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You are viewing NewgonWiki, the holding place for often-updated content on the Newgon.com website. You can find the natural starting point for viewing our site on our Homepage and the same for Debate Guide.

Other major arms of our website are the Blog and Forum.

What is kept on the wiki?

Debate Guide

A growing list of arguments and counter arguments for the sexual emancipation of minors and minor attracted adults.

...and more


A collection of scientific research and other demonstrative references on matters relevant to minor sexuality.


A database of anecdotal accounts concerning intimate relationships between minors and adults, and other inter and intra-personal issues related to minor sexuality and minor attraction.

Advocates and Authors

A database of articles concerning advocates (pro, anti or moderate) of interest and authors on the topics of child sexuality (expressed or not), minor-attraction and relationships that arise between adults and children.

Other Stuff

Enjoy browsing the site,

Site Admins.