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Testimony: Adult Male with Minor Female

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  • Why Should I Feel Guilty If I Liked It? by Rachel in All About Sex, 1998.
    A woman in her twenties tells of a sexual relationship she had with an adult male neighbor from the age of six for at least six years. She writes, “Why should I feel guilty about the wonderful relationship I had with that man … right up until his death?”
  • When Fairy Lost her Virginity by "Fairy" in HFP Testimonies, November 2005.
    The sex this 18-year-old had with a college freshman when she was twelve was not a positive experience, but she says it could have been and should have been, had she been taught better. "Someone should have told me, my family should have not ignored the possibility of me having sex. I realized that they did not care enough to ever prepare me for … the most important aspect of life."
  • Once against — now supporting by "C". in HFP Mailbag, April 2005.
    An 18-year-old writes about being raped as a child, as well as her consensual relationship with a 19-year-old when she was twelve: "I was in complete agreement with all that went on in that relationship, and I was not at all manipulated."
  • Rage of Consent by Heather Corinna in Soapbox Girls, July 2001.
    • Sex activist Heather Corinna talks about the adult lovers she had when she was a teenager, including a 23-year-old man when she was 15. "...this was also by far the most wonderful and intimate relationship of my teen years. He was more respectful of my sexual boundaries than all of my same-age peers. He held me in higher esteem, and treated me with more respect, care and love than others my age. That may be because he was older, that may be because he was who he was — there really is no telling."
    • A 16-year-old girl talks about her adult lovers. "When I have been with adults, I’ve always felt much more comfortable. … I felt less inhibited when I was with a man in his twenties.”
    • A young woman talks about her year-long relationship with 25-year-old man when she was 16. “I look back at it with fondness. I still understand very well why I fell in love and lust with him."
    • A grown woman talks about the adult lovers from her teenage years, including a 35-year-old man when she was 17. "They helped to expand my intellectual horizons, teach me more advanced social interactions and give me a different perspective on things from the point of view of a different generation."
  • Re: ...views on Pedophilia.
    • A woman stands before her camera and shares her story of having a relationship with an older person at the age of 12/13. According to her, the relationship was of a positive nature. She agrees with the previous pro-sex poster in many ways, and brings up a variety of social issues regarding the perpetuation of the CSA stalemate.