23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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'''The Virped<ref>The purpose of this essay is not to critique or build a profile the organization, [[Virtuous Pedophiles]], itself an influential and valued part of the community. "Virped" herein refers to the legacy of [[NOMAP]] activism started by others, leading to the formation of Virped, and the emergence of younger NOMAP activists whose philosophy is sometimes at odds with Virped, but still marked by assimilation of moral values on minor-adult sex.</ref> Paradox'''
'''The Virped<ref>The purpose of this essay is not to critique or build a profile the organization, [[Virtuous Pedophiles]], itself an influential and valued part of the community. "Virped" herein refers to the legacy of [[NOMAP]] activism started by others, leading to the formation of Virped, and the emergence of younger NOMAP activists whose philosophy is sometimes at odds with Virped, but still marked by assimilation to moral values on minor-adult sex.</ref> Paradox'''

''Why NOMAP ideology is destined to fail''
''Why NOMAP ideology is destined to fail''

Latest revision as of 21:50, 30 June 2024

Part of NewgonWiki's essay series
on MAPs in the 2020s
♦ Jim Burton ♦
MAPs, Paraphiles and Fascists
MAPs, Zoophiles and Transids
The Virped Paradox
Hamstrung (a case for Anti-c)
Pedophile trolling for beginners [D]

♦ BLueRibbon ♦
The Push

♦ Talix ♦

On "The Trauma Myth"

♦ A.H.J. Dautzenberg ♦
Marthijn, Lesley Uittenbogaard
Category: Minor-attracted people
Template:MAE - This template

Adapted from a BoyChat post.

The Virped[1] Paradox

Why NOMAP ideology is destined to fail

May 04, 2022 ◆ Jim Burton

The anti-choice, medicalist ideology of Virpeds/NOMAPs is fatally flawed, and destined to fail. Their "space" will never be that big tent, under which all boylovers and MAPs may prosper. Let's discuss why.

Fundamental Demographics

Pedophiles are over-represented in today's MAP movement, and exclusivity may be one reason for this. In other words, individuals who find themselves attracted to younger prepubescents are less likely to have secondary attractions to people above the legal age. They are more likely to be exclusively attracted to those below it, and therefore need an accepting community like ours.

However, most (probably over 90% of) MAPs in surveys/phallometric studies of the general population are hebephilic. Hebephiles are bound to see themselves as "bordering on the acceptable", and start lobbying for small changes in Age of Consent laws at the very least. Virped have already been ridiculed for their ignorance of hebephiles, when in a disastrous Twitter thread, they absurdly described Benjamin Britten as a "non-abusing hebephile".

As far as the MAP Community and its composition goes, we are pretty much "all in" on self-loathing, low-AoA pedophiles at this point. If a "MAP Movement" is to grow from this point onward, that growth will not come from one fraction of 1-3% of the male population, but instead from the 20%, hebephiles! Hebephiles who feel they can employ assimilation strategy to get what they want, just like gays once did.


The NOMAP Movement became a "thing" in such a short period of time due to the proliferation of new social media platforms such as Tumblr, various chat clients and Fediverse sites. Therefore, the early MAP Movement was biased towards the views of questioning young MAPs, who used these young platforms. As these youngsters age, and are joined by others, their life experiences will impact upon their ideology. They will become (by and large) more pro-choice, self-accepting and questioning of medical orthodoxy.

Unfashionable and unexciting

The NOMAP Movement employs destigmatization as its exclusive strategy. This is fatally unsexy, and will never attract a critical mass of supporters and legislators. Along with the demographic limitations mentioned above, the best NOMAPs can hope for is to attach themselves to hebephiles and tag along, like boylovers did with the gay movement for some time.


To be successful we need the support of lawmakers and establishmentarians. If their demographics are anything like the general population, they too will be far more hebephilic than they are pedophilic. If they are to change laws, there will have to be something in it for them - and that means a pragmatic pro-choice agenda at the age boundary, not "destigmatizing" the loathed 1-3% of the population. Elites like contentious topics that can be used to distract and divide the populace for decades. Virped medicalism is not in that league, but youth rights and agency for queer kids is where it's at.

Lack of motive

As NOMAPS and Virpeds say, attraction does not equal action. That's true, but do people actually believe this, or would they rather ride the slippery slope? Evidence from social media suggests that the general public are slippery slope fanatics, since they are equally willing to defame Virpeds as child rapists. This is something that even Virpeds will admit themselves. So, one has to ask Virpeds - what exactly is the point of putting on this dog and pony show? Further, what is the motive for NOMAPs? A society in which MAPs (including teen-lovers) are "destigmatized", but always under suspicion and in treatment, is not only a miserable prospect, but one assumes a fundamentally impossible one.

Let's take a step back and war-game the Virped scenario, because I do believe we are looking at something quite fundamentally absurd, here. Virpeds are literally claiming their tiny fraction of society will be able to convince members of the public that pedophiles like them (who accept they are mentally disordered) are not a risk for acting on their "disordered impulses". This is an absurdity without precedent. How realistic would it be for a group of chaste, medicalist NOMAPs representing even 2.5% of men, to successfully shame and invalidate pro-choice Hebephiles, Ephebophiles and Adult Attracted Minors, representing the interests of 25% or more? Who would their allies be?

Human psychology

As well as being open to abuse, the pro/anti-c distinction, and the similarly loaded "NOMAP" are also inaccurate ways of characterizing the fragmentation of our movement. While some extreme pro-c MAPs will not cross the divide (and likewise, most Virpeds), there are large numbers of moderate and some extreme MAPs from either end of the spectrum, who associate freely with one another. The most pronounced splitting of peer groups is actually along the line of self-concept as an MAP. Ego-dystonic MAPs - who truly believe they are suffering from a disorder, are left in a self-excluding group, as they are unwilling to partake in the broader movement. Ego-syntonic MAPs (who are self-accepting, regardless of their contact stance) tend to get along with one another just as well as they did 15 years ago.


NOMAP CSA-assimilationist positions are not supported by the evidence. We have known this for at least 25 years (before NOMAPs were even a thing!), and even with minimal funding, the occasional new study comes out to reconfirm this. For as long as there remains doubt re. the assumed properties of CSA (particularly at the age boundaries), there will be attempts to lobby on this topic, if one assumes that a MAP Movement is at anything close to a functioning size. The temptation is just too great.


If the general public are unwilling to entertain the idea of a non-offensive, non-offending, virtuous MAP, theorists have also found fault with this ideology. In their review of Sarah Goode’s Understanding and Addressing Adult Sexual Attraction to Children, Queer Theorists Richard Yuill and David Elliot (2012) criticize her exclusive destigmatization approach for employing

“stratified, hegemonic narratives on adult-child sexual relationships […] supposedly [presenting] a liberal notion of progressive tolerance” [but ultimately offering nothing more than a dystopian future of suspicion and surveillance.]

I agree with this summation, and would also add that because the Virped “internal struggle” can never represent the mindset of a stable, self-actualized MAP, it is highly unlikely to represent a viable end-point to the personal journey of any such person. Within the context of a social movement, the Virped/NOMAP phase might at best be recalled in good humor, as a useful intermediate calling point at which some unwanted baggage was offloaded from the band wagon. However, to assume that further aspirations will not evolve, or indeed do not already exist would be naive and completely ignorant of past social movements and their roles in challenging and subverting the dominant moral preconcepts.

Where next?

The solution, is quite frankly to accept what is already happening. To let nature run its course; that is to embrace an integrative model. Some of us will be NOMAPs, and some of us will be Yesmaps. Lack of conformity among a group reduces the chance of being seen as a cult - a hivemind, and makes that group more accessible/marketable and likely to grow over time.

We had this nailed down 15 years ago. There was no real fragmentation of our community back then, but zero scale and zero visibility.

As to scale and visibility, we are just getting started now. Today's "willing slave MAPs" are just a teething phase.


  1. The purpose of this essay is not to critique or build a profile the organization, Virtuous Pedophiles, itself an influential and valued part of the community. "Virped" herein refers to the legacy of NOMAP activism started by others, leading to the formation of Virped, and the emergence of younger NOMAP activists whose philosophy is sometimes at odds with Virped, but still marked by assimilation to moral values on minor-adult sex.