Hajo Ortil

Hans Joachim "Hajo" Ortil (10 January 1905 - 12 July 1983) Ortil was a German FKK naturist, photographer, pederast and teacher. During WWII he made circulars against the Hitler regime and was imprisoned. He ran a youth club in the summers called the Pirates an outdoors scouting and boating club for youth.
The Hanseatic Pirates were, a naturist youthful canoeing club from Bremen, Germany. The club always included boys and girls, something he said later helped him foster consensual pederastic relations with boys. The group travelled extensively as far as taking holidays from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean. Ortil was adored by his students who visited him yearly in his old age. He says he never had problems with any of his campers, including males with whom he was not physically intimate. There were 800+ "pirates" in the course of time.
He was a teacher of English and physical education in a Gymnasium (upper secondary school) in Bremen. Ortil studied English and Physical Education in Göttingen. In 1932 he completed his doctorate in English with a thesis about George Berkeley und die englische Literatur.
In his will (1981), Hajo Ortil bequeathed his sexology library, archives and all the photographic material of his pirates to the Brongersma Foundation. This foundation of the Dutch MP Edward Brongersma, known to him, campaigned for a revised philosophy of pederasty. After Brongersma's death in 1998, his foundation was continued under the name “Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Seksualiteit”. Since 1992, the goal has been scientific research into the sexuality of young people. In his 1986 book Loving Boys 1, Brongersma quotes Ortil: “I believe during my life I welcomed 800 about naked boys in my bed, all willing to be satisfied and to satisfy me. Now they've all grown to adult men. Not a single of them complained.” Like other youth advocates, Hajo Ortil represented an idea of “pedagogical eros” that included sexual acts.
Brongersma and Ortil met in 1965 and were from that point on, good friends. They had common interests, e.g. collections of erotic photos of young people, trips, etc. They often visited and traveled together. In 1968, they spent two months in Sicily, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, Portugal and France. The following year they drove together to Troy, which Ortil, as a great fan of Homer, wanted to see at least once. In addition to Hans Leip, Ortil was also in contact with well-known writers such as Werner Helwig, Manfred Hausmann and Ernst Jünger. He was a friend of education reformer Gustav Wyneken, who was convicted after World War II for "sexual abuse" after "laying naked" with 12 and 17-year-old boys.
Ortil retired as a high school teacher in September 1967. In 1975 he decided to make the last trip with the pirates because of his age and poor health. After that, he spent the last years of his life in his Bremen house in old age. Some of his Bremen pirates and several pirate parents were able to give him consolation and help until he died on July 12, 1983. Hajo Ortil was a respected teacher at his school in Bremen. In 2005, Bremen's mayor Henning Scherf remembered him in a public speech:
All the students knew him and knew that he does everything differently. He always wrote half novels in the class register that had nothing to do with the topic under discussion. He supposedly needed this to legitimize himself before the teaching staff. He opened a big window for me and changed my life. He taught me to talk and write what I thought was right. He was so fair, even if the provocations were directed against himself.
Heinrich Eichen wrote an obituary for him.
Ortil published photobooks such as Pan and Ortil's Canoe Pirates, in the 60s. He also released a number of photo projects, for which legality may vary according to jurisdiction:
- Hellas Ewig unsre Liebe. FKK.Helios. (1958, 1958)^[1]
- Amazonen. In Sonne und Baltenwind. (1955, 1955)^[1]
- Das Waldriff im Meer.(1956., 1956)^[1]
- Noch sprudeln die Quellen Arkadiens (1958, 1958)^[1]
- Hellas ewig unsere Liebe - Sonderausgabe der Monatszeitschrift Helios. (1958)^[2]
- Das Waldriff im Meer. Idyllische Kajakfahrten in die Felsen- und Inselwildnisse Dalmatiens (1956)^[2]
- Und Pan lebt doch! Wir fanden ihn an den Heide- und Weidesäumen der Hase und Ems.
- Noch sprudeln die Quellen Arkadiens. Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift Helios.
- Es brausen Bura und Mestral.
- Noch sprudeln die Quellen Arkadiens
Published by:
[1]: Lauf, Zitzmann [2]: Published by Lauf bei Nürnberg, Rudolf Zitzmann Verlag, 1956
See also
- Boy Photography
- Fund for Scientific Research of Sexuality
- Child Pornography - Many of his photographic works may now be defined as such, when collected for "sexual" purposes.
External links
- Wiki Article - Containing a vast list of publications, extending into the 70s.
- Biography in German
- Interview (photos included are non-frontal nude, but not obscene in most jurisdictions)
See also
- Official Encyclopedia
- Gay
- Child Pornography
- Art
- Youth
- People
- People: German
- People: Deceased
- People: Adult or Minor sexually attracted to or involved with the other
- People: Artists and Poets
- People: Historical minor-attracted figures
- History & Events: German
- History & Events: 1950s
- History & Events: 1960s
- History & Events: 1970s