23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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=== List and Links to English Publications ===
=== List and Links to English Publications ===

'''Tony Duvert. (undated). ''Other People's Eroticism''. translated by Joan Templeton (published on semiotext(e) website).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2019). [https://archive.bookfrom.net/tony-duvert/536265-a_silver_ring_in_the_ear.html ''A Silver Ring in the Ear'']. (Published online).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2017). ''District''. by S C Delaney (Introduction, Translator) and Agnès Potier (Translator), (Cambridge, MA: Wakefield Press).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2017). ''Odd Jobs''. by S C Delaney (Introduction, Translator) and Agnès Potier (Translator), (Cambridge, MA: Wakefield Press).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2016). ''Atlantic Island''. translated by  Purdey Lord Kreiden, Michael Thomas Taren, and Chris Kraus (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2010). ''[https://archive.bookfrom.net/tony-duvert/536266-diary_of_an_innocent.html Diary of an Innocent]'' (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (2007). ''Good Sex Illustrated'' (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (1991). ''[https://archive.bookfrom.net/tony-duvert/536263-when_jonathan_died.html When Jonathan Died]''. Translated by D. R. Roberts (London: GMP Publishers).'''
'''Tony Duvert. (1975). ''[https://archive.bookfrom.net/tony-duvert/536264-strange_landscape.html Strange Landscape]'', translated by Sam Flores (New York: Grove Press).'''

=== External Links ===
=== External Links ===

Revision as of 11:29, 21 December 2022

From wikipedia: "Tony Duvert (July 2, 1945 – August 2008) was a French writer and philosopher. In the 1970s he achieved some renown, winning the Prix Médicis in 1973 for his novel Paysage de Fantaisie. Duvert's writings are notable both for their style and core themes: the celebration and defence of pedophilia, and criticism of modern child-rearing. In the 1970s attitudes to sexual liberation and child sexuality allowed Duvert to express himself publicly. However, when attitudes altered markedly in the 1980s, he was left feeling frustrated and oppressed."

Tony Duvert

Newgon: We have judged the English wikipedia page for Duvert to be sufficiently nuetral and credible to be reproduced (with attribution) here. For Newgon's contributions beyond wikipedia, read from the section "Rediscovering Tony Duvert" where we emphasize English publications, linking to recent scholarship about Duvert and English translations of his writings, many of which were extremely rare and difficult to find until the 2010's. Many of Duvert's writings are archived online, including Good Sex Illustrated (available for free download here), or available for purchase like Diary of an Innocent and Atlantic Island. We list Duvert's English-language publications at the end of this page.

Duvert was a Left-wing sexual radical influenced by the liberationist ethos of the [1968] French revolution, and was a literary figure and open MAP during the 1st wave of the MAP movement. He was awarded the Prix Médicis award by highly influential French literary critic Roland Barthes, one of the signatories to France's 1977 petition against age of consent law alongside prominent academics including Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Jacques Derrida, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, René Schérer, Jacques Rancière and Jean-François Lyotard. Duvert's most elaborate philosophical work in English is "Good Sex Illustrated" (1974), a philosophical tract against a French sex education text. Duvert's book resembles most closely Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's highly influential "Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia" (1972), and Jean-François Lyotard's "Libidinal Economy" (1974) who, like Duvert, use psychoanalytic language and see desire as an omnipresent system or network, conceptualized as a ubiquitous force at the base of human society.[1] Duvert criticizes what he sees as capitalism's regulation of libido for profit, with the child surrounded by manipulative forces in the institutions of childhood - the disciplinary regimes of the nuclear family structure, school and sex education - coercing children towards accepting their subordinate status as economically productive workers (i.e. wage-slaves) and upholding heteronormative (reproductive) sex as the norm, contrasted with the non-reproductive sexuality of pedophilia which does not (except in rare cases) produce offspring and therefore reproduce the worker. Duvert's emphasis on how bodies are disciplined and regulated, represents similar thinking to Michel Foucault's concept of "Docile Bodies" and Gilles Deleuze's "Societies of Control", but he departs from these thinkers in his focus on "childhood", with his concerns closely resembling René Schérer's philosophy (see our page on Schérer).

From wikipedia (continued):

Youth and early writings

"Tony Duvert was born on 2 July 1945 in Villeneuve-le-Roi, Val-de-Marne. As a child, he was shy and withdrawn, but later wrote that his sex life began when he was eight. Expelled from school at twelve for carrying out sexual acts with other boys, he was sent by his parents to a psychiatrist for treatment: the methods used he described as brutal and humiliating. He ran away from home and attempted suicide. In 1961, Duvert joined the high school Jean-Baptiste Corot in Savigny-sur-Orge, where he was a brilliant student, but with few friends. After high school, he moved to Paris to begin an arts degree but preferred to devote himself to writing. [...]

Critical recognition

Thanks to Roland Barthes, Duvert achieved public recognition in 1973 with his novel Paysage de fantaisie (Strange Landscape), which won the Prix Médicis, and was greeted warmly by critics. For Claude Mauriac the book revealed "gifts and art that the word talent is not enough to express".

In 1974, Duvert expounded his ideology at length in Le Bon Sexe Illustré (Good Sex Illustrated) in which he sharply criticised sex education and the modern western family. Critics praised its humor and his ability to observe the pretenses of bourgeois society.

With his literary prize money, Duvert moved to Morocco, an experience which resulted in his next novel Journal D’un Innocent, (Journal of an Innocent) published in 1976. Disillusioned by its society, he moved to Thore la Rochette, before settling in Tours. His next novel Quand Mourut Jonathan (When Jonathan Died), published in 1978, was inspired by an earlier vacation with a neglected boy.

Despite his productivity and critical success, Duvert had not achieved the public success he hoped for. To reach a wider audience and raise awareness of his ideas, he decided to write a novel that would incorporate his favorite themes while being less sexually explicit and written in a classic form. The result was L'Île Atlantique (1979, published in English as Atlantic Island in 2017), which received critical raves, and sold somewhat better than his previous works.

Withdrawal from the world and death

In the 1980s, Duvert published L’enfant au masculin (1980), in which he further expounded his sexual philosophy; a novel Un Anneau d’Argent à l’Oreille; and a book of aphorisms Abécédaire Malveillant: unlike his earlier writings, their critical reception was mostly indifferent or poor. By the late 1980s, Duvert was unable to pay the rent on his apartment. With the social mood towards pedophilia hardening in the wake of several abuse scandals, he felt the world had turned against him. He withdrew to his mother's house in Loir-et-Cher, and became a total recluse. Duvert published nothing further, and was largely forgotten. However, in 2005, his novel L'Île Atlantique, which had first appeared in 1979, was adapted for television by Gerard Mordillat.

Duvert's body was discovered at his home in August 2008, several weeks after his death, in a state of decomposition. His death briefly raised his media profile in France again; obituaries noted the quality of his writing, but also reflected upon the change in official attitudes to child sexuality.

Gilles Sebhan has published two French-language biographical works on Duvert, Tony Duvert: L'Enfant Silencieux (Éditions Denoël 2010) and Retour à Duvert (le dilettante 2015). To date, neither book has been translated into English."

Rediscovering Tony Duvert

Through the 2000's and 2010's, scholarship on Duvert's fiction appeared in English, and MAP-sympathetic Sylvère Lotringer's[2] influential publishing outlet Semiotext(e), began publishing English translations of his books.

Link to text of Duvert's rare English writings: https://archive.bookfrom.net/tony-duvert/

Duvert's Translator (Bruce Benderson) on Duvert's Philosophy

Bruce Benderson (born August 6, 1946) has translated and offered his original interpretations of Duvert's politics and philosophy. He is an American author, including a book-length essay Toward the New Degeneracy (1997), which explores the mingling of classes in New York’s Times Square in a lively atmosphere of drugs, sex, and commerce. In a youtube video[3] Benderson laments what he sees as the gentrification of the City Square which had once been a "libidinal world" that occured outside the family; an "intergenerational," "interacial," and "interclass space" which has been destroyed by the impact of neoliberal capitalism, the rise of the internet/digital experiences, and what he sees as middle-class, assimilationist gay liberation. For Benderson, Gay Liberation is "the story of gentrification - the story of the more economically powerful, more educated people siezing control of a burgeoning identity movement," putting their own (exclusionary) stamp on gay identity by aping heteronormative ideals such as marriage and financial/social status over pleasure. Perhaps explaining his interest in Duvert, for Benderson "pleasure is a radical value," because it is Bohemians and the ultra-poor, he claims - those who once congregated in the City Square - who value pleasure over security and social acceptability.

* Benderson. (2007). "Introduction: The Family on Trial." Good Sex Illustrated. By Tony Duvert. Trans. Bruce Benderson. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), pp. 7-13.

* Benderson. (2010). "Innocence on Trial: The Politics of Tony Duvert." Diary of an Innocent. By Tony Duvert. Trans. Bruce Benderson. Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), pp. 5-13.[4]

Tony Duvert in Scholarship

List and Links to English Publications

Tony Duvert. (undated). Other People's Eroticism. translated by Joan Templeton (published on semiotext(e) website).

Tony Duvert. (2019). A Silver Ring in the Ear. (Published online).

Tony Duvert. (2017). District. by S C Delaney (Introduction, Translator) and Agnès Potier (Translator), (Cambridge, MA: Wakefield Press).

Tony Duvert. (2017). Odd Jobs. by S C Delaney (Introduction, Translator) and Agnès Potier (Translator), (Cambridge, MA: Wakefield Press).

Tony Duvert. (2016). Atlantic Island. translated by Purdey Lord Kreiden, Michael Thomas Taren, and Chris Kraus (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).

Tony Duvert. (2010). Diary of an Innocent (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).

Tony Duvert. (2007). Good Sex Illustrated (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e)/Native Agents).

Tony Duvert. (1991). When Jonathan Died. Translated by D. R. Roberts (London: GMP Publishers).

Tony Duvert. (1975). Strange Landscape, translated by Sam Flores (New York: Grove Press).

External Links

  • Influential gay historian Gert Hekma wrote an obituary for Duvert. See, 'Tony Duvert: The sad ending of a promising writer'. Gay News (Dutch and English magazine), No. 307; March 2017.
  1. See the wikipedia pages for these texts linked in the article
  2. See 'Loving Boys' Semiotext(e) Special Intervention Series 2, (Summer 1980): https://www.semiotextes.com/shop/loving-boys
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHi28XpfPds
  4. We have archived this introduction: https://www.newgon.net/wiki/File:Tony_Duvert_-_Diary_of_an_Innocent_Translator%27s_Introduction.pdf
  5. Backup: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43487412
  6. Backup: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41705541