Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Introduction to Debate Guide

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Revision as of 20:45, 31 October 2008 by Rez (talk | contribs)
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Whether through personal experience, ideals or a combination of the two, we firstly assume that anyone reading this guide has passionately held beliefs about the issues contained therein. When applied to intergenerational sex, this passion is easily dulled by fear of personal attacks and a lack of confidence. This guide aims to instil confidence and zeal in its readers’ point of view by endowing them with the arguments, certainties, sources and tips that would be available to a proponent of more popular minority point of view - Homosexual or Secular for example. Debate Guide is therefore intended to be a text for liberation, in a movement that sorely needs it.

When reading, it is important to note that this guide is not 100% a means to an end, in debating this issue. Ideally, readers should change the words and arguments to suit their own opinions and understandings, using their initiative where they feel that it will benefit them. One must adequately 'culture' their argument, making sure that it represents coherent, joined up thinking that all readers (including oneself) can understand. To espouse an argument that one cannot defend is nothing but folly. Readers should also remember, that although the guide is streamed into sections, valid material for many topics and debates can be found in any section, and elsewhere on the wiki.

As for finding an “audience”, our message is simple. The debater will not get anywhere by “arguing” with people who are unreasonable and set in their way. Those hours of typing will only be worthwhile if the writer is covering the complex, yet enlightening issues listed on our site, and getting maximum “viewing figures”. Don't just be right; be heard and be effective. Given this multiplier effect, a job well done is all the more important. Therefore…

We hope that on looking at this guide, readers are encouraged to venture beyond logical disinterest, or (partial) inability and confidently make a winning and convincing argument for their worthy cause, on mainstream web fora and elsewhere.

Please note that since this guide has been designed to help people of many persuasions, it is not intended to accurately represent all the views of any one of its writers. Arguments will range from the pragmatic thru the radical to the downright disagreeable for some of our strongest supporters.

Happy Reading.