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The Age Taboo

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The Age Taboo

The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent[1] is a collection of writings about intergenerational (and especially man-boy) relationships, edited by Daniel Tsang. It was published by Alyson Publications in 1981.

It is an important text within the wider body of literature on man-boy love, and a full online copy can be found on library genesis at the link above or here.[1]


  • "I know what I am: gay teenagers and the law," Joint Council for Gay Teenagers.
  • "The case for abolishing age of consent laws," North American Man/Boy Love Association.
    An editorial originally published in NAMBLA News.
  • "Sexual politics, the New Right and the sexual fringe," Gayle Rubin.
  • "Recipe for a witchhunt," John Mitzel.
    Mitzel reviews the history of America's pedophile witchhunt.
  • "'Lesbians Rising' editors speak out," Editors of Lesbians Rising.
  • "A militant young dyke’s feminist perspective on the age of consent question," anonymous.
  • "Man/boy love and the lesbian/gay movement," Pat Califia.
    Califia opines against the age-of-consent in an abridged version of her article for The Advocate.
  • "Man/boy love and the Left," Roger Moody.
  • "Confronting ageism," Michael Alhonte.
    An 18-year-old who began having relationships with men at 13 criticizes ageism in both the mainstream and the boylove community.
  • "Struggling against racism," Daniel Tsang.
  • "Resources: an annotated guide to the literature," Daniel Tsang.
