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Victim Villain Hero

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Revision as of 22:10, 10 July 2023 by The Admins (talk | contribs) (will flesh out with examples)
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Victim Villain Hero refers to the classical Karpman drama triangle seen in child abuse and abduction literature, factual depictions of child savers and beyond. The fact that pedophile folk-demonology conforms to this formula is presented as evidence that it is by and large confected according to a set of ideals.

Commonly occurring roles and their archetypal characteristics

Hero, or rescuer

  • When presented as a police detective, or within a responsible profession, they are often lovable in a rogueish manner. The hero is an everyman, who represents the interests of "the people" and has a disdain for process and bureaucracy. They are willing to "break a few rules and break a few bones" to put the "subhuman slime" behind bars.