23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Philip Tromovitch

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Philip Tromovitch

Professor Philip Tromovitch is an American sexologist and statistician currently based at Doshisha University in Japan,[1] known for his role in the papers published by the Rind et al team.


Tromovitch is an inclusionist with respect to the definition of pedophilia. At one 2014 conference in Cambridge (England), he drew the attention of mainstream media, after making a presentation in which he suggested well over 20% of men might be pedophiles according to contemporary definitions.[2][3]

Publications/External links
