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Indecent images of children

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In UK Law, an indecent image of a child is a photograph or pseudo-photograph (including one comprised in a film) which shows a child and is "indecent".

Important Notes

  • Any image may technically be indecent under UK law.
  • Even if an image has been declared as decent by one jury, it may be still be declared indecent by another jury.
  • Despite precedents stating that the context of an image does not affect indecency, a jury may be more likely to rule that an image is indecent if they believe that the defendant is attracted to children.
  • Previous interpretations of the indecency suggest that "indecency" has a lower threshhold than "pornography", so what is "indecent" (and therefore illegal) is not necessarily "pornographic".

See also

External links

Legal Guidance: The Crown Prosecution Service