23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Historical examples of LGBT-MAP unity: Difference between revisions

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==Supportive and ambiguous gay icons==
==Supportive and ambiguous gay icons==
In addition to the various established gay activists who went on to form pedophile/pederast organizations within the LGBT movement, others are still celebrated by the mainstream:

*[[Oscar Wilde]] - Jailed for sex with boys.
*[[Oscar Wilde]] - Jailed for sex with boys.

Revision as of 01:54, 12 October 2021

1994: Harry Hay blows a kiss. By this time, NAMbLA was already highly unfashionable

The modern LGBT (or 2SLGBTQQIA+[1]) lobby is famously insistent and defensive in its distancing attempts towards Minor Attracted People. Young LGBT people are routinely lied to by older community leaders about the history of their movement in embracing pederasts/pedophiles, providing shelter to "loved boys" and agitating for the removal of Age of Consent laws - for example, at the 1985 ILGA conference. They are also taught to ignore the pederastic roots of their movement, the importance of numerous subversive pederasts, and presence of teenage hookers at Stonewall to name but a few inconvenient truths.

To MAPs, and others using MAP awareness to their advantage in a debate:

We find it amazing that LGBT people deny these facts, since they are a matter of historical record. In essence, all you need to do to win your argument is regurgitate what we already know from the history books:

A timeline

We use pink highlighter to draw attention to key developments.


The very beginnings of the gay movement were literally steeped in pederastic imagery, since it represented most of homosexuality's recorded history. Der Eigene (1896-1932), the very first Gay Journal focused on pederastic writings and photography, and "advocated classical pederasty as a cure for the moral flabbiness of German youth". Scans are available via Wikipedia.

"The issue of love between men and boys has intersected the gay movement since the late nineteenth century, with the rise of the first gay rights movement in Germany. [...] A few (Hans Blüher, for example, famous for his book on the Wandervogel movement) believed that pederasty and male bonding provided a basis for a stronger nation and state - a view that, in a perverted form, found a distorted expression in the militarism of the Hitler Youth."[2]

Homosexuality (including pederasty) remained illegal and strictly taboo until the liberation movements of the 60s. With effectively no age of consent for homosexuality, the movement was age-queered as inter-generational sex was no more illegal than same age homosexuality. Witch-hunts such as the Boise controversy targeted pederasts in the name of curbing homosexuality - since the homosexuals were largely pederasts. Boy prostitution was also common form of homosexuality in this intervening period, with many such examples documented. Some of our man-boy accounts and testimonies also refer to this revealing period in time.

1969: The Stonewall Myth

Stonewall 1969 - Research reveals the presence of underage rent boys who were the reason for the raid and an ever-present on the gay scene. Feds were trying to protect their wall st cronies from the mob, because they were getting caught having sex with boys and extorted (expand section with sources).

1974-1994: Age-queer foundations of the modern LGBT movement

In 1974, the gay umbrella group ILGA (IGA at the time) is set up. The openly pro-pedophile Ian Dunn is a key founding member, the same year he helped set up the Paedophile Information Exchange.[3] ILGA exist to this day as part of the UN consultative network - running social media accounts as @ILGAWORLD. In 1978, Tom Reeves and David Thorstad - a major inspiration for this article, are already accepted gay activists, but decide to form NAMBLA, an organization dedicated to pederasty; which joins up with ILGA.[4]

Brussels academic and researcher David Paternotte observes:

"The documents of the 1980 Barcelona conference, where pedophilia was thoroughly discussed in two workshops (the women's caucus and a specific one on the topic), reveal that, despite the cautiousness and the already emerging dissent, positions were primarily liberationist. The defence of pedophilia was presented as an issue of solidarity between oppressed sexual minorities and an endorsement of young people's right to sexual autonomy. If the women's caucus raised the issues of power imbalance in sexual relationships, of patriarchy and of institutional violence against women and children, it refused a systematic association between pedophilia and gender violence, stating that mutual relationships are possible between adults and children. Besides, female activists emphasised the existence of 'a link between the repression of (paedo)sexuality and the appearance of repressive sexuality (rape and sexual assaults). [...] A discussion paper prepared by the COC on request of the 1980 Barcelona conference and discussed at the 1981 Torre Pelice conference, which relied on an earlier decision by the COC annual congress (Sandfort, 1987b), confirmed this stance. It urged homosexuals to show their solidarity with pedophiles, particularly because both groups suffer from normative compulsory heterosexuality, and maintains that "a successful homo-emancipation should include pedo-emancipation"."[5]

At its 1985 conference in Toronto ILGA voted for members to "lobby their government to abolish the age of consent law" in its position on "Age of Consent/Paedophilia/Children's Rights".[6][7] As NAMBLA's Bill Andriette recalls:

"But the IGA nearly passed a resolution that would have sounded like music to any NAMBLA's ears. As first conceived by the IGA youth section, the resolution called for the abolition of age-of-consent statutes. But under feminist pressure that was changed to a call for the equalization of ages of consent for gay and straight sex, and the eventual abolition of such statutes when young people were deemed sufficiently protected from abuse. NAMBLA's was the lone dissenting vote, but even in its compromised state the resolution is supportable."[8]

In 1994, only 9 years after supporting the abolition of ages of consent, they were embroiled in a public controversy regarding their consultative status with the UN. Inauthentic assimilationists won that battle in an about-turn 214-30 vote,[9] and ILGA ejected the "pedophile organizations" NAMBLA, Project Truth/Free Will, and Martijn, the first of which was an early member. On the hypocrisy, NAMBLA pointed out:

"We've been continuously active in ILGA longer than any other US organization. NAMBLA delegates to ILGA helped write ILGA's constitution, its official positions on the sexual rights of youth, and its stands against sexual coercion and corporal punishment. [...] Already, several ILGA activists and member organizations have condemned the secretariats' actions and reaffirmed their support for the participation in ILGA of man/boy lovers. The national German gay coalition Bundesverband Homosexualitat has declared that it is "astonished and embarrassed" at the secretariats' actions. "We are convinced that any attempt to expel NAMBLA and others from ILGA will be rejected by the vast majority of ILGA members," writes BVH executive committee member Wolfram Setz. Another German group, Verein for Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung adds, "The fight for... fundamental human right[s] must not be relinquished or reduced because of the political pressure from any government. Where would we end up if we made concessions in this respect? NAMBLA's objectives are as far we know absolutely in agreement with... the UN declarations of human rights and children's rights.""[10]

ILGA, who would ironically then take over a decade to achieve UN consultative status, have since released a series of highly misleading statements such as:

"ILGA does not advocate – and never has advocated – paedophilia [...] The ILGA conference (the highest decision making authority) has passed a resolution categorically rejecting any attempt to promote or legalize paedophilia."[11]

ILGA have thus in effect confirmed the fact their "highest decision making authority" previously voted for the abolition of the age of consent in a vote on "pedophilia".

Supportive and ambiguous gay icons

In addition to the various established gay activists who went on to form pedophile/pederast organizations within the LGBT movement, others are still celebrated by the mainstream:

  • Oscar Wilde - Jailed for sex with boys.
  • Wilhelm von Gloeden - This much-celebrated photographer of boys had a 14-year old lover, and seems to have escaped censure. Copies of his work being present in the homes of many mature gay men.
  • Harry Hay - Radical Faerie, pederast and founding member of the modern gay movement.
  • Allen Ginsberg - Famous, much beloved poet and pederast.
  • Peter Tatchell - His positions have at times been very supportive.
  • Carl Wittman - The San Fransisco gay activist called for youth liberation in his Gay Manifesto, offering that many gays were cruising for sex from their early teens, not being molested by elders.
  • The example of Destroyer Magazine brings us up to date.

Prominent gay people who speak from experience

Gay celebrities such as Stephen Fry[12] and Elton John[13] recall stories of early encounters or yearning in their youths. Fry clearly shows a depth of knowledge on the subject, and Elton wishes he had been "molested" just for the experience. Many similar examples exist, and they are not hard to find:

LGBT Hypocrisy

The LGBT movement is not so much a "community" these days, but an expedient political lobby. It is very easy to identify internal contradictions, cynical strategies and realpolitik when one assesses the state of the modern movement.

  • "One obvious contradiction in the assimilationist position is that if homosexual identity is inborn, as they say, then why do they oppose freedom of sexual expression for minors? Assimilationists argue that sexual identity is fixed by age six, but they deny young people the right to enjoy sexual pleasure with the person of their own choice." - David Thorstad.[14]
  • Pederasty didn't suddenly disappear the moment a taboo was placed on it. A perfect example of this is how gay men fetishize "straight boys" in the porn industry. While the models are over the age of 18, these tend to be scenes in which young "straight" males are cast as inexperienced and juvenile in character. The producers are thus "taking advantage of boys" by tricking them or using money to have their way with them. The relative popularity of this type of content in the gay porn industry is sometimes seen as "displaced pederasty" or at least a hangover from the "seedy" sex trade in boys that received so much attention in the 1970s before fading out.

Taken together, this tells us that the spirit of pederasty never really left the gay world. Only, the "boy" lives on as an archetype we are allowed to fetishize and trivialize, but seldom accept as a more meaningful object of desire.

Examples of tolerance outside the LGBT community

Even NARTH-accredited therapists have taken positions on pederasty/pedophilia far more liberal than the modern LGBT lobby:

  • "Michael Wertheimer is the son of the late Max Wertheimer, one of the founders of the Gestalt school of psychology. He is a Harvard-educated experimental psychologist, a retired full professor at the University of Colorado, and the author or editor of approximately forty psychology books, as well as several hundred articles. He specializes in the history of psychology. [...] Dr. Wertheimer is in sympathy with NARTH, in that he strongly supports the right to sexual-reorientation treatment. However he holds a another, postmodern theoretical position that is representative of many psychologists today: that concepts of psychological health and disorder are largely socially constructed, rather than objectively true or false. Even pedophilia is not, he believes, necessarily a disorder. [...] "I know of no convincing evidence that even pedophilia is harmful to the boy."[15]


  1. Explanatory Note: 2SLGBTQQIA+ is not a parody - it can be easily searched. As the LGBT movement became preoccupied with the politics of the bourgeois in the mid-90s, so started the tendency of conceiving ever more absurd endings to the pride alphabet. Since the movement were now defined by who they excluded (pedophiles), they then had to be clear about who they did not exclude. The irony of this was that in the 2020s, the gay movement ended up with an acronym resembling the web address of a pedophile onion site, or the result of face-planting a keyboard.
  2. Pederasty and Homosexuality - David Thorstad, 2003.
  3. Gript Piece on Ian Dunn - PIE and ILGA.
  4. Lesbians vs Pedophiles
  5. The ILGA and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals, by David Paternotte (excerpts)
  6. Haggerty, George. Encyclopedia of Gay Histories and Cultures, 2013 Edition.
  7. PRD: Expulsion of organizations marked as pedophile from ILGA
  8. NAMBLA in Toronto: The notes of Bill Andriette
  9. The International (Lesbian and) Gay Association and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals - David Paternotte - 2014.
  10. PRD: NAMBLA Affirms Its Membership in ILGA (December, 1993)
  11. ILGA release on 1990s UN Consultative Controversy
  12. Greek-love.com - Stephen Fry collection of testimony
  13. Neil Tennant <> Elton John discussion, Chrislowe.co.uk
  14. Pederasty and Homosexuality - David Thorstad, 2003.
  15. NARTH.com - Michael Wertheimer interview