23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Todd Nickerson

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Todd Nickerson

Todd Nickerson (born December 23, 1972) is a MAP and self-declared non-offending American Pedophile who has been a member/moderator of online forums such as GirlChat since the 00s. He has also volunteered as a moderator of the Virtuous Pedophiles peer-support group, and advocates NOMAP type positions. Despite his long history in the community, including public advocacy and podcasting, he is most famous for a series of articles published for Salon.com and the controversy they caused on social media.

In September 2015, Salon published an article written by Todd Nickerson about his experiences with being a non-offending pedophile, titled: "I'm a pedophile, but not a monster."[1] This caused controversy at the time, with some commentators considering it "pro-pedophile"[2] and Nickerson himself subject to a "backlash."[3] This article, along with an accompanying video[4] and a follow-up article,[5] was deleted in February 2017, supposedly to protect Salon from accusations of hypocrisy when covering Milo Yiannopoulos' alleged support for pederasty,[2] although Salon Media Group CEO and Salon acting editor-in-chief Jordan Hoffner told New York magazine it was due to unspecified "new editorial policies."[2] A third article by sex researcher Debra Soh defending Nickerson's side is still published as of April 2022.[6]

Todd Nickerson ran a Twitter account at @ToddNickerson1, which has since been suspended after topping out at almost 2,000 followers in 2019.[7]

In 2021, Nickerson co-designed the logo for an Anti-contact Pediverse instance.[8]

Conflict with the community

In 2006, Nickerson caused controversy among the community at GirlChat for his role as treasurer in an effort to collect donations for the charity Save the Children. Over $1,000 USD collected from site members and sent to the charity was returned by mail to Nickerson, along with a demand to remove any mention of the charity from the website Puellula which sponsored the campaign. Against the wishes of donors and site members, Nickerson cashed the check for the returned funds and claimed he donated the money anonymously to another charity, but refused to offer any further details.[9][10][11] The suspicion among many GirlChat members was that Nickerson had stolen the money for himself; he further aroused suspicion shortly after when he made mention of a new computer monitor he had bought in the site's chatroom.[12] Nickerson later claimed he had received a phone call from someone claiming to be with the FBI threatening to "frame [him] with child porn" over the fundraising campaign.[13] This incident, along with another wherein Nickerson threatened to out another GirlChat member, led to him being banned from the website's chatroom.[14] He's since referred in interviews to the website where the controversy took place as an "unhealthy paedophile forum" for largely rejecting his recent anti-c stance.[3]

External links
