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Debate Guide: Child sexualisation and objectification

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"If kids are constantly having sex, what is to stop them interpreting every relationship as sexual, and most dangerously, believing that they must act sexually to please adults, or that they are only valued as sex objects?"

Firstly, this argument becomes totally irrelevant during and soon after puberty, when the young person becomes naturally hyper - sexual anyway.

Secondly, this argument works, by not only assuming that all behaviour within a sexually bonded adult - minor coupling is judged against a sexual standard, but that nearly every relationship of that minor, is of such a nature. This is impossible, in that a minor always has to learn the relevance of various forms of care, responsibility, etc. Moreover, we know that even babies can soundly rely on different adults for different life purposes - mother, nanny, doctor, affectionate sibling, for example. Thirdly, who is to assume that of all emotions, sexuality will be the ultimate "force" that "poisons" or "takes over" all of a child's relationships by its mere presence? Isn't this to admit that kids actively seek sexual gratification, given that all I am calling for is a level of freedom? Lastly, why should sexual relationships be seen as especially 'objectifying'? All this says is that your views regarding these, if not, all sexual relationships are fundamentally negative! In reality, a sexual interaction or relationship involves far more than a robotic reaction to the partner's aesthetic, and the simple decision to 'fuck it'.

Regardless of the above points, we also have to be careful before casting externally derived self-worth in a negative light. On many issues (including sex but also economics, religion, and platonic relationships) there are many popular sentiments for which people are obligated to others first and themselves second. Nevertheless, one could say that children in particular, need to be taught to operate by their own judgement and in their own interests first and foremost. They must be taught that all adults are fallible, and that they have an obligation (to themselves) to question the motives and judgement of others if the need arises. If each partner respects the other's self-worth, rational self-interest will lead them to work together with an enthusiasm not otherwise possible.