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Essay:Top Ten Deadliest Boylover Beliefs

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Copied from BoyChat, 2007-May-13. This piece is of particular interest, thanks to what the pseudonymous author - at that time Webmaster of BoyChat has become known for. He may one day be released from prison in the 2030s. By that time, he will be in his 60s.

I've been in the boylove community for over sixteen years. Here, I'm not referring to being a boylover--I've been a boylover all my life--but rather to actually being involved with a self-identified community, either in real life, online or both. In that time, I've seen a lot of bad things happen to good people. And I've seen bad things happen to bad people. While I have no interest in protecting someone from the consequences of his own ill-considered behavior, over the years, I've seen some common threads in the beliefs of boylovers that lead to ill-considered behavior.

Just for fun, I thought I'd make a top-ten list (it's been quite a while since I've done one of those). None of these are hypothetical; they all represent actual letters from actual viewers... no, wait. Wrong program. They all represent actual beliefs of actual boylovers I've known that, to my analysis--and as always, my analysis could be wrong--led to their own downfall.

So here is the Top Ten Deadliest Boylover Beliefs.

10. The boy needs me. No, he doesn't. Boys lose people they supposedly "need" all the time, including friends, family, parents; tragedies sometimes happen and boys survive. That doesn't mean it's not sad when a boy loses someone important to him, and certainly a boylover should try to come through for a boy who needs him, but the belief that "The boy needs me!" too often becomes, "Therefore I must be with him!" which leads one to do very stupid things to try and be a part of someone's life when it's simply too risky to do so. Sometimes there comes a time when you just need to let him go, no matter how much you think he needs you. He'll get over it, and so will you.

9. My friends will support me. No, they won't. It's not that your friends aren't really your friends--although you will certainly find that some of them aren't, that many abandon you at the first sign of trouble. People you thought would be with you through thick and thin find out you're one of "those people" and suddenly are your enemies. People who already knew you were one of "those people" find out that something has happened and suddenly think, "Damn, I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down..." But that's not the most dangerous part. The most dangerous part is the friends who are really your friends, and do stick with you, will often have a very different definition of "support" than you do. When your friend promises, "I'll support you," you may be thinking of standing by your side while you face your enemies, and he's thinking of making sure you have cigarette money and letters while you're in prison. Some people think that "supporting" you means stopping you before you hurt someone--even when that means turning you in for some suspected infraction long before you've ever hurt anyone, or even considered doing so. If you think someone else will support you, make sure you get it in writing, with a detailed list of specifically what "support" entails.

8. Boylove is a righteous cause. No, it's not. I almost put this one much higher on the list but talked myself down off abstractions. This one drives so-called activists to out themselves, go public and put themselves at risk... and then do damage to all the rest of us while they're at it. All the NAMbLA nonsense about the loftiness of boylove and its platonic ideals and the holy righteousness of the movement never served to do anything except permit a bunch of kooks to make us all look like kooks. There's a right way and a wrong way to do activism, and the wrong way is based on this belief that we're fighting for a noble cause and must stand on the front lines of a crusade. The right way starts with the understanding that boylove is neither more nor less than any other sexual preference, there's nothing intrinsically good about it, and neither is there anything intrinsically bad about it. People who believe they have god on their side tend to end up being the ones who need god on their side, along with an ace attorney.

7. I'm not important enough for anyone to go after. Yes, you are. This one comes up most often during real life meetings, phone calls, IM chats or even posts on BoyChat. A person says something perhaps too revealing, but thinks, "No big deal, chances are no one's watching me anyway. I'm just not important enough for them to be keeping an eye on." The problem is that you can absolutely right about that, and still be wrong. Because while being important enough to go after is a way to ensure that they will, the reverse isn't true. Many times, what gets someone tagged isn't his own importance but rather, a freak coincidence, someone else's political expediency, an election, a change in personnel at the local ISP, things that have nothing to do with the person being pursued. Consider that over two thousand people faced child porn charges in one sting, some for having done nothing more than gotten their credit card, stolen, others for subscribing to perfectly legal adult sites. One freak coincidence totally offsets all the benefits of a low profile, one politician's job security can suddenly make important people who were never important before.

6. No one will ever believe it. Yes, they will. Given the right circumstances and a talented spinner, people will believe just about anything, at least long enough to do serious damage. I've heard people say things that amount to, "Yeah, looks like some disgruntled parent has convinced her son to make all kinds of false charges against me. But look at the charges! Satanic rituals? Sodomy and bestiality? Animal sacrifices? In broad daylight in a daycare center with thirty other people present? No one will ever believe it!" I got news for you. Yeah, they will.

5. The evidence is in my favor. No, it's not. People in general, and boylovers specifically, have dismal understandings of the concepts of "evidence" and "proof" and "reasonable doubt." People confuse legal proof with scientific proof. They think reasonable doubt means what they think "reasonable" means. "Proof" does not mean that something is irrefutably and empirically established. It simply means that a jury is convinced. I've had this argument especially with webmasters, magazine editors and fiction writers who feel the need to convince me that their material is not child pornography. They tell me, "By the law, by the evidence, it's not pornographic because it doesn't mean this prong or that prong or it has redeeming social value..." and I remind them, "I'm not the one you need to convince. Do you think that if a prosecutor shows this to a jury, along with your own public admission that you're a pedophile, that jury won't decide it's pornographic?" It doesn't matter what the evidence is. It matters what the jury believes the evidence is. And I guarantee you that the prosecutor knows more about that than you do.

4. I know what I'm doing. No, you don't. This was originally my number one belief, but three others finally beat it out. I've seen more activists fall over this one than any other. People start putting together a project, get all enthusiastic about it and start making moves... and if you question their moves, suddenly, you're "in their way." You're not "supporting" them. You're an obstacle to the righteous cause of boylove. Why? Because they know what they're doing. They know they've picked the right people, so let's just hurry up and get started instead of worrying about having strong security. Let's write a manifesto in Microsoft Word. But no one knows everything. Maybe the person questioning your security has been doing security longer than you have. Maybe if you had asked someone, he could have told you that Word includes your computer's user name in its metadata. You think you know what you're doing? Then prove it: let other people, people with knowledge and expertise in the relevant fields, look over what you're doing and tell you whether or not you know what you're doing. People who really know what they're doing know first and foremost when to shut up and listen.

3. My boy will stand up for me. No, he won't. Too many people have thought--both with real accusations and with false ones--"Well, he's my friend, and he loves me. He won't let me go down." The first mistake is believing he even has a choice. You have one small boy versus an arbitrary number of fully-grown trained professionals. He will lose, and he will make the statements against you that the involved parties think he should make. I've also heard people say things like, "My boy and I have talked it over thoroughly, and I've told him how to deal with questions." The mistake here is thinking that you know any more about it than the small boy. Chances are, unless you happen to be a professional in that field yourself, you don't. And even if you are, it's what you manage to teach him all by yourself versus however many fully trained interrogators they feel necessary to employ. He doesn't stand a chance. He could go in with every intention of defending you to his dying breath, and they'll still break him by the end of the day.

2. The police are a bunch of idiots. No, they're not. Boylovers have so much fun joking about the idiotic new laws, the stupidity of the average donut-shop law enforcement officer, the bonehead legal rulings, the ridiculous media reporting, that sometimes we actually start to believe these people really are as dumb as they seem. They're not. Again, we're talking about trained professionals. What makes them seem dumb is the philosophy from which they operate, the base assumptions about pedophilia with which we do not agree. But within those assumptions, they're every bit as bright as any other segment of professionals, and they've generally been doing their jobs for a collectively long time. In our world, they're idiots, but in their world, we are the idiots and they are the ones who know every card to play. And the legal system is their world.

1. I'm safe because I'm not doing anything illegal. No, you're not. I said in another post last month that everyone who has ever told me this has ended up either in prison, awaiting trial, unemployed and homeless, outed and in hiding or dead. (I did mention that there is one exception.) These words--"I'm not doing anything illegal"--are portents of doom. When I hear a boylover say it, I almost immediately begin to make plans for his eventual disappearance. This wins my award for the Number One Deadliest Boylover Belief. I'm not even going to give it the full analysis in this summary paragraph; it's worth a full-length post in and of itself. Let's just say that if you think you're safe because you're not breaking the law, you are absolutely, completely, unequivocally the worst kind of wrong.

Well, that's it for the top-ten list. As usual, my opinions aren't anything more than that, and I'm sure plenty of folks will be anxious to spell out every mistake I've made. And that's cool: maybe they'll make some top-ten lists of their own, and we can actually make some headway towards cleaning some of these things up.

Much Love,

Dylan Thomas

[Redundant email address redacted by Newgon]