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Debate Guide

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Debate Guide is a growing list of arguments and counter arguments for the sexual emancipation of minors and minor attracted adults.

It also functions as centre for advice, links and external debate resources pertaining to these issues and the age of consent.


Introduction to Debate Guide

General Advisory

Starting a Debate

Responding to Arguments

Arguments: Assertive and Defensive

"Minor" Arguments

"Adult" Arguments

"Minor-Attraction" Arguments

Sociological Arguments

This includes constructions of the biological.

Debate Resources


A collection of scientific research and other demonstrative references on matters relevant to minor sexuality.

Links (Debate Guide)

Links that have some relevance to debating the issues contained within the guide.

Links (Fora)

Applicable forums and some examples of debates on the issues covered.

About the Guide

What's new?

Write for us!


History and Credits (Debate Guide)

Newgon.com: Useful Stuff