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Talk:Testimony: Expressed childhood sexuality

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The Secret Lives of Girls is a book of these. Also, "She draws a clear line between sexual play and coercion, but at the same time finds examples of behavior that could be considered coercive by adults but was experienced by the girls as positive and pleasurable." Jillium 21:35, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

This (French) is an open letter from the "children of the sexual revolution," defending Daniel Cohn-Bendit's interactions with children:

"Many of us had parents who walked naked in front of us, and no doubt they let us touch their breasts, their sexes. They were happy when we fell in love in primary school, when we kissed other children on their mouths. They let us play 'touch-pipi'. [...] The Seventies have made subjects of the children (of us). The sexual revolution--including the realm of infancy--taught us forst of all that our bodies belong to us. That we had the right to do what we want with it, and with who we please. That, because we had become subjects, even, and especially in childhood, we had the right to say no to those who wanted to do something with our bodies and desires other than we desired. [...] We thank our parents because they have given us the appetite to change the world. We thank them for having unleashed this sexual revolution and we think that if we want that one day women and children shall not be raped any more, that everyone is the master of his body, the sexual revolution must recommence, since it has made the mistake to stop."

Offset by a confusion of "pedophilia" with sexual violence throughout. Jillium 23:25, 9 May 2009 (UTC)