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Revision as of 11:18, 1 October 2008 by Rez (talk | contribs) (→‎Categorising)
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What to add

Lots of things. Anything relevant to the Debate, Research, Testimony and Personal Biography type themes already covered. We're also open to profiles of groups, terminology, important texts, legal info, profiles of countries or any other encyclopaedia-type content. Really important stuff will also be added to non-category-type indexes listed on the homepage.


Categories will be rolled out as part of [[Category:Official Encyclopedia]]. Almost every article on the Wiki will be added to this category. These articles will also be added to subcategories that are themselves added to Official Encyclopedia by having [[Category:Official Encyclopedia]] added to their wikitext. Each article should be added to at least one subcategory of OE and one of its own subcategories. This will help us avoid atrophy of content as readers progress down the category tree. Similarly, third level cats should be avoided.

Before we set to work categorising articles, we must know exactly what categories should be used in official encyclopaedia. This involves imagining what categories our encyclopaedia may need to use in the future. For example, if we have one book review today, book reviews should be a category.

Proposed cats in groups for easy insertion (Please check Special:Categories and add):


[[Category:Official Encyclopedia]]


[[Category:Testimony]] | [[Category:Testimony: Contact]] [[Category:Testimony: Non-Contact]]


[[Category:Debate]] | [[Category:Debating Points:Sociological]] [[Category:Debating Points:Minor-Attracted]] [[Category:Debating Points:Adults]] [[Category:Debating Points: Child/Minor]] [[Category:Debate Advice & Technique]] [[Category:Logic]]

Research: |

  • Publications
  • Books
  • Research
  • Debate

Other Tasks

  • The advocates and authors list will probably be de-indexed and replaced with a link to the category for people, once it contains everything. The list will function as a repository for articles that need building.
  • We can use resources such as BoyWiki [1] and others listed on article talk pages as sources for future articles.
  • Develop Issues into a portal resource worth listing on Main Page.


Linkblog - For listing links of interest to Newgon.com editors.