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Wikisposure.com is a Perverted-Justice run attack website that lists and profiles individuals who allegedly have a pedophile sexual orientation. It appears function as a semi-reincarnation of Better a Millstone and a place for Perverted-Justice volunteers to intimidate a wide range of web users and activists who they see as enemies.


Despite only being set up in 2007, the profiling project is infamous for its many inaccuracies, some comical and some more deliberate and sinister in nature. For example, it is a common practice among Wikisposure editors to locate enemies on the mere basis of their IP addresses and to reproduce speculative half-truths and potential misinformation as concrete facts. This leads to other administrators misinterpreting profiles and building upon poorly-established foundations.

On one occasion, a Wikisposure editor used Encyclopedia Dramatica as a fact reference. Another editor reproduced pictures of Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper - claiming that they were in fact of Viamund. These edits continued to count for considerable lengths of time.

Other people feel that their quotes have been taken out of context and twisted to make them look "evil". Individuals have been described as "dangerous" when there exists no information to suggest that the person is even at risk of offending.

"Pedophile" assertions

A large number of individuals who never identified themselves as pedophiles are labeled as such on Wikisposure.

Corrupted Justice on Wikisposure:

"In the original perverted-justice follow-up forums, people were targeted for allegedly engaging in explicit sexual on-line chats with a perverted-justice volunteer pretending to be a sex-starved horny teenager. In this new incarnation, people are now being targeted simply based on any suggestion, accusation or assumption that they may have some sort of tenuous link to anything associated with someone accused of being a pedophile, anyone involved in speaking their opinion on the rights of registered sex offenders, anyone who voices a contrary opinion regarding current sex offender laws, or anyone the anonymous, untrained perverted-justice volunteers have determined may have pedophilic leanings as a result of an opinion voiced or something they may have written on-line."[1]

False "outings"

Wikisposure has often attempted to bolster its credibility by claiming to "out" or establish facts via "investigation" of individuals who were previously unconcerned about publicly identifying themselves in the manner concerned. Whilst this is not a source of potential defamation suits, it casts light upon another important fact about Wikisposure, i.e. that any information published there was already available for the public to access. Most "investigations" go no further than basic e.mail linking and web-searches.


Xavier von Erck has attempted to control discussions on Wikipedia (a site that he was banned from) by using Wikisposure to make spurious allegations of pedophilia towards editors who he dislikes. Whilst there is no way of knowing for sure, it appears that these attacks have been somewhat successful, with some editors being banned from editing.


Wikisposure profiling has lead to some successful arrests and even the conviction of one man who was openly divulging information regarding his sexual relationships with boys. In some cases, flyers developed from wikisposure pages have been distributed in local communities. Whilst asserting no criminal activity, it was this tactic that appears to have lead to the raiding of former BoyChat webmaster James Finn III and his highly suspect and uncharacteristic arrest on child pornography charges. Another charge accuses two other BoyChat posters of producing child pornography among other crimes.

Jan Kruska's Defamation suit

"Jan Kruska sued several anti-pedophile organizations, including Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc. ("PJFI"), and individuals affliliated with those organizations, as well as domain registrar GoDaddy.com and social networking site MySpace.com, after the organizations accused Kruska of being a predator, a pedophile, and pro-pedophile on various websites, including JanKruska.com and JanKruska.net. Kruska sued for defamation, copyright infringement, cyberstalking and harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ("RICO") Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") in Arizona federal court."[2]

Apparent demise in 2008

As the poorly-maintained project continues to suffer from its fatally flawed design, general bloating and badly dated events among other things, editing appears to have slowed down substantially. Whilst editors are fully aware of the number of potential defamation suits lingering on their server, one wonders whether a large-scale purge of sensitive information or a full-on cessation is on the cards.

External Links

The site itself (suspected to contain spyware) is located at wikisposure.com.