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Talk:Research: Nonwestern Intergenerational Relationships

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Obvious extras from Gisela B-E, S.O. Murray etc. Sambia /other info on http://www.amaros-amarso-amarsi.org/ http://kalapa.nfshost.com/viewtopic.php?id=25 Alma Pintada http://www.iidb.org/vbb/showpost.php?p=4684715&postcount=294 Daniel 22:54, 11 May 2008 (UTC) http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/NEW_GUINEAWEB.HTM# Daniel 00:52, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/GUS/GUS_MAIN_INDEX.HTM (GUS) Daniel 23:02, 16 May 2008 (UTC)


Need some better sources, but found this:

http://newgon.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=9681#p9681 The Admins 13:47, 8 November 2009 (UTC)


Suggest merge with historical (Nonwestern and Historical Perspectives), then build a profile on each notable country with different eras if required. --JohnHolt (talk) 02:59, 7 November 2021 (UTC)