23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Debate Guide: Cyclical paternalism

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This argument is in effect the reverse of the liberty empowerment theory and is used to describe how paternalist/adultist practises in society will sometimes fulfill their supporters' prophecies - creating a demand for their own solutions.

This argument (in relation to the concept of consent) is summed up by Chin-Keung Li on the MHAMic website:

Anti-drugs laws (for example), aim to protect people from harmful substances. However, they have made the use of natural drugs deadly through contamination and poor education surrounding the underlying mental imbalances that must exist for a person to become drug dependent. By simply viewing the drugs as "bad" (a la Mr. Mackey) and something to be avoided, without considering the mental imbalances that put them at risk of dependency, young people are more likely to turn to drugs when they are most depressed and vulnerable. A dependency relationship ensues in later youth or adulthood.

To resolve the drug issue, young people must be given a full understanding of their minds, and time to explore their limits - including limited drug use (if sought) - only while in a secure mental state and environment. Similarly, an exploration body-pleasure should be encouraged at an early age, and this should be on the young person's terms, with no social guilt or stigma.


It may be important to consider that the idea of "sexual maturity" is an adultist concept, imposed on the worlds of minors. What constitutes sexual maturity is defined by the adults who have "attained" it, but critically, those with the power to determine what it is. This elitism can be seen among people like Prostasia's Meagan Ingerman[1], who professes an interest in "kink and ageplay". She is a typical adultist kink snob/gatekeeper in that she constructs a highly convoluted "adults only" world of subjective deviance for herself, and then withholds virtually every other kind of shared sexual pleasure from minors.

The unsuitability of an over-complicated form of "adult sexuality" for "young minds" has been seen as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

See also
