Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.


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The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) (f. 1884) is a UK-based "children's" charity that contrives and disseminates false examples of child abuse in an attempt to cajole donations from well-meaning members of the public.

Part of the NSPCC's recent success has been a series of television commercials that portray a demonic and oversexed image of males with children in their custody, particularly relatives. It could even be said that this charity is so successful that it has almost become an arm of the state, receiving funding to carry out training programmes and other services whilst using its charity status and donations to ease the massive burden on taxpayers in child-protection obsessed Britain. Indeed, the NSPCC is the only UK charity which has been granted statutory powers under the Children Act 1989, allowing it to apply for care and supervision orders for "children at risk". It is also the only charity with the statutory power to undertake child abuse investigations and can be called upon by the police and local authorities to assist them. State-employed care-givers and web-administrators have been known to frequently refer cases of child abuse to the NSPCC or encourage the use of this organisation as a contact point.

Various examples of the NSPCC's dishonesty and disregard for young people include the contrivance of fake social networking profiles of abused children, use of an unwilling child actor in its sensationalist TV adverts, faking of abuse stories in mass mailings and advising children that all sex under the age of sixteen is wrong and should be reported (the implications of which need not be elaborated).

NSPCC campaigns have been criticised for their ineffectuality by orgnisations such as NPC:

"The answer, suggests the report by New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), is not a lot. Campaigning to change public attitudes and keep abuse on the radar, as NSPCC does with some success, has its place, but there is zero evidence that this leads to fewer beatings. The logic behind Full Stop, it argues, is flawed and naive: "Improved attitudes to abuse can certainly facilitate the identification and reporting of abuse that is already occurring, but they seem to have very little bearing on whether a substance-abusing parent neglects their child behind closed doors, or whether a sexual offender chooses to abuse a child when they have the opportunity to do so in secret.""


The organisation has also faced criticism for its allegedly increasing obsession with publicity and advertising, for fear mongering[2] and fabricating or exaggerating facts and figures in its research. In an article in Spiked Magazine, Frank Furedi professor of sociology at the University of Kent, branded it a "lobby group devoted to publicising its peculiar brand of anti-parent propaganda and promoting itself."

SRA: A betrayal of the NSPCC's agenda

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, a moral panic emerged over alleged ritual satanic abuse. The NSPCC provided a publication known as 'Satanic Indicators' to social services around the country that has been blamed for some social workers panicking and making false accusations. The most prominent of these cases was in Rochdale in 1990 when up to 20[3] children were taken from their homes and parents after social services believed them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse. The allegations were later found out to be false. The case was the subject of a BBC documentary which featured recordings of the interviews made by NSPCC social workers, revealing that flawed techniques and leading questions were used to gain evidence of abuse from the children. The documentary claimed that the social services were wrongly convinced, by organisations such as the NSPCC, that abuse was occurring and so rife that they made allegations before any evidence was considered.[4][5]

Redeeming Feature?

One of the NSPCC's functions is to run helplines that may actually offer some benefits to abused children, but any positive impacts in this regard are hard to verify and would most probably be accounted for in the charity's absence. There is little evidence of what happens to children once they have been taken into protective custody after contacting the NSPCC.


Their slogan, "make it go away" which rather appropriately conveys an impossible task, was sung by Kate Bush - an artist known for a tendency towards edgy pedo-sexual themes in her work.