These pages present a collection of scientific research and other demonstrative references on matters relevant to minor sexuality. Other sources for reading, development or general use can be found here.
Key Social Concepts
- Research: Secondary Harm: Does social interpretation of adult-minor sex create or compound the harm attributed to it?
- Research: Sexual Repression: Can sexual neglect and desexualization cause harm?
- Research: Family Environment: Do family factors associated with 'CSA' inflate the negative effects reported in most studies of it?
- Research: Who offends and how often?: Are fears about "stranger danger", invisible sources of harm and widespread offending justified?
In Relation to the Child
- Research: Prevalence of Harm and Negative Outcomes: How often is the minor/child harmed? What correlates with this harm?
- Research: Childhood Sexual Innocence: Is the cultural hypothesis of innate sexual "innocence" supported by the literature?
- Research: Cognitive Ability Research: At what age do young people develop certain abilities, qualities, and is there a "peak"?
- Research: Profiling the Child Victim: Do children who have been sexually involved express a typical set of symptoms?
- Research: Body Count: What proportion of children have been "sexually abused"? How does this depend upon our definitions?
- Research: Youthful Sexual Behaviour: Where research has been carried out into so-called "sex play", what are the outcomes?
- Research: Association or Causation: Is the association between adult mental health and child sexual abuse causative?
In Relation to the Child's Older Partner
- Research: Recidivism: When compared to other criminal categories, how often do child sex offenders reoffend?
- Research: Abused-Abuser: Is the idea that "abused" children go on to perpetrate empirically sound?
- Research: Immaturity: Are the adult partners retarded or lacking in intelligence?
- Research: Pedophiles in the Criminal Population: How often do child sex offenders have a pedophilic preference?
Anthropology and Zoology
- Research: Intergenerational Sexual Behaviors in Animals: Does sex between juveniles and adults occur in other species?
- Research: Intergenerational Relationships in History: Is adult-child sex culturally and historically ubiquitous?
- Research: Nonwestern Intergenerational Relationships: How do tribal societies conceptualise their relationships?
In Relation to Minor-Attraction
- Research: Cognitive Distortion: Is the evidence for a significant degree of distortion in the beliefs of pedophiles sound?
- Research: Child Pornography: What is the nature of child pornography, and the effect of its use?
- Research: Psychopathy and abnormal Psychology: Are pedophiles or ephebophiles suffering from a mental disorder/s?
- Research: Prevalence: How common is pedophilia? How many pedophiles "act out"?
- Research: A "cure" for pedophilia?: To what extent is pedophilia a choice? Can it be "cured"?
- Research: Pedophilia as a sexual/erotic orientation: Does paedophilia constitute an orientation?