Yvonne van Hertum
Yvonne van Hertum is a notorious "pedojaagster" (pedophile hunter) who operates a small group/hate campaign out of the Netherlands.
Van Hertum uses the name Stop Kindersex (SKS), stopkindersex.com and a freely-hosted website to publish frequent updates on her pedophile war. Much of her activity focuses on attacking those who she identifies as pedophiles within the Netherlands, especially those associated with the two organisations Martijn and PNVD, for whom she reserves her most vitriolic condemnation.
According to our Dutch contact:
- "the SCA SKS forum is a world with its own logic"
"Habitual", "slanderous" liar
Call for input!
Van Hertum is often accused by her opponents of lying - not in isolation, but as part of a systematic pattern of allegations. Our contact notes that ""tendentious" is still a very mild term".
In 2008, Marthijn Uittenbogaard was even summoned to a police station for upholding these accusations.
External URL
- stopkindersex.com, stopchildabuse.wordpress.com - SKS (may contain malicious code).
External link
- List of objections - in Dutch.