Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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G O O G L E B O M B, BoyLover, GirlLover, Childlove, Pedophilia, Child, Rape, Sick, Evil, Jack McClellan, Pedo, Perverted Justice, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Human Trafficking, The truth about Paedophilia, Michael Jackson Pedophilia, Sarah Payne Murder, Soham Murders, NSPCC child abuse, Bruce Rind, PNVD pedophilia, pedophile party, pedopartij, NAMBLA, Daniel Lièvre, Tom O'Carroll, Paedophilia in Britain, USA, American pedophilia, Paedophile Information Exchange, UNCRC Convention, Children's rights, Child protection, Child sexual abuse, every child matters, G O O G L E B O M B
Bienvenue à NewgonWiki!

Notre ressource vise à documenter les faits, les opinions, les arguments, la recherche et les témoignages en rapport avec les attirances sexuelles et les relations entre les mineurs et les adultes. Nous nous efforçons de montrer le côté positif de ces choses de la vie souvent condamnées. Pourquoi ne pas vous impliquer en éditant? Si vous souhaitez discuter sur des questions similaires à celles couvertes par ce wiki, notre forum est ouvert à tout le monde.

NewgonWiki possède 931 articles.

Parcourir notre encyclopédie...

We have organised all of our encyclopedic articles into categories, so that they can be read from an alphabetical list. Consider checking out the following:

Parcourir nos projets...

Our site also contains some content that is not part of the official encyclopedia. These pages are organised into projects that can be accessed from portal pages:
  • Research (recently updated) is a growing list of excerpts from academic literature on the topics covered on this site. Again, this resource and those it links to are very useful for those who wish to educate themselves or others and challenge ignorance and prejudice. Can be combined with the Debate Guide.
  • Debate Guide is a growing list of arguments and counter arguments concerning MAPs and relationships with minors. This resource covers just about every argument that you are likely to face in an on-line or real-life debate.
  • Memes and Graphics helps you put your point across. Promotional media includes memes, flyers, and even pamphlets for distributing in the real world.
  • Archive - Is our list of previously unavailable materials, some of which were censored. We are also building a Chronological Archive.
  • Legal information (awaiting update) is a useful portal containing reliable articles and links that will help resolve queries as to the legality of certain practices mentioned on this site, in various jurisdictions.

If you prefer to use categories, the main category is Browse, and this includes a few category systems other than the Encyclopedia.

A dump facility is now available to make backups of this wiki.

Expériences sexuelles de la jeunnesse et d'autres......

Our website houses a vast database of anecdotes concerning sexual relationships and attractions between minors and adults, and related issues:

Contenu spécial/épinglé...

What's new? Our staff email is now on Yesmap. New and updated biographies and encyclopedia articles: see "new pages". There are new research pages, e.g. Evolutionary Perspectives and Dangers of Stigma. We have recruited some writers (but still need more) and continue to compile a to-do list.

Important articles and mini-projects:

Some important content from around NewgonWiki:

We have commenced news archiving:

We are looking for a full-time news archivist to compile results from 3 or 4 key phrases once every 3 or 4 days.

For running updates on the Marthijn/O.U.R./Canoa situation, see at the end of this article.

Recent essays of note: The Push, Pro-Reform: The Rational Middle Ground. The same authors have commenced blogging on Mu, see blog home and Mu perspectives.

en Anglais