23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Visions of Alice

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Visions of Alice

Visions of Alice (often known by initialism VoA), is a girl-love website that was started in 2004. The website is most notable for its forum community and is the home of AliceLover's Magazine and True Innocence Magazine. In recent years they have taken an active approach in collaborating with researchers. In 2020, VoA started AliceFM, an online girl-love radio station.

Visions of Alice doesn't promote nor disallow any specific MAP ideology. Members are free to express their MAP-related beliefs, as long as they don't advocate for or admit to breaking the law. VoA was designed as a Girl Love site, and girl-lovers hold the majority demographic, but they also welcome Boy-Lovers, researchers, and non-MAPs who genuinely wish to learn about minor attraction.


The Magazines produced by Visions of Alice are known for their graphical style that includes artistic photos of young girls along with articles, poems, and artwork about girl love, minor attraction, and MAPs' relationship with society. The articles and poems are mostly written by the e-Zine Team at VoA, while some content is sourced by VoA forum members as well as guest writers.

AliceLover's Magazine

ALM is the current branding of the magazine, known for its colorful, childlike motif.

True Innocence Magazine

True Innocence is the former magazine produced by VoA.


AliceFM is a girl-love oriented online radio station produced by Visions of Alice. Most of the day consists of an automated playlist by AliceBot that includes classic hits with a healthy dose of GL Anthems. Certain Members of VoA are regularly scheduled as DJs. AliceFM also replays The Prevention Podcast.

External links