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Help:Joining PCMA chat

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Update: As of 2023/07/02, the instructions below can be used as normal.[1]

When you click on the link to PCMA's Matrix space[2] on Yesmap, you will see the following screen. Click on Create account button:

Enter the username you want to use in the chat and password for your new account.

Continue without email, or set one if you want to.
Note: The email is entirely optional. If you face issues with receiving a confirmation email, simply continue without it.


You will see our Space (see note below).

You are done! Please introduce yourself in the New members introductions room after joining.

Note: Since recently, an introduction is required to gain access to all rooms.

History prior to joining (including the Introductions room) is not visible to new users.

Tips: If you do not like the default theme, you can change it in Settings.


  1. You may contact loli@yesmap.net via email for inquiries, reports, or tech support.
  2. The space's Matrix address is #pcma:yesmap.net, you should be able to simply join using any Matrix account with /join #pcma:yesmap.net.