Legal information
Although our site is not primarily designed for the purpose of giving legal advice, much of our encyclopedia content can be used in such a way. This page lists the articles that can be used to such effect. Use the subject menu and then scan for content pertinent to your jurisdiction (in bold). If we have no content relating to your jurisdiction, this does not mean that there are no laws in effect.
Child pornography
- Laws - An international perspective on laws governing Child pornography.
- Indecent images of children - In-depth study of British Laws governing "Child Porn".
- Prohibited images of children - Further restrictions against images of children in British law since 2009.
Sexual relationships and contacts
- Age of Consent - present in all jurisdictions (most information in external links, i.e. Wikipedia).
- Statutory Rape - "Rape", involving consenting parties.
- Legal entrapment - International.
- Sex offender registry - Many jurisdictions.
- SOPO - A prevention order on British sex offenders.
- Grooming - A modern legal definition of contact between Adults and Children in some jurisdictions.
- Child Online Protection Act - Restrictions on use (officially unconstitutional and out of effect).
- Sexual Offences Act (2003) - Amends existing legislation governing sexual offences.
- Criminal Justice and Immigration Act - Amends the Protection of Children Act (1978) and the Sexual Offences Act (2003).