Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Norbert de Jonge

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Norbert de Jonge in the mid 00s

Norbert de Jonge, is a late 1st-wave MAP Activist, secretary-treasurer of the PNVD and founder of video sharing website freespeechtube. He also has Vereniging MARTIJN links, having once been active in this defunct organisation. Like Uittenbogaard, he [1]came out as a Pedophile (Girl Lover). De Jonge is also a highly assertive and organised online activist - for example, using his webspace to upload an archive of podcasts.

De Jonge transferred into politics due to a lack of support for initiatives such as Clogo.org.

University Controversy

In June 2006, Norbert de Jonge was expelled from his pedagogy degree course at the Radboud University Nijmegen, owing to his involvement with the party and identification as a pedophile.[2][3] He sought legal action against the university [4] but was ruled against on grounds that Radboud was a Catholic university that was allowed to uphold Catholic morals. In 2007 he was refused admittance as a orthopedagogy student by the university in Leiden, which has no religious background. De Jonge's appeal against this was rejected by the College of Appeal for higher education CBHO. They ruled that the university has a right to ban him, because of the damage it would suffer to its reputation and relationship with pedagogical institutions.[5] De Jonge's only option to appeal against this ruling is at the European Court of Human Rights. In earlier statements De Jonge stated he would keep fighting to the bitter end.[6]

Third time unlucky

De Jonge was rejected by Utrecht University in 2009 owing to his Activism.


In 2020, Dutch police raided his home because the Public Prosecution Service suspected him of continuing the activities of Vereniging MARTIJN, which was earlier banned for its political positions. He wrote:

"Later that day, after rocks had been thrown through my windows, I fled. I've since moved to another city, leaving my ground floor apartment in Arnhem that I'd lived in for almost fourteen years. Last month, I published an open letter to the Wikimedia Foundation, urging them to scrutinize their discriminatory "Child protection" policy."[7]

He later decided not to contest these charges for political and personal reasons, and signalled his intent to emigrate after he has served whatever sentence results.[8]
