23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Talk:Memes and Graphics: Difference between revisions

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File:Secondcoming.png|Is there any point being this provocative and getting banned? It would be easy to knock one of these up yourself either way, but if any journalist wanted to misrepresent this site, this is the first thing they would go for.
File:belikedog.png|Puppies and Adult Dog having sex|"Small dog", please find one with a juvenile. Bonobo films are an obvious example.
File:Inter-abled.png|This is problematic due to statements it makes about most disabled people feeling desperation, etc. Also contains multiple unnecessary uses of "child" - could just be "youth" or "minor" to make the same point.
File:boynature.png|Good meme, but unnecessarry use of "child"
File:boynature.png|Good meme, but unnecessarry use of "child"
File:BioExu2.png|Unnecessarry use of "child" in 1 instance. Should be "juvenile".
File:BioExu2.png|Unnecessarry use of "child" in 1 instance. Should be "juvenile".
File:MaritalRape.png|Just replace child with minor
File:MaritalRape.png|Just replace child with minor
Summary.png|This needs to be developed graphically
File:Effects1.png|There is a simpler way of putting this. Happy to discuss it.
File:Curious.png|This goes deep into making claims without sourcing it. There are better ways to phrase and we have citations from our research sections. Again, happy to discuss.
File:SocietyEx.png|No need to use "child"
File:ModernWhiteMan.png|Just put "age gap", "youth" or "older-younger". Child is unnecessary.
File:ModernWhiteMan.png|Just put "age gap", "youth" or "older-younger". Child is unnecessary.
File:Kidsnt.png|This needs to be completely reworked I think, with reference to age of majority rather than "children" or "kids". It requires discussion.
File:Kidsnt.png|This needs to be completely reworked I think, with reference to age of majority rather than "children" or "kids". It requires discussion.
File:Gonz.png|We don't need alter versions, the first one is fine. Delete?
File:PenguinNew.png|Again, these are adult-juvenile. "Child" means "prepubescent" to Americans.
File:PenguinCatchy.png|We don't need multi versions - suggest deleting this one.
File:Sor12.png|Unnecessary reference to child
File:Sor12.png|Unnecessary reference to child
File:Sor33.png|Unnecessary reference to child
File:Sor33.png|Unnecessary reference to child
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File:Sor4.png|Teen. It's also far more impactful to say "teen" or "teenage boy".
File:Sor4.png|Teen. It's also far more impactful to say "teen" or "teenage boy".
File:Post.png|This is a more strategic use of small kids as it addresses hysteria over exposure of flesh rather than going on about them being able to consent etc. It's still in the article.
File:Post.png|This is a more strategic use of small kids as it addresses hysteria over exposure of flesh rather than going on about them being able to consent etc. It's still in the article.
File:groomingsheep.jpg|Why introduce the idea of tiny children? See below.
File:Consent33.png|A developmental argument is also made at this point (by Americans). So I don't see what this achieves.
File:grooming4.png|This seems more like just an unsourced twitter opinion being stated thru the conduit of a sketch (again "Children" etc).

Revision as of 23:30, 15 December 2021

Editorial limits

Due to the growing size of this page, there will be the following editorial limits in place for the first three categories:

Trad Memes: 60 files (51 present!) Troll type Memes: 12 files (5) Infographics/Unironic Memes: 40 files (19)

This means that when the limits are reached, each editor should remove some of their own material to make way for new material. Alternatively, they can work on/improve some of their own material and just replace. This does not place limits on presenting completed material here or on any such personal project page, where various merits and possibility of inclusion in this project may be discussed. We can review these limits after a year if we think there is some new material out there that merits inclusion for example. --The Admins (talk) 09:48, 14 December 2021 (UTC)


Someone should study the mechanisms of the cartoonist Stonetoss and apply them to our subject - with or without a cartoon --JohnHolt (talk) 19:05, 5 November 2021 (UTC)


Explaining "bad touch"

Teacher: Sooo... when you trip over and graze your knee, that's bad touch

Boy: yes

Teacher: When the intruder hits you in the head with a baseball bat, that's bad touch

Boy: I know

Teacher: Good. So when Uncle Chester touches you in your swimsuit area, that's ALSO bad touch

Boy: Why, it felt good last time he did it?

Teacher (with shrinking/disappearing text a la leftist meme):

You are unable to give informed consent due to an inherent power imbalance owing to your developmental deficiencies in relation to this individual. This makes the interaction not only morally wrong, but exploitative and in addition to that, an abuse of trust because established social boundaries have been contravened. Further, this action is imcopatible with various codependencies and attachment norms between the two individuals and may only produce long term traumas, thus being perceived as innocuous at the time by the victim. --JohnHolt (talk) 23:38, 8 November 2021 (UTC)

Sketch 2

A man is on a beach, giving a massage to a young teenage girl. Fat Karen is in the background.

Masseur: Oh, wait a minute. [Fat Karen is walking over]

Fat Karen: EXCUSE ME, but can you stop what you are doing please.

Masseur: Wh....

Fat Karen: You are triggering my personal memories of childhood sexual abuse, and I find it deeply traumatic!

Masseur: I'm sorry to hear that, but she is a high school track athlete and has a competition tomorrow. This is a physiotherapy treatment.


Masseur: But this is not sexual abuse, we are minding our own business.

Fat Karen (with disappearing leftist meme speech bubble):

I WILL NOT ACCEPT that you are not sexually abusing this little girl this is VILE and DEGENERATE sexual molestation going on in plain sight and you do not understand the deeply traumatic nature of these acts and should be ashame...

[the girl is pictured running off into the distance without a bikini top, as two men in Fat Karen's group turn their heads appetitively]

Sketch 3

More simple, a gay pridegoblin with his dog/boy on a leash/or pair of furries. The dominant partner says "we oppose sexual relations between youth and adults, because the inherent power differential means they will always lead to harm!" --JohnHolt (talk) 20:15, 14 November 2021 (UTC)

Purposeful Pedophiles vs Degen Pedo Hunters

There are plenty of photos of ugly/degenerate pedo hunters and well dressed/smart pedophiles. --The Admins (talk) 17:49, 10 December 2021 (UTC)


So there is a lot of content now. Some of it has been successful in the Twitter campaign, and I will do more ordering to reflect that. It would be better at this point (re. common themes) to go through what content there is and look at ways of developing and improving it. What I am going to do is go over the page content with a stategic eye and remove some content, then create a gallery in here with pointers to how it could be improved.

As for things such as testimony graphics and research/fact-led information, we can push on. I'll do an update soon. --The Admins (talk) 10:31, 22 November 2021 (UTC)

A lot of this is unnecessary use of "child" where it could refer to a broader group (teens, minors, underage, youth, or kids - although that sounds like "child" to an American). Most Americans think of small children - prepubes when you say "child", so this is easily misunderstood. The material needs to be directed more towards the age groups documented in the accounts and testimonies section, and our research. Our own position on AoC is 12-16, see ethos so why push "child"? "Child" can be used in certain situations, such as referring to innocence or when dealing with mindfuck type scenarios such as the landmine meme I suspended below. Using "child" all the time is just counterproductive. More below...

Trad memes


Right, so now I've gone through the whole thing, we still have a section which is highly biased towards prepubescent children, so this needs addressing. Prepubescent children can be useful when attacking concepts such as innocence, moral hysteria and the trauma myth (in very limited and carefully controlled ways, such as "molesting a toddler's genitals when you clean them/change it's nappy is not traumatic"). However, nothing is to be gained by making unsourced statements/opinions in relation to very young children. No firsthand testimony? No expert opinion to verify consent/disprove trauma? No elongated and elaborate argument (scholarship level critical analysis)? If so, you are just going to lose by repeatedly mentioning prepubescent children as if proving they can consent is your hobbyhorse. Also, by repeating this kind of focus, we do the same kind of thing as the NAMBLA bulletin in the 80s, and just play into this idea of being a pedophile liberation organization. It's a lose-lose.


So for the grooming vs reality meme, we could go with: (pic of an angry teenage boy + famous pic of Greta Thunberg at the UN) Top overlay: CSA Industry: These are both helpless little children who can be groomed into unwanted sex. Bottom overlay: Reality: Even a toddler or Greta Thunberg knows how to say "no".

Another helpful use of small children: CSA Shrinks: This 2 year old boy was left completely unharmed by repeated nonconsensual genital/anal fondling by his parents in the bathtub. His 15 year old brother got a blowjob once from his hot teacher, leaving him "scarred for life": (symptom list scrolls off the edge of the screen).

Next few days

What I'm going to do is go through this (content kept on talk) and delete anything that's not worth having on the site - so please save anything you have not kept copies of. Then we should probably do a post on FST and BC, and ask for feedback, particularly re. quality, and whether there is anything unusual about the focus of the material. I am pretty sure some ideas work very well, but would want to seek feedback about others.