23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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This is the contents of a file that was sent to me by 'Alcibaides', who was a member of PIE in the 70s/80s. He was active on boylover.net until he was arrested in July 2008. Before he was arrested he was beginning to compile historical documents relating to pro-pedophile activism.


The Berry List

(= "BL" ) Early US-based internet chatroom for invited notables from the pre-internet paedophile movement, a simple precursor to BLISS, BL.net and other more ambitious vehicles for online paedophile communication.


The Campaign Against Public Morals was initially formed in 1980 as a defence committee for Tom O’Carroll and his PIE co-defendants at the 1981 trial for “Conspiracy to corrupt public morals”. The committee was soon hi-jacked by two radical paedophiles (Dave Landau and Tim Brown) with a different agenda, hostile to PIE, so that O’Carroll resigned from his own defence committee. In 1981 CAPM produced a quasi-anarchist booklet that was as much a critique of O’Carroll, his book, PIE and its politics as it was of the trial and society’s disdain for the freedoms and capacities of children. Their political analysis was strong, their sense of solidarity less so.

Childhood Sensuality Circle

A radical/libertarian US lobby located in San Diego – but seemingly just the one person Valida Davila – who addressed questions such as circumcision and the rights of children to sexual self-determination. Released the “C.S.C. Nusleter” in the early 1980s. See also the San Diego based Sexual Freedom League.

DPA (Danish Pedophile Association) [1]

DPA wound up formally in 2004 pending government investigation. A Ministry of Justice report in 2005 exonerated the group of any illegality and took the view there would be no legal grounds for shutting it down. DPA still maintains a webpage in Danish/English (though stressing that the group is no longer active).


(circa 1993) A London based group formed as a response unit to reports and items appearing in the media. This “Readers & Writers Group”, which included some individuals with a background in PIE or Minor Problems, met regularly for several years, inviting guests from the press or academic research fields. Negotiations with a BBC producer towards a “fly on the wall” programme about life as a paedophile in the UK came to nothing, but several members participated in a Channel 4 programme “The Devil Among Us” by Guardian columnist Dea Birkett.

PAL (The Paedophile Action for Liberation)

The Paedophile Action for Liberation was a more militant agitprop group established in London circa 1977. Short-lived, it folded after a venomous front-page tabloid spread on its inaugural meeting. One of its founder members, Keith Hose, became the second chairman of PIE.

PFS (The Paedophile Frienship Service)

The Paedophile Friendship Service was a one-man outfit in Wood Green, London, set up by a former committee member of PIE who had sold colleagues’ names and addresses to the tabloid press. Released a couple of editions of “P.F.S. News” and Promptly Folded Silently.

Pedofil Arbeidsgruppe i Norge

Paedophile Workgroup of Norway. Between 1975-81 published the NAFP Bulletin from an Oslo postbox. Scanned versions available at http://www.pedofili.info/Bulletin.htm

The Rene Guyon Society

US group of the late 70s which was the true source of the motto “Sex before 8 or else it’s too late” – often falsely attributed in the media to NAMBLA.

Sexual Freedom League

San Diego group of the the late 70s with an emphasis less on paedophile relationships that incest and a generalised sexual freedom within families.


Hardy Sigrid Scheller

Driving force behind (and founder of?) the Swiss paedophile group S.A.P., the only European group with a heterosexual paedophile leaning. <confirmation needed>

Peter Tatchell

Prominent UK gay rights campaigner and central figure of the protest group Outrage. An occasional TV pundit for controversial issues, he has frequently attracted notoriety for staging very public confrontations with figures such as the Archbishop of Canterbury and Robert Mugabe. Author of “The Battle for Bermondsey”, describing his abortive attempt to win a London parliamentary seat for the Labour Party.

Frank Torey

US ex-patriate editor of Coltsfoot Press, PAN magazine, personal friend of Edward Brongersma and a prominent link in the paedophile grapevine worldwide, notably for those who wanted no part of the organised paedophile groups. Died circa 1995 < confirm >


The Betrayal of Youth

(= “Boy”) Anthology of essays on paedophile questions edited and self-published in 1984 by former PIE committee member Warren Middleton, who was one of the defendants at the first “Conspiracy to Corrupt Public Morals” trial.

Better Life magazine

1970s American precursor of the journals and newsletters released by later paedophile groups, “Better Life” (= “BL”) published in Beverly Hills California, was an A4 magazine of artwork, photos, essays and poetry. The Jan/Feb 1976 edition (vol 3/1) carried a Frits Bernard article “The Phenomenon of Pedophilia” (reprinted in the June 76 C.S.C. Nusleter).

The Body Politic

Canadian upmarket gay journal which published the highly controverisal article “Men Loving Boys Loving Men”, circa 1980, resulting in several attempted prosecutions against the paper. See also Gay Community News Boston – these two were exemplary among the mainstream gay press for their unequivocal supportive stance on consenting paedophile (man/boy) relationships.

Coltsfoot Press

Ex-patriate American publisher John Stamford established Spartacus Press in Baarn, near Amsterdam, to produce travel guides and photo magazines in English for the gay market. Under the label Coltsfoot Press his colleague Frank Torey launched PAN magazine in 1979 – later Paedo Alert News, when the publisher Pan threatened a lawsuit – for the homosexual paedophile (or “BL”) market. PAN was an A5 glossy boy magazine interspersed with articles, short stories and news reports. Coltsfoot Press went on to publish erotic boy fiction, anthologies of paedophile stories – Panthology - and the autobiography of prominent Dutch paedophile Senator Edward Brongersma, a personal friend of Torey’s.


Cheaply produced A5 newsletter for PIE which consisted entirely of members’ letters. After the 1981 PIE trial had rendered it illegal for rank & file members to communicate directly by post, this was the only means to enable them to hear one another’s voices prior to the advent of internet bulletin boards. Published from 1982/83, Contact! 6 resulted in the second PIE trial, of editor Steven Freeman and two committee colleagues, Roger Nash and David Joy, on charges of “incitement” to illegal sexual activities with children – it had contained a letter examining the question of intercourse. Nash and Joy (neither of whom were connected with the editing of that paper) were imprisoned in 1984. Steven Freeman left the UK prior to the trial to seek political asylum in Holland, but six years later was deported back to the UK and stood trial in 1991. He too was imprisoned, for “publishing an obscene article”. PIE wound up shortly after the 1984 trial, its committee too demoralised to continue.


A Danish company producing pornographic magazines and films for the homosexual paedophile market during the 1970s and early 80s, when it was not an offense in most countries to buy or possess such material.


Annual series of softback anthologies of “stories about boy-love” published by Pan-Spartacus, Amsterdam and edited by Frank Torey. Most of the contributors were pseudonymous. “Panthology One” (1981), 192pp, ISBN 90 70154 15 3 (including works by Casimir Dukahz, Hakim). “Panthology Two” (1982), 192pp, ISBN 90 70154 21 2 (including works by Casimir Dukahz, Kevin Esser, Hakim).

Non-fiction books

Beispiel Peter Schult: Pådophilie im Öffentlichen Diskurs

(“Paedophilia in Public Discourse – E.g. Peter Schult”) by Florian Mildenberger, pub: Bibliothek Rosa Winkel. Schult also wrote an autobiography – “Besuche im Sackgassen” from the same publisher.

Childhood and Sexuality: a radical Christian approach

John L Randall : Dorrance Publishing (Pittsburgh) 1992 : hardback 298pp  : ISBN 0-8059-3284-4  : “In this provocative treatise, John L Randall uses both thorough research and strong arguments to challenge some of the most widely held beliefs of Western civilisation in the twentieth century. Now in the days when it seems that some form of child abuse is being discussed almost every night on the news we have someone who supports – and defends very persuasively – the theory that children, from birth, are indeed sexual, and that attempts to deny their sexuality are, at best, misguided.” <flyleaf>

The Child Lovers: a study of paedophiles in society

Glenn D Wilson and David N Cox. The fruits of a voluntary survey conducted on members of the Paedophile Information Exchange circa 1980, and interviews with selected respondents. The authors used a survey of the male readership of the “Sun” tabloid as their control sample, and the resulting study is as shallow as that would suggest. The data from their survey is scrupulously tabulated, but the self-selecting sample of PIE’s members was too small to have any wider significance. The individual interviews provide a sketch portrait of how a handful of paedophiles viewed their sexuality and the boys that attracted them.

Indecent Assault

Autobiographical account by former Peace News editor and environmentalist campaigner Roger Moody of his arrest and abortive prosecution on charges of “indecent assault”.

Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, socio-psychological and legal perspectives

1991 anthology by the Journal of Homosexuality (Harrington Park Press) comprising 22 articles and reviews by 19 authors “on topics ranging from the changing iconography of boyhood in European painting to the medicalisation of pederasty in pre-WWII Germany to counselling boy-lovers”. [Source: NAMBLA Bulletin 12/14]

Pedophilia: a Factual Report

Dr Frits Bernard : Enclave (Rotterdam), 1985 : ISBN 90-71179-02-8  : English translation of original “Pedofilie”, Aquarius (Bussum), 1975  : Extended German edition “Pädophilie - von der Liebe mit Kindern”, Achenbach (Lollar), 1979, updated again as “Kinderschänder? Pädophilie - von der Liebe mit Kindern”, Foerster (Berlin / Frankfurt), 1982. English edition reprinted in 2002 by Books Reborn : 101pp : Full text available online (including an index of the author’s published articles and public interviews, 1947-85) at http://www.ipce.info/booksreborn/bernard/factual.htm


JGAA's internet

Norwegian/English extended homepage/blog launched in 1996 by a 41-year old Bergen software developer who introduces himself: “Some people consider me to be some kind of a rebel, and they might very well be right. I do attack anyone that tries to enforce their views down my throat. I'm not a nice guy. I have very strong opinions, and I have the courage to question the common ‘truth’. I do not accept injustice or public lies. But I'm not a criminal either. I don't steal and I don't do drugs. I am loyal to my friends - but I am very careful with whom I call my friends. It's hard to find people worth trust and respect these days. I can handle shit, trouble and War. I cannot handle treason.” < checked Oct 08 > http://www.jgaa.com/ (N.B. Now offline, archive at http://web.archive.org/web/20080210012857/http://www.jgaa.com/)