Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

List of anti-MAP quotes

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This page lists quotes which show the extreme hatred faced by paedophiles and the pathology of many of the individuals who discriminate against paedophiles.


[When questioned about his anti-pedophile organisation's role in child protection] "No, it’s because pedophiles are disgusting people. Like you. That’s why we go after them. Protecting kids is just a side benefit."
"My goal is not to protect minors. It's to go after pedophiles."

- von Erck, Xavier. "IM"

"Now, he never said in this note whether or not he had acted on his attraction, did he? But he did say that he kept himself distant from his own children "so that I would not harm you in anyway."
I think that statement is very important, and most especially considering they are his final words. And yet....he goes on to hurt them anyway doesn't he? Just like all pedoheads sooner or later they just can't keep their mouths shut. He's killing himself because he can't bear being a filthy pedophile and he's gonna slap down everybody in his life as he goes. Never mind that his children and family will be suffering over his death, now they also have to deal with the shock and shame that their loved one was a filthy, stinking pedophile. He made his family victims in the end, didn't he?"


Society is bad for thinking you're all wasted use of good oxygen? I don't know, it doesn't sound right, because we just talked about this the other day. And all I can think is
It's working already!!!


I'm not sympathetic at all. In fact, the proudest day of my life will be when one of them kills himself and leaves a note saying
"I can't take it anymore. Stitches drove me to it""

- H., Marina (2007). "It's working!"

"Paedophile is a diagnostic name for those who have a sexual interest in pre-pubescent children. We will now refer to them as "Child Sex Abusers."


The interest in the child is SINISTER."

- Hawes, Marilyn. "Definition of a Paedophile"

"you need to see the wood through the trees, if we kill all paedophiles then children and their parents will no longer be supressed'.

- Branel, Cole (2007). "Childrens Dance Festival - No Cameras Allowed at Tudor Rose Festival!"

"For any long time readers you will know my views - Death and execution to all all paedophiles and that would apply to all types of downloaded child porn and not just the very worst."

Branel, Cole (2007). "Chris Langham - Paedophile or Honest Research?"

"if ever there was a subject that makes me foam at the mouth like a rabid dog, it is those sick, disgusting, depraved people we all loathe - Paedophiles.
Andrew Barker - Convicted Paedophile from Worthing West Sussex.I’m sick of this moderate society we live in, I’m sick of the do-gooders who think there is good in everyone. I’m sick of religion and of religious people. I’m sick of the nanny state authority.
Believe me, we live in a dictatorship, not a democratic society! It’s just that most people are too stupid to realise'.
I’m sick of it all because the millions of decent people who live in the UK are subjected to inferior lives because the liberal people in authority insist on keeping scum such as paedophiles alive."

- Branel, Cole (2007). "Kill Paedophiles like Andrew Barker"

"Why didn't you use that rifle to kill yourself? It's what you wanted to do. It's what you still want to do. Coward. Don't presume that you have the right to judge me. You don't. But I have judged you. And I find you guilty and deserving of a slow and merciless death for all the pain and suffering that you have caused."
"how about a final "solution", filth? step into my oven, it's time for a pedophile holocaust!"
"And if the loss of my soul is the price I have to pay for destroying evil like you, I will do it gladly and without hesitation. Can you say the same, filth?" (etc)

- User comments on a now deleted blog.

"Chronic sexual predators [to Vachss, pedophiles] have crossed an osmotic membrane. They can’t step back to the other side - our side. And they don't want to. If we don't kill them or release them, we have but one choice. Call them monsters and isolate them.... I’ve spoken to many predators over the years. They always exhibit amazement that we do not hunt them. And that when we capture them, we eventually let them go. Our attitude is a deliberate interference with Darwinism - an endangerment of our species."

- Vachss, Andrew (1993). Quoted in "Go and Sin No More": Therapy and Exorcism in the Contemporary Rhetoric of Deviance.