23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Debate Guide: Pedophilia is unnatural

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"Pedophilia is sick. unnatural and just plain wrong!"

Pedophilia is not unnatural, as I will explain. Hebephilia, in particular, is probably normative. But let's first address the central fallacy of your argument from nature.

You appear to believe that something is wrong simply because it is unnatural. But, hold on. Some of the most useful, or at least successful ideas in history would appear to have no grounding in nature - HIV drugs, the motorcar, modern agriculture. Richard Green, for example, would ask us to problematise homosexuality, if indeed unnatural equals wrong. Yet, we celebrate gays and their culture in western society.

Evidence suggests that humans and close animal relatives have a historical tendency towards relationships (including sexuality) between mature and developing individuals. See, for example, Intergenerational Sexual Behaviors in Animals, Nonwestern Intergenerational Relationships and Intergenerational Relationships in History.

"Assuming that the average child begins puberty at fourteen years, the vast majority of preteens would be prepubescent. Sexual attraction also requires either masculine or feminine secondary sexual characteristics and therefore, a preteen child would be as sexually attractive as a broom or pot plant." (actual argument from Condraz23 on IIDB)

To the above, a participant argued that a child - in representing a less developed version of a fully developed adult, will always be to some extent sexually attractive. Pot plants or utensils do not have the physical and genetic make-up of small humans who are soon to reach optimum sexual attractiveness in late puberty. It is also simplistic to suggest the only purpose of erotic interest towards a young person would be reproductive. There are numerous evolutionary biological incentives that are known to underpin strong attractions towards prepubescents. The cross-cultural and cross-species perspectives already mentioned would appear to confirm this by identifying a behavioral end-point.

Considering that most adults find prepubescent children generally attractive (as exemplified by the child nude's history as an object of artistic study), where do we draw the line between this and "pedophilia"? This question cuts to the very heart of sexuality as discourse. Ones sexuality can be seen as a cluster of feelings and dispositions which are only given significance within a social and cultural context. It is this social context that forces us to deny there is some common meeting place between a parent's love for a child, and an erotic bond. Instead, we split and dichotomise the erotic and non erotic, in order to feel comfortable about ourselves, which is understandable.