla
- Cambodian Women's Crisis Center
- Camille Paglia
- Carleton Gajdusek
- Carol Vorderman
- Casimir Dukahz
- Censoring Sex Research
- Censorship
- Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
- Charles Dodgson
- Charles Moser
- Charles Shively
- Charles Whitfield
- Charlie Chaplin
- Child
- Child abuse
- Child advocate
- Child Lures
- Child molestation
- Child Online Protection Act
- Child Pornography
- Child Pornography Laws
- Child safety mascot
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Child Sexual Behaviour Inventory
- Child-Safe
- Childhood Innocence
- Childhood Sensuality Circle
- Childlove
- Childlove Manifesto
- Children of the Night
- Chin-Keung Li
- Chris Brand
- Chronophilia
- Clarence Osborne
- Clarence Tripp
- Coalinga State Hospital
- Cognitive distortion (pseudoscience)
- Cognitive distortion (psychology)
- Colin Nugent
- Coltsfoot Press
- Coming for your children
- Coming out
- Communism
- Consent
- Conspiratorialism
- Contact-neutral
- COPINE Scale
- Covert incest
- Creep Catchers
- Criminal Justice and Immigration Act
- CSA Accommodation Syndrome
- CSA dilemma argument
- Cub
- Dan Markussen
- Danish Pedophile Association
- Daphne
- Dark Justice
- David Finkelhor
- David Gwyn Jeffreys
- David Riegel
- David Sonenschein
- David T. Evans
- David Thorstad
- Dean Durber
- Degeneracy
- Destroyer
- Developments in Crime and Crime Control Research
- Diederik Janssen
- Donald Mader
- Downstate
- Dutch Princess Photograph Controversy
- Eberhard Schorsch
- Economic model
- Ed Chambers
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Edmund White
- Edward Brongersma
- Edward Mark Slocum
- Edwin Emmanuel Bradford
- Egon Schiele
- Eleanor Williams
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Elizabeth Kates
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Enbylove
- Encyclopedia of Homosexuality
- Ephebophilia
- Epifora
- Eric Gill
- Ernest Borneman
- Ernest Dowson
- Ernie Allen
- Erotic Innocence
- Erwin Haeberle
- Erwin Schrodinger
- Ethical inclusivist argument
- Evolving capacity
- Expatriation of MAPs
- False dichotomy
- Fells Acres Day Care Center
- Female child rape epidemic
- Feminism
- Fernando Sanchez Drago
- First American conviction for lolicon
- Floyd Martinson
- Frank Appleford
- Frank Torey
- Frans Gieles
- Free A Girl
- Free Spirits
- FreeSpeechTube
- Freethought and Rationalism Discussion Board
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Frits Bernard
- Fund for Scientific Research of Sexuality
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Gabriel Matzneff
- Gabrielle Russier
- Gary Dowsett
- Gary Gibson
- Gay Men's Press (GMP)
- Gayle Rubin
- Gays Against Groomers
- Gemma Ahearne
- Gender Queer: A Memoir
- Gene Abel
- Gennady Borisovich Deryagin
- Geoffrey Leonard
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- Gerald Hannon
- Gerald Jones
- Gert Hekma
- Giacomo Casanova
- Gilbert Herdt
- Girl
- GirlChat
- Girllove
- Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg
- GLogo
- Gorrit Goslinga
- Greek Homosexuality
- Greek Love
- Greek Love Through The Ages
- Grooming
- Gruppo P
- Gunter Schmidt
- Guy Hocquenghem
- Guy Strait
- Gwain
- Hajo Ortil
- Hakim Bey
- Halloween abuse hysteria
- Harmful to Minors
- Harriet Harman
- Harry Hay
- Havelock Ellis
- Hayao Miyazaki
- Hebephilia
- Helmut Graupner
- Helmut Kentler
- Henry de Montherlant
- Heteronormativity
- Heterosexuality
- Hidekazu Tanaka
- Historical analogies for MAPs and allies
- Historical examples of LGBT-MAP unity
- Hoko Horii
- Homosexuality
- Horatio Alger
- House of Cards
- Hubert Kennedy
- I, Pedophile
- Ideological and Political Bias in Psychology
- Imaginif/BITTS
- Incelosphere
- Indecent images of children
- Inequality
- Inner child
- Innocence in Danger
- Intergenerational Lesbianism
- Intergenerational relationship
- International Journal of Greek Love
- Internet Watch Foundation
- Intrinsic harm
- IP address
- Ipce
- Ira L. Reiss
- J. Edgar Hoover
- J.M. Barrie
- Jack McClellan
- Jacob Breslow
- Jacques d'Adelsward-Fersen
- James Kincaid
- Janssen Verlag
- Japinha
- Jean Simoneau
- Jelly bracelet hysteria
- Jim Kepner
- Jimmy Savile
- Joel Best
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- John Bancroft
- John G. Gerassi
- John Gagnon
- John Henry Mackay
- John Holt
- John Money
- John P. De Cecco
- John Ruskin
- Joop Wilhelmus
- Jordan Peterson
- Jorge Corsi
- JORis
- Joseph Doucé
- Joseph Geraci
- Journal of Controversial Ideas
- Journal of Homosexuality
- Journal of Sex Research
- Judianne Densen-Gerber
- Judith Butler
- Judith Levine
- Judith Reisman
- Justin Berry
- Lars Ullerstam
- Law and Order: SVU
- Lawrence A. Stanley
- Le Petit Gredin
- Lee Edelman
- Legal entrapment
- Leonard Davis
- Leonardo Arce Vidal
- Leonardo da Vinci
- LeRoy G. Schultz
- Let the Children
- LifeLine
- List 99
- List of anti-MAP quotes
- List of conflicting statements by victimologists
- List of CSA/anti-pedophile proponents
- List of MAP jokes and humor
- List of MAP-related magazines
- List of obfuscatory terms used by authorities
- List of people involved in controversies
- Lloyd Martin
- Lolicon-MAP Equivalence Debate
- Lord Alfred Douglas
- Lord Byron
- Louis C.K.
- Louis Conradt
- Low birth rate and young people's sexual rights
- LS Studio
- Lyric International
- M. P. Shiel
- Mahadev Govind Ranade
- Mahatma Gandhi
- MAP Camp
- MAP Flag
- MAP Merch Shop
- MAP Movement
- MAP visibility on Twitter
- MAP Wiki
- MAP-related podcasting and radio
- MAPocalypse
- Marcel Proust
- Mario Mieli
- Marjan Sax
- Mark Smith
- Mark Twain
- Marquis de Sade
- Marthijn Uittenbogaard
- Martin Dannecker
- Marty Klein
- Mary de Young
- Masculism
- Masturbation
- Mature Minor
- Medicalism
- Men and Boys: An Anthology (1924)
- MHAMic
- Michael C. Baurmann
- Michael Davidson
- Michael Ingram
- Michael Matthew Kaylor
- Michael Melsheimer
- Michael Moran
- Michael Salter
- Michel Foucault
- Mike Echols
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Minimodels injustice
- Minor
- Minor attracted community
- Minor attracted neologisms
- Minor Attracted Person
- Minor Attracted Person (archive research)
- Minor attraction in popular culture
- Minor MAP
- Minor-adult sex
- Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
- Monkey Mayhem Incident
- Montreal Main
- Moral panic
- Moral Panic (book)
- Moral preconception
- Moral Recruitment
- Mu
- Music featuring attraction to minors
- My Love Is Like All Lovely Things (book)
- My Secret Garden
- NAMBLA Bulletin
- Nathan Larson
- National Children's Advocacy Center
- National Indian Child Welfare Association
- Negotiating stigma
- Nelson Maatman
- Nepiophilia
- Newgon
- Newgon Support Team
- Nicholas Syrett
- Nina Power
- No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive
- Noam Chomsky
- Nobuhiro Watsuki
- Nocebogenic harm
- Norbert de Jonge
- Norman Douglas
- Novalis
- Novecento
- Paedophile Information Exchange
- Paedophile Online Investigation Team
- Paedophilia: The Radical Case
- Paidika
- Paraphilia
- Parker Rossman
- Pat Sikes
- Patrick Califia
- Paul D. Hardman
- Paul Fink
- Paul Knobel
- Paul Okami
- PC Siqueira
- Pederasty
- Pederasty in Islam
- Pederasty in Japanese culture
- Pediverse
- Pedo Support Community
- Pedologues
- Pedophile Liberation Front
- Pedophiles on Parade
- Pedophilia
- Pedophilia (PSVG)
- Pedophilia OCD
- Pedophilia Unbound
- Pedophobia
- Pedosexuality
- Peer Support Exchange
- Penile Plethysmography
- Perverted Justice
- Peter Glawson
- Peter Melzer
- Peter Schult
- Peter Scott-Presland
- Peter Singer
- Peter Tatchell
- Philip Jenkins
- Philip Tromovitch
- Phillip John Eide
- Pierre Louys
- Pierre Verdrager
- Positive Memories (book)
- Power of attraction
- Power of consequences
- Preben Hertoft
- Predator Poachers
- Preventionism
- Prince Andrew
- Pro-c
- Pro-recovery
- Problems of Research into Adult/Child Sexual Interaction
- Prohibited images of children
- Prophet Muhammad
- Proship
- Prostasia Foundation
- Protestantse Stichting voor Verantwoorde Gezinsvorming
- Proxy
- Puellula
- Purity culture
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Rachel Hope Cleves
- Rainbow Revisionism
- Rani Laxmibai
- Rape
- Rape Rock
- Reduxx Magazine
- Reflex anal dilatation
- Renato Corazza
- René Schérer
- Repressed memory
- Republicans are the real pedophiles
- Research: A "cure" for pedophilia?
- Research: Age of Innocence
- Research: Association or Causation
- Research: Child Pornography
- Research: Cognitive ability
- Research: Cognitive Distortion
- Research: Commercial and online sexual exploitation
- Research: Double-Taboo CSA
- Research: Evolutionary Perspectives on Intergenerational Sexuality
- Research: Family Environment
- Research: Intergenerational Relationships in History
- Research: Intergenerational Sexual Behaviors in Animals
- Research: Methodological flaws and syndrome construction
- Research: Nonsexual aspects
- Research: Nonwestern Intergenerational Relationships
- Research: Offender characteristics
- Research: Pedophilia as a sexual/erotic orientation
- Research: Prevalence
- Research: Prevalence of Harm and Negative Outcomes
- Research: Psychopathy and abnormal psychology
- Research: Recidivism and other offending figures
- Research: Secondary Harm
- Research: Sexual repression
- Research: Teen pregnancy
- Research: The Dangers of Stigma
- Research: The effects of pornography
- Research: Who offends and how often?
- Research: Youth sexuality
- Richard Green
- Richard Weiss
- Richard Yuill
- Rind et al
- Rind resolution
- Robert Burdick
- Robin Sharpe
- Rock Against Child Abuse
- Rock Against Paedophiles / The Skinhead Way
- Roderik Muit
- Roger Moody
- Roger Peyrefitte
- Romeo and Juliet
- Rosa von Praunheim
- Rudiger Lautmann
- Safeguarding
- Samuel de Champlain
- San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
- Scarred for life
- Sebastien Faure
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Self-regulation of the internet
- Sex offender registry
- Sex Panic and the Punitive State
- Sex play
- Sexceptionalism
- Sext Kopf
- Sexting
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Offences Act (2003)
- Sexual rites of passage
- Sexualization
- Simon Goldhill
- Sir Richard Burton
- SJWs Always Lie
- Slavoj Žižek
- Spartacus International Gay Guide
- Special Article: Abuse of authority
- Special Article: Adverse effects of hysteria
- Special Article: Anti-c MAP Tumblr, Twitter and Fediverse - Material for Character Analysis
- Special Article: List of Pedologues summaries
- Special Interest Group
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Statutory rape
- Stephanie Dallam
- Stephen Kershnar
- Stephen Wayne Foster
- Steve Diamond
- Steven Angelides
- Steven Schurgard
- Stevi Jackson
- Stinson Hunter
- Stop Demand
- Sun Yat-sen
- Systemic Sexual Harassment
- T. H. White
- Tatsuya Matsuki
- Tchaikovsky
- TEDx pedophilia controversy
- Teen Dating Violence
- Tegenwicht
- Teleiophilia
- Terry Leahy
- Testimony: Adult Female with Minor
- Testimony: Adult Male with Minor Female
- Testimony: Adult Male with Minor Male
- Testimony: CSA (Children's Sexual Advances)
- Testimony: Experiences of chronophilias
- Testimony: Expressed childhood sexuality
- Testimony: Non-expressed childhood sexuality
- Texas Civil Commitment Center
- The Age Taboo
- The Betrayal of Youth (Book)
- The Book of Beautiful Boys (book)
- The Campaign Against Public Morals
- The Demon-Haunted World
- The Development of the Sexual Instinct
- The History of Sexuality
- The Human Face of Pedophilia
- The Leadership Council
- The Little Red Schoolbook
- The Oneida Community
- The p word
- The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure
- The Right-wing and Minor Attraction
- The Trauma Myth
- The Trouble with Being Born
- The Woodsman
- Theo Sandfort
- Thomas Hubbard
- Thomas Mann
- Thomas O'Carroll
- Thore Langfeldt
- Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies
- Tiger, Tiger: A Memoir
- To Catch a Predator
- Todd Nickerson
- Tom McDonough
- Tom O'Carroll's Publications
- Tom Reeves
- Tony Duvert
- Tor
- Transage
- Transgender youth and attraction to minors
- Troels Peter Schmidt
- Trust your gut instinct
- Truth and Repair
- W.H. Hudson
- Wallace Hamilton
- Wallace Hamilton Press
- Walter Breen
- Walter L. Williams
- War of adjacency
- Warren Farrell
- Warren Johansson
- Wayne R. Dynes
- Webe Web
- Wikipedia censorship of MAP related topics
- Wikisposure
- Wilhelm Reich
- Wilhelm von Gloeden
- Will Durant
- Will H. L. Ogrinc
- Will McBride
- William Blake
- William Percy
- William Simon
- Wolfi Landstreicher
- Woodchipper meme