23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

John P. De Cecco

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John Paul De Cecco (April 18, 1925 – November 2, 2017) was an American academic. He was a professor of psychology at San Francisco State University (SFSU), a member of the editorial board of Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia (1987-1995), and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Homosexuality from 1975 to 2009, which published many non-sensationalist articles about topics relating to age and age-disparate relationships. This included a 1990 special issue on boylove under the title Male intergenerational intimacy, with guest editors Theo Sandfort, Edward Brongersma and Alex Van Naerssen, which remains as one of the most important scholarly works on the topic. De Cecco co-founded the Center for Homosexual Education, Evaluation and Research (CHEER) at SFSU in 1975, and a member of the Gay Activists Alliance and a "member and sponsor" of the GLBT Historical Society. His university obituary described him as a "pioneer of sexuality studies", and stated that he was:

a staunch (even strident) advocate of sexual and social justice and spent the majority of his career righting the wrongs done to sexual minorities. He believed strongly in academic freedom and took unpopular stances both in the classroom and in his own academic work to advance the rights of those who were outside of societal sexual norms. He never backed away from controversy and was unflinching in his convictions. (University obituary in Wind City Times).[1]

Minor attraction and the journal of homosexuality

Under De Cecco's editorial lead, many significant publications relevant to MAPs and other sexual minorities were published. Examples include: Tindall's study of loved boys that grow to be heterosexuals (1978)[2], Jones' bibliographical survey of pederasty (1982)[3], Sandfort's article on pedophilia and the gay movement (1986)[4], and Harris Mirkin's articles on pedophile politics (1999)[5] and the social construction of child pornography (2009)[6], Graupner's work on the Age of Consent (1999).[7] Other relevant articles include C.K. Li's community sample study of self-identified pedophiles (1991)[8] Donald Mader's article on Uranian homosexuality (2005)[9], and James Hunter's ‘The Political use and abuse of the “pedophile” (2008).[10]

In the academic journal Sexualities (founded by MAP ally Ken Plummer), after being informed by Dr. Richard Yuill, PhD independent scholar Dean Durber summarized how Haworth Press - the publisher of the Journal of Homosexuality - censored a planned journal issue on pederasty which was to contain a lengthy article by psychologist Bruce Rind, with responses from other academics. While In short, De Cecco had editorial privileges and wanted the issue to be published, but his decision was undercut by the journal's publisher.[11] Durber wrote:

It was to include a chapter – ‘Pederasty: An Integration of Cross-Cultural, Cross-Species, and Empirical Data’ – written by Bruce Rind, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Temple University. In his abstract for this proposed chapter, Rind makes the claim that ‘empirical data show that pederasty is not only not predestined to injure, but can benefit the adolescent when practiced according to the ancient Greek form’ (Rind, 2005). Such an assertion challenges the current dominant narrative that speaks loudly of the abuse involved in all sexual relationships between adults and children. (p. 487).

In response to this censorship, most of the planned articles saw publication 2013 in a separate book: Censoring Sex Research: The Debate Over Male Intergenerational Relationships, ed. by Thomas Hubbard and Beert Verstraete (Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2013).

De Cecco and Paidika

[To be updated soon]

  1. San Francisco State University (2017). PASSAGES: John Paul De Cecco, pioneer of sexuality studies, dies at 92. Wind City Times.
  2. Ralph Tindall, ‘The Male Adolescent Involved With a Pederast Becomes an Adult’, in Journal of Homosexuality, 3:4 (1978), 373-382 <https://doi.org/10.1300/J082v03n04_05>
  3. Gerald P. Jones. (1982). The Social Study of Pederasty:, Journal of Homosexuality, 8:1, 61-96.
  4. Theo Sandfort, ‘Pedophilia and the Gay Movement’, (1987), https://doi.org/10.1300/J082v13n02_08
  5. Mirkin (1999). The Pattern of Sexual Politics: Feminism, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, J.Homosexuality, Vol. 37, No. 2.
  6. Harris Mirkin, ‘The Social, Political, and Legal Construction of the Concept of Child Pornography’, in Journal of Homosexuality, 56:2 (2009), 233-267, <https://doi.org/10.1080/00918360802623198>
  7. Helmut Graupner, ‘Love versus abuse: Crossgenerational sexual relations of minors — A gay rights issue?’, in Journal of Homosexuality, 37:4 (1999), 23-56.
  8. Chin-Keung Li, "The Main Thing Is Being Wanted": Some Case Studies on Adult Sexual Experiences with Children’, in Journal of Homosexuality, 20:1-2, (1991) 129-143, <DOI: 10.1300/J082v20n01_09>
  9. "The Greek Mirror: the Uranians and their use of Greece," Journal of Homosexuality 49, nos. 3/4 (2005): 377-420.
  10. James Hunter, ‘The Political use and abuse of the “pedophile”, in Journal of Homosexuality, 55:3 (2008), 350-387.
  11. Dean Durber Haworth’s End to the Pederasty Debate, in Sexualities, Vol 9(4): 487–492 DOI: 10.1177/1363460706068046