23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.


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Memes and graphics allow for visual impact and short-attention span messaging online. You may modify any of the following images with your own provocative messaging. The material reproduced here is experimental, not necessarily endorsed, and not subject to any editorial guidance. Research graphics can be found at this index, or on their respective research pages.

The MAP Flag

The concept underlying the MAP Flag was seen as early as 2009 and it resurfaced (or was spontaneously recoined) in 2018, gathering widespread social media attention after a campaign by NOMAPs on Tumblr. We have made some minor modifications such as color harmonization, smaller white band and flipping the graphic for a more subliminal, naturalistic appeal. Simply flip the graphic back, and it becomes a NOMAP flag. As can be seen, some of these flags have anti-alias for on-screen aesthetic reasons.


MAP Flag key phrase memes, variations and proposals

The MAP Flag has already been used in campaigns that use a defensible message to deliberately troll opponents. Other variations exist, although these are rarely adopted and often the subject of scare stories.

Pedophile Lives Matter was a highly successful and provocative Twitter campaign intended to inflame the left, as it invoked the Black Lives Matter campaign. #MAPsAreBased (deleted by Twitter as of 2021) was another successful meme, which attempted to enrage conservatives by presenting MAPs as compatible with traditionalism. Its creator made the following statements:

  • MAPs are obviously based. They support a return to pre-victorian Age of Consent laws, resisting the influence of the British, i.e. MAPs are pro-independence!
  • MAPs are promoting value-neutral, objectivist terms and just want to be left alone. They don't invent unicorn identities like the LGBT movement!
  • MAPs also support religious freedom and family privacy. #MAPsAreBased.


Traditional graphics convey a short and salient message in a graphic. Research graphics can be found at this index, or on their respective research pages.

Graphics In Relation To Antis

Logical Fallacies

See our Debate Guide article on the subject.

Black propaganda

These memes have been produced by antis, however, we believe that they might efficiently spread the discourse via hysteria in a way that frames debate favorably to us. Using this overclaim/black propaganda method may reduce the risk of censorship on some websites.

Graphics In Relation To CSA

Positive memories

Stories about positive memories from verified sources. See our Accounts and Testimonies article on the subject.

Graphics In Relation To Pedophilia


Random content.

Basic material

Media Flyers

These are small publications that can be emailed to target groups, such as media organizations, or sent to their social media accounts.


Our pamphlet, "Minor-Attracted People (MAPs), Just the facts", is intended to look like plain and dowdy propaganda (until you look inside). Previews and PDF available. You may have to experiment with "fitting to page width" or "scaling" to get the folds to go bang down the center, but we have done most of the work for you.

Download full PDF


We have a short guide on pamphleting, and some of our older material is still archived there. Hopefully, this will be an inspiration for future efforts, or reworking of old material.


This is the workspace for new memes and overflow/duplicate concepts. It might contain some usable material and some material that needs to be worked on. As per the main project, none of this material is endorsed, and it is experimental/user-generated with no editorial guidance. Annotations might reflect editorial recommendations, however.

Editors wanting to discuss the development of a particular idea should open up a thread on the Memes and Graphics talkpage (repost the file there too, so we can see it while it is discussed).

Surplus but usable material

Ideas that might need work/spin off other ideas

New content awaiting review