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Proship or proshipper, is a term used in online fandom spaces, primarily in reference to lolicon and other erotic fiction. It is used to describe someone who refuses to harass or shame others for their fictional preferences, regardless of their own gut reaction to the content of said fiction.

Relevance to MAPs

See Lolicon-MAP Equivalence Debate.

For ego-syntonic MAPs and their allies, the term "proship" has potentially negative connotations, due to the tendency of proshippers to engage in Validity Policing against MAPs. Oftentimes, this is based upon reaction formation (i.e. the proshipper is often a lolicon themselves and a repressed/distracted MAP). MAPs engaging regularly with proshippers online are likely to be highly familiar with the Lolicon-MAP Equivalence Debate - a trivial philosophical debate widely understood to be unresolvable, invisible to outsiders and a waste of resources. MAPs have coined the term "ironic lolicon" to refer to individuals with marked proximity to drawn child erotica, who are not self-accepting MAPs and use various justifications such as being "attracted to fiction" or quasi-human "aesthetics".