23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Essay:Important questions regarding adult-minor sexuality

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Important questions regarding adult-minor sexuality: A contrarian approach to "pedophiles".

Protecting young people from preventable harms and avoiding the dangers of social exclusion should be key priorities in any "civilized" society. That's why it's all the more important to have a sophisticated understanding of the issues and not to approach the subject in a simplistic or misleading way.

We do not need preaching to, in order to set ourselves on the way to a more informed understanding of this topic. By asking ourselves a few basic questions, we can help combat fears and misunderstandings concerning sexual attractions and behaviors between adults and minors:

1. What are the meanings of the terms pedo and philia? Bearing in mind the many different things described in the popular press as "pedophilia", are there any important distinctions to be made in light of this?

2. It appears that society will only accept one way of thinking when it comes to this topic. Think outside of the box for a moment, and put yourself in the position of someone who has only pedophilic feelings, but has never engaged in sexual activity with a child, despite, maybe - a temptation. Considering that society condemns even your attractions and fails to distinguish between these attractions and a criminal act, what kind of effect is this likely to have on your self confidence and likeliness to offend?

3. What does research say about the number of pedophiles in the population? Considering that sexual acts that would normally give outlet to pedophilic feelings are currently illegal, how should we provide outlet without compromising the law?

4. Has anyone provided verifiable, factual statements that support the notion of a multi-billion dollar market in child pornography? How do these figures compare to the market in conventional pornography? Is this comparison realistic?

5. We know that child pornography can either be traded or shared without the exchange of money and funding of producers (be they adults or the children themselves). Assuming that there is such a large market in Child pornography, how would legalizing the exchange (not the production) of already-made images impact upon any (illegal) production market that does exist, and its consequences? Would the resultant sexual outlet for pedophilic feelings legitimize sexual behaviours with children, or could it even provide an alternative to offending?

6. Foundations of sexual trauma

7. In light of this... secondary victimisation

8, etc.

9, etc.

The authors of this paper have their own answers for those who wish to read further into the issues covered. These can be found at (http://.....)