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Talk:Research: Prevalence of Harm and Negative Outcomes

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Old newspaper stories on CSA are interesting.

"Child Molesting: A Complex Illness" (The Washington Post, March 27, 1976):

While some children panic and others become traumatized with fear after a sexual attack, still others will see their experience as an adventure or develop a relationship with their assailant who gives them a sense of belonging or importance, [psychologist Eugene] Stammeyer said. Studies have shown some children who are victims of sexual abuse exhibit "no compelling evidence of severe emotional problems" in later life, Stammeyer said. [...] [Psychiatrist Belinda] Straight said she thought it was very important for parents of a child who is sexually molested to openly express their shock and outrage--not conceal it-- so that the child can know "this is something that should haven't happened." [Psychiatrist and criminologist Bernard] Diamond, however, disagreed, saying that although it is "extremely difficult for the public to accept," some children "couldn't care less" about a sexual assault. "It's not a meaningful experience" for some children, Diamond said. "What makes it destructive is when everyone makes a fuss over it."

So far, all the articles from the 1970s (which is when the term seems to have emerged) use "paedophilia" correctly, too. Jillium 01:26, 21 May 2008 (UTC)