Youth Perspectives

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Young people below the age of eighteen were often active on blogs and podcasts such as Paiderastia in the early 00s era. This has continued in the era of social media with the AAM phenomenon and various teenage Minor Attracted People now commonplace. This fact is put into sharp focus by the pathetic spectacle of LGBTQ+ community representatives policing social media, trying to silence "minors" who freely seek MAPs.

Youth active age(s), sex and form(s) of verification are noted in (bold brackets):

  • David (14 - M) Boy who was inspired by his own relationship with an older man.
  • Aqua (12, 13 - M - took part in many Pedologues podcasts) Aqua was a contributor to the now defunct Paiderastia Weblog, although he was eventually silenced by an Anti-MAP campaign, when a distancing quote was issued on behalf of him by his mother (source: BoyChat Member Bill Evans).
  • Pedo Child (14 - M) - Has regularly written to the MARTIJN boards (now expired - may be visible on
  • Delilah[1] (grade 6 - F) - Quoted on page 80 of "Children and Sex: New Perspectives" as saying: "I think that a girl can get pregnant at any age above thirteen because she should know what she is doing if her mother tells her about sex. My father thinks that I should not have a boyfriend. I think that if a girl want's a boy to feel her it is her business not her parent's."
  • "11-year-old faggot" (11 - M) - A boy talks to NAMbLA in "Boys speak out." Order: Nambla, P. O. Box 174, Midtown Sta. New York, NY10018. "My first statement is that I want to dispel the image that a child is an innocent little puppy dog. Children have plenty of knowledge about life, the universe and everything. But adults tend not to listen to their children. This innocent puppy syndrome represses the child's social, sexual, political, economical, and emotional desires. Children are not taken seriously and are expected to conform to a society in which they can't question its validity. This has got to stop! [...] A child is a sexual being. Therefore, children should have the right to explore any aspect of sexuality they desire to engage in. Why do parents, politicians, and police (the 3 p's) feed guilt into children that are sexually active? [...] Many people have been destroyed because of intergenerational relationships, people who could offer the world a lot if they had just not been persecuted for being different. Burning witches is a pastime which is just regaining popularity in the States."
  • Generation Wicked (Girls 12-16) is a committee of 12 teenage girls set up to advise the UK government on youth issues. The committee's agenda includes lowering the age-of-consent to 12.[2][3] The Web site that spawned the group,, also conducted a poll of 42,000 girls between 12 and 16 on the age-of-consent. 87% responded that it should be lowered from 16.[4]
  • Mark Moffett (15 - M) - A boy who has had relationships with men offers his opinion: "I think the age of consent should be lowered and probably abolished. But only after coercion laws have been strengthened and there has been an adequate education of prepubescent children. As it stands now, a lot of kids would be in danger since they don't know that much about sex and sexual relationships. ..It all comes back to education. After that children can be expected and given the freedom to have sex with whomever they want to have sex with...I don't think rape is being stopped now with the age of consent laws."[5]
  • BLueRibbon (Brian) on this website and his ATC Blog started writing at 17.

Examples post-2010

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