23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

The Right-wing and Minor Attraction

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Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, or tradition. Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences or competition in market economies.

Right-wing politics are considered the counterpart to left-wing politics, and the left–right political spectrum is one of the most widely accepted political spectrum. The right includes social conservatives and fiscal conservatives as well as right-libertarians. "Right" and "right-wing" have been variously used as compliments and pejoratives describing neoliberal, conservative, and fascist economic and social ideas.

Minor attraction and The Right Wing

Despite pedo-bashing being a favorite past-time among different identarian groups, many such accusations are partially or fully based on the truth. In the case of the political right, within the contexts of both Asian and European politics (and its derivatives), there’s a long-storied connection, often driven by traditionalism and a romantic view of the past, whilst religion also plays a major role in it.

This article will discuss the phenomenon of minor attraction in its various forms within the political right and its support among its adherents.

Among religious and social conservatives

Historically and across many cultures, it was a normative or accepted practice in society for the bride or female partner to be younger than the male, as the older male would have more resources to provide for the younger, nubile, and more fertile female partner. Based on evolutionary theory, male heterosexual attraction towards pubescent females (a normative aspect of human male sexuality) is relatively advantageous as women are often at the peak of their beauty around menarche, which is often the period at which their fecundity peaks, conferring them a reproductive advantage and greater success. So, it’s not surprising to not only see such relationships being widely documented from cross-cultural, cross-zoological, and historical evidence, but social conservatives picking on such facts to prove that adult men’s attraction to pubescent females is natural and thus society’s stigma on it is irrational.

Within religions, those that saw nothing wrong with intergenerational intimacy point to specific passages in their holy books and long-established legal precedents set by their religious jurists to support their position, as exemplified by the evidence available in all the three faiths. One such example are Islamic apologists like Daniel Haqiqatjou (of The Muslim Sceptic fame), who unlike his more “liberal” peers outright defends prophet Muhammad’s marriage with Aisha plus the practice of youth-adult marriage by utilizing many pro-MAP arguments alongside typical traditionalist ones,[1] as well as criticizing self-styled Islamic moderates that often acquiesce to western prejudices rather than completely defend Islamic theology. There are likely many other Islamic scholars that hold similar positions to Daniel on this matter.

Notable Christian examples include Tony Alamo and Warren Jeffs of the Alamo Christian Foundation and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDs), respectively. Both preachers were accused of facilitating marriages involving female minors and adult males as well as child sex abuse.[2][3] The FLDs would condone such practice under the Mormon doctrine of “celestial marriage” until 2008, when its policy was changed to allow marriages only within the legal American age. Similar accusations made against various Christian cults like the twelve tribes and the Church Universal and Triumphant of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, as well as The Family International of David Brandt Berg, who reportedly stated that God was love and love was sex", so that sex should not be limited by age or relationship, according to a former member.[4] The case of the Twelve Tribes is also of interest among scholar of moral panics, due to the controversy over the Island Pond raid that saw the judge presiding over the case dismissing every single child abuse charge over the search warrant being unconstitutional.[5] To this day, youth-adult marriage (counting only those below the age of 18) is a widespread practice among the Christian parts of Africa and Asia, as well as across both Americas,[6] suggesting that for many Christians the practice is deemed valid within their current cultural and religious norms, although such norms have been eroding over the years as a result of recent imperialistic pressure by the west.

Among adherents of Judaism, it’s of note that youth-adult marriage is still practiced among many within the Hasidic community, with some members attesting over the practice and recent arrests bringing the matter to light.[7][8]

Among non-Abrahamic religions, Hinduism stands out for the presence of scholars and philosophers that see nothing wrong with the practice of youth-adult marriage as documented in the Rigveda, the Atharvaveda, the Manusmriti, and the Dharmaśāstra.[9]

In modern times

Over the years, support for minor attraction among various spectrum of the right moved over into the secular realm, with the rise of the alt-right and the broader manosphere bringing forth arguments questioning the concept of an age of consent and criticizing the feminist stigmatisation of man-girl love and the common heterosexual male attraction to pubescent girls (i.e., hebephilia and ephebophilia) on the basis that such feminist outrage is often disingenuous and serves only the interest of a very prejudiced subsect of older and bitter women who want to stamp out sexual competition from younger and more desirable girls for the attention of the same men.

In the alt-lite, a more recent example is that of Matt Walsh, who once stated that society would benefit from having 16-year-old girls being pregnant, criticizing the current western problematization of teen pregnancy as being misleading, stating that the actual problem lies in how such births are generally out of wedlock.[10] In a car interview, he also questioned the entire framework of consent within sexual relationships, using the example of actress Asia Argento being accused of statutory rape of a 17-year-old boy to critique the age of consent.[11]

Alt-right personalities sympathetic to man-girl love include political commentators like Daily Stormer's founder Andrew Anglin, who uses a mix of both traditionalist and secular to argue against the age of consent and ridiculing the current wave of criminalization of female teachers having sex with their students,[12][13][14][15][16][17] and cozy.tv CEO Nick Fuentes, who argues that the age of consent is a feminist invention used by older women to block younger and more desirable (to straight men) teen girls from sexual competition as well as to lower the birth rate by discouraging sexual reproduction among the young, and thus being detrimental to the family and society as a whole.[18]

To note that Anglin is perhaps the only western right-winger that has ever analyzed the various British “grooming” scandals with the idea of the girls being co-conspirators rather than victims, thus breaking from the general right-wing Christian feminist consensus of seeing such girls as “victims” in all cases.[19] It should be noted though that they’re strictly speaking about man-teen girl love, as they generally condemn homosexuality and actual pedophilia (which they exclusively see an entirely homosexual phenomenon) in all its forms.[20]

Former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, despite his performative condemnation of MAPs as a woke phenomenon, had a history of defending intergenerational intimacy in certain instances, such as when he called the prospect of prosecuting a female teacher being arrested for lap-dancing in front of a student in a class "deranged," saying, "there's no victim here." In a later segment discussing the same incident, he said the lap dance would be "the greatest thing that ever happened," for most teen boys.[21] Carlson defended a relationship between a 16-year-old boy and his adult teacher, arguing that sex between the two wasn't rape, saying, "It's ludicrous that we are calling this a rape. Are you serious?" "You're this boy, and all of a sudden you're a rape victim? You pursue an older woman, and have a relationship with her, and you're a rape victim?"[22]

"The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let's be honest about it," Carlson said of Jeffs' marriages, before clarifying that he's against the practice. Later, in the 2009 recording, he said, "If a guy wants to be polygamist, that's kind of his business ... I'm just telling you that arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her."[23]

During his short political career, Nathan Larson had the unenviable distinction of belonging to all three groups discussed in this article. A mildly fascistic ("libertarian") and paraphilic MAP, he was shunned by many. Deemed as central to the incel/pedocel movement and peripheral to the MAP Movement in the late 00s and 10s, he is a highly divisive figure among MAPs, due not only to his views on race (advocating for what he termed as "benevolent white supremacy") but because of his misogyny and apparent advocacy for rape, which was likely insincere in part, but to a degree that is rarely agreed upon by most observers. As well as supporting the decriminalization of minor-adult sex, Larson also favored the legalization of child pornography, polygyny, and incest in his 2008 manifesto when he was still running an election to congress.[24] He was against the US Government's foreign interventionism and regime change agenda, and against what he saw as Jewish domination of the American political and financial systems. After being banned from Wikipedia, he then went on to contribute to and found various chat rooms and wikis supporting topics as disparate as inceldom and children's rights. He wound up starving himself to death in a jail cell after being charged with kidnapping and other felonies for bringing a 12-year-old girl as a sign of protest.[25]

Within the manosphere, the view on heterosexual attraction varies wildly, from outright condemnation to the embrace of at least heterosexual hebephilia in various parts of the movement, while other show apathy to it, viewing the issue as peripheral and not worth the trouble. The case of the “pedocel” and advocacy for the lowering of the age of consent to puberty is well documented in the incelosphere.

An example of such embrace comes from James C. Weidmann, founder of the now-defunct pick-up blog Chateau Heartiste, who justifies male attraction to teenage girls as being a natural part of male sexuality:

It is a fact of life that young teenage girls who have developed secondary sexual characteristics are desired by men of all ages, even 90-year-olds. And these exquisite nymphets, in turn, desire older men for their power. These desires are natural and frightening to the keepers of the order. They provoke the envy of the left behind, and so are condemned.[26]

Among masculinist and men’s rights activists (MRAs), the views begins to vary wildly, with past MRAs often being critical of the age of consent and how it disproportionately affects men and fuels the current stigmatization of male heterosexuality in western society and viewing the age of consent largely as part of the many feminist legislation that harms men, although few if any have ever gone to expand their critique beyond their support for hebephilia.[27] Another notable figure within the movement includes the (now deceased) Angry Harry, who has vehemently opposed the NSPCC for its demonization of men and for what he essentially saw an abuse industry in itself,[28][29][30] as well as taking shots at the iatrogenic harm induced by the mainstream media,[31] in particular tabloids. He would also go on to celebrate Michael Jackson’s non-guilty verdict as a victory for men in general over the hysterical and misandrist society.[32]

Another example includes former MRA and current male sexualist Eivind Berge, who calls into question the age of consent and the various laws surrounding it (such as the Rome and Juliet exemptions),[33][34] on the top of defending pedophilia in general (making him exceptional in the manosphere) women-boy relationships that don’t involve actual abuse that are still criminalized due to the equalization of statutes for statutory rape by late feminists,[35] which runs contrary to the condemnatory tone of such matters by the mainstream modern MRAs of the likes of Paul Elam’s AVFM, who instead see the very recent criminalization of woman-boy relationships as another example of misandry and society’s hypocrisy over societal views on child sex abuse when the victims are male. To this day, few prominent MRAs ever criticize the entire concept of an age of consent, let alone.

Such activists include Robert Lindsay and the website Night Wind, who have gone against the current dogmatic American hysteria over adult-teen intimacy and the modernist idea that “kids can’t consent to sex”,[36][37] as well as attacking the recent panic over sexting and its mainstream portrayal as another form of abuse,[38] on the top of levying arguments against the age of consent as being illogical and being ideologically-driven.[39][40]

Pederasty and the right-wing

Despite the idea being seemingly contradictory and subject to humor and derision in mainstream discourse, there is a long history of association between right-wing ideology and homoerotic aesthetics (in particular, pederasty, particularly amongst West European and Japanese fascists, who draw their justifications from their respective ancient cultures.

Past epochs

In the European context, antecedents include ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who in his Phaedrus and Symposium extensively describes the reality of the attraction between people of the same sex (including pederasty), and then in the Laws reject it and condemn it. In the ancient Roman context, pederasty was condensed down to a practice between a more dominant male and a more passive one, to preserve semblances of masculinity. With the exception of Claudius, every Julio-Claudian Roman emperor often “lapsed”, so to speak, into “anti-natural” behavior during their lifetime, or accused of such after their deaths: Julius Caesar nicknamed the “Queen of Bithynia and the wife of all husbands”; Augustus who was called with contempt Octavia; Tiberius who in Capri preferred barely pubescent boys and called them his “little fish”; Bisexual and incestuous Caligula; Nero who castrates his teenage slave Sporus and then crowns him as royal bride. But other emperors weren’t immune to this, with Hadrian and his profound affection for Antinous to the point of deifying the latter being a notable example.[41]

In Asia, the orientalist Leonardo Vittorio Arena points to the promiscuous activities within Buddhist monasteries of the IX century as the origin of codified homosexuality among Japanese samurai, that differs from Greek pederasty in that it’s the young novice that is supposed to take the initiative with the more mature partner. This lineage of homoeroticism that starts from the Buddhist monk-novice relationships to samurai culture, culminates with nationalist author Yukio Mishima and his seppuku (i.e., ritualized suicide) of 1970.[42][43]

Modern era: Neoclassic, romantic, and homoerotic aesthetics


  1. https://fstube.net/w/1QoJyy4rWhp9UCcEhsyqVs
  2. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/07/24/arkansas.evangelist.trial/
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20110104105347/http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/politics/entries/2010/12/01/polygamist_sect_leader_jeffs_a.html
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20210826121314/https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-44613932
  5. Smith, Colin (June 26, 1984). "ACLU: Raid on Sect was Lawless act by Vermont". The Boston Globe. New York Times Company – via Newspapers.com
  6. https://www.unicef.org/lac/en/child-marriage-and-early-unions-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean
  7. https://www.timesofisrael.com/brooklyn-hasidic-rabbi-said-under-investigation-over-alleged-child-marriages/
  8. https://forward.com/news/476631/rabbi-yoel-roth-hasidic-child-marriage-heichel-hakodesh-breslov/
  9. https://vedkabhed.com/index.php/2014/01/03/paedophilia-in-hinduism/
  10. https://fstube.net/w/45SpixTpJLCWdcTosKSCRt
  11. https://fstube.net/w/mzrK12fBhKBzwjfVcK3Bex
  12. https://archive.ph/dkvbY
  13. https://archive.ph/0Jlkp
  14. https://archive.ph/sJ1D4
  15. https://archive.ph/5irUh
  16. https://archive.ph/NYcTs
  17. https://archive.ph/tf1ju
  18. https://fstube.net/w/kuHBXgAno3gjYcSHqdscgn
  19. https://archive.is/VzwkE
  20. https://archive.is/f5psx
  21. https://www.mediamatters.org/video/2014/05/05/foxs-carlson-men-understand-that-getting-sexual/199169
  22. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/tucker-carlson-statutory-rape-whiny
  23. https://www.businessinsider.in/in-past-segments-tucker-carlson-defended-relationships-between-teens-and-adults-and-called-out-samantha-bee-for-saying-c-/articleshow/68365055.cms
  24. https://web.archive.org/web/20180606111002/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2018/06/01/hes-pro-incest-pedophilia-and-rape-hes-also-running-for-congress-from-his-parents-house/
  25. https://www.rawstory.com/nathan-larson/
  26. https://web.archive.org/web/20120205222738/https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/march-2008-comment-winner/
  27. https://archive.ph/oQejZ
  28. https://web.archive.org/web/20111012052601/http://angryharry.com/esDoWeNeedAnAbuseIndustry.htm
  29. https://web.archive.org/web/20111011161725/http://angryharry.com/esNSPCCNeedsToBeStopped.htm
  30. https://web.archive.org/web/20111010185357/http://www.angryharry.com/esNSPCCExposedYetAgain.htm?note
  31. https://avoiceformen.com/featured/how-the-tabloids-encourage-child-abuse/
  32. https://angryharry.mra-archive.com/Michael%20Jackson%20-%20A%20Victory%20for%20Men.htm
  33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BnHZbunBEA
  34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YknytDXqlY
  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q1xp5BXv30
  36. https://beyondhighbrow.com/2023/11/25/age-of-consent-laws-and-adult-teen-sex-then-and-now/
  37. https://beyondhighbrow.com/2023/08/11/the-kids-cant-consent-to-sex-bullshit/
  38. https://beyondhighbrow.com/2023/06/20/underage-girls-doing-sexual-webcamming-are-being-abused/
  39. https://nightwind777.blogspot.com/2023/01/sex-and-scientism.html
  40. https://nightwind777.blogspot.com/2016/09/americas-pornography-culture.html
  41. Marco Fraquelli, Omosessuali di destra, Rubbettino, pag. 98-99.
  42. L.V. Arena Samurai Mondadori 2033
  43. Omosessuali di destra, preface by Giorgio Galli pag. XIII-XIV